Commodification of Everything Except Our Dreams: 2008 is The Year I Woke Up

in #dreams8 years ago

In 2008, I started to wake up. 2011 was the year I really woke up hardcore and began to regain my critical thinking skills.

I started talking to people around the world about jobs, our value as human beings and the meaning of our modern lives. I worked in many corporate environments, and I always just started feeling like a refillable lighter after a while. I worked every job imaginable, thinking one day I would find some fulfillment. None of those jobs working at companies fulfilled me. So, finding a place like the Steem blockchain was exactly what I had been missing.

I try to have the abundance mindset, and I sometimes act from dreams. I made a pact with my imagination many years ago....basically it goes like this: if i have a strong feeling or desire, and an image, plan or creative impulse comes to me, I let it describe itself. After it has revealed itself to me, I must act upon it. This is the main reason I no longer have any sort of writer's block. I am given a continual stream of ideas, some bad, some ok, very few good. I go ahead and do them all, without a lot of judgement of myself. I figure others will let me know which ideas are better than others.

Most of the posts that people tend to like take very little time for me to write. In fact, the last one I wrote took hardly any effort whatsoever. I do no editing, and most of what i write has been stirring up inside me for days prior to writing. That is why I don't consider writing to be anything at all. It is thinking which is of absolute importance. And more important than that is the ability to access the deepest recesses of one's mind and subconscious.

Our imaginations contain the last vestiges of humanity that have not yet been commodified.

Ideas are abundant, just like the walnuts on trees. Each year the giant walnut tree behind our house creates hundreds of walnuts, many of which never get eaten. Ideas are the same thing. Our minds naturally produce all kinds of interesting ideas, some good, most bad, and some great. Only a person accustomed to the daily sifting of these mind products will be able to figure out which ones are worth tending to. Even then, it helps if others select them for us. That's why I am a daily blogger, and have been for nearly two years straight. Writing is a way to sort out this constant stream of ideas that have no beginning and will end only when I am dead, or incapacitated.

Those nagging dreams, ideas and fleeting creative impulses are the lifeblood of humanity. Everything else is a giant distraction away from your authentic self.

Human beings are not meant to do the same task over and over again. Let machines do that, while we help to build something worth living for.

Dreams are still not monetized by Facebook. Memories are already outsourced, but dreams belong to something else. I wonder if there will be a day where dreams are somehow fused with VR.

I started creating videos in 2008 on YouTube....I'll be using DTube's hard to break a habit.

I stayed up all night again. I am thinking that my own awakening which truly started in 2008, is somehow intertwined with the birth of Bitcoin. 2008 was the year I began to realize I would soon lose everything, which I did.

But losing everything connected me to 90% of the world. I will never forget the feeling of having nothing. In fact, all of us could lose it all again and probably be ok as long as we have a connection to the abundant stream of ideas inside and a group of supportive tribe members to help us when we fall.

The spammers, scammers and plagiarists won't have that luxury, since they steal the mind gems of others. I just found a dude who had copied my entire article, Steemit is a Test. He made $3 off my work. I have flagged him. It's sad to find it. Not sad for me, sad for him, thinking he has nothing inside to offer, but instead copies my work in an attempt to make a few bucks. Not only did he make $0 (now), but I feel bad that he feels he has zero to offer in the way of thoughts, ideas.

Sometimes I do wonder if the world is ready for Steem. If it's not, then we all have wasted our dreams together.



"Human beings are not meant to do the same task over and over again"
"Dreams are still not monetized by Facebook. Memories are already outsourced, but dreams belong to something else"
"But losing everything connected me to 90% of the world. I will never forget the feeling of having nothing. In fact, all of us could lose it all again and probably be ok as long as we have a connection to the abundant stream of ideas inside and a group of supportive tribe members to help us when we fall"

1-the meaning of our life. If we go through our lives without purpose then where we going!! what is the value of our lives? Our lifetime goals shouldn't be materialistic and dependent on things. we're able to get the things we want it's a not a problem when we lose them we can back up again, but when we lose our lives it's too hard to get it back. following the usual terrible life system includes a stable career and a family life.
2-Dreams are something you are just thinking about,You have act upon those thoughts otherwise they would still meaningless. Some people tend to dream about something forever that's truly pathetic.dreams are imaginary, endless and free on the other hand goals based on reality, have a cost and have deadlines.
3-it's all about how we visualize ourselves in the inside that what make a difference. the feeling of having nothing in the outside could never defeat you if you're satisfied in the inside.
in fact all of this point I made a short post 4 days ago especially to write about them and those insights are from the post. I asked a question and tried to answer it "what do you want your life to mean" I wrote this post because am really want to speak my mind and transfer what I feel into words. it's original content not plagiarized.
"I feel bad that he feels he has zero to offer in the way of thoughts, ideas." totally agree with you " I don't care that they stole my Idea I care that they don't have any of their own" nikola tesla Awesomely Awesome. great inspirational content from a great blogger @stellabelle . let me add my insight on every point you mentioned.

I believe that if I had not read Tesla's autobiography, I might not have found steem when I did. That book had a profound effect on the way I think.

I love to read about mathematicians and physicists, I read a lot about tesla, but am not read this book. I think I have to read it.

We live in a world where the elites have become so powerful they have created ideologies to protect their own profits and people support them.

We as you said are just numbers and with our current system and hierarchal structures lead the masses at the bottom to just be chess pieces for the people at the top.

Collaborative Commons is the future where we can all help each other and make a more equal and just world and steemit and the blockchain is just the start of this.

Rather than us doing mechanistic tasks, I prefer blogging and writing about what I enjoy. The mind has an abundance of glory which is ambiguous and eccentric. A place where uniqueness is bred and not accustomed to restraints and confinements.

That is why I hope steemit works out in the end so I can pursue what I love rather than conforming to the unyielding conventional jobs of the world.

One truly amazing video @stellabelle

I think people fail to grasp why Steem was invented......Dan was in the same bitcointalk forum as Satoshi Nakamoto. He was aware of the fact that Bitcoin mining is super wasteful of energy, plus computers are doing the computations, not human minds. This system was devised to have human minds do the mining, while the people in here decided what was of value.
yeah, I can see you're completely dedicated to this platform, and i see passionate people all over, among the bins of mainstream greed buckets, that don't yet have an awareness of their own minds.

In 6 years, my most thought-provoking videos, in which i discuss things like this, on youtube this only got 94 views. I think maybe i was talking about future events, and perhaps people are not used to discussing these things....Steemit allows for these past ideas of mine to come to light....I always just created what i wanted, because i saw art and expression as the last thing that no one could take away from me.

Very inspiring words! But a very sad note to end with... Maybe I'm too naive, but I can't agree with that last sentence... I think many people are indeed not ready for this, but how could that mean we waste our dreams?

Dreams cannot be wasted, they can be realized, but not wasted. Makes me think of Martin Luther King's dream, sadly there is still racism in this world, but is his dream wasted?

Keep your dreams alive!

I love your idea of daily blogging to sort through the mess. I feel like it's something I need to start doing as well, there's so much guff battering around up there that it's hard to sort the good from the bad. And it would be wonderful if some of the spammers and plagiarisers started truly sharing on here. I don't think I'm very good at what I'm doing on here either but I'm trying to post things that are at least written in my own words. And I think that's the most important thing.

I suspect part of the problem is language barrier, hopefully as Steemit becomes big enough to host communities of different language groups people will be more forthcoming with their own content. Right now I'm guessing the major earner is still English language articles and that will be an issue for a lot of people.

You just perfectly described exactly how I feel. I love having all sorts of ideas just come to mind. It just flows like a river. I can't stop it. I don't want to stop it. It makes me happy!! I'm not unhappy at work. I deal with great people everyday however this is different... it's like it's what I was meant to be doing. I don't mind working at it. In fact, I love working at it. It's fun, it keeps my brain alive and makes me a better me than I was. The part about our dreams and idea's that haven't been commodified yet, well, that can create sooo much opportunity for so many people right here on this platform :):) As always, great work :):)

Gosh. You know I was actually thinking away to myself today about the scammers on here, and that I'd actually really like to know their story, where they're from & what their thoughts are. I imagine (not all and I could be wrong) are in survival mode, from this ugly man made thing called poverty. It's the reason they came to Steemit isn't it? Look at the destruction caused by the greed & "Need" for money? It seems like there's such a huge battle going on internally & externally and some people just can not imagine a life outside the system. There is nothing natural about the systems currently in place. Shedding old skin is never easy but it is always worth it. Oh god i think about this stuff almost all day every day. I love this post! Good hearing your friends thoughts too 💫

I am interested in the scammers' stories too. If they would tell their real story, imagine what that could be like? Honesty takes a while to bloom though. I am not optimistic in this regard as I have seen many scammers after they are caught, continue scamming. But steem is weird because no one can be banned. It's a bit scary, on a few levels, if you know what i mean.

I am thinking that my own awakening which truly started in 2008, is somehow intertwined with the birth of Bitcoin. 2008 was the year I began to realize I would soon lose everything, which I did.

The 2008 financial crisis changed everything. There's a great podcast in which the co-author of The Fourth Turning talks about how it marked the beginning of the dramatic Turning that we are now halfway through.

My last message to you made me realize what I fear: the world is not yet ready for Steemit: too much people are afraid to love, afraid to give, afraid to be true and honest … Even a reaction to messages has become difficult for lot of people … Many people see themselves as the center of the world … Is there hope ? I want to believe there is, but right now I don’t see it. Why so much suffering ?

Human consciousness is at a very low level right now. This is of course related to the hierarchy of needs. Very few people on earth have enough resources, so they are in a state of suffering. They see others making money in here, and they copy for they don't know themselves. They have neglected their souls. I see this as the main problem. It is hard to earn in here without becoming oneself, fully.

Like you, I wonder sometimes if the world is ready for Steemit: spammers, plagiarists, greedy posts and we can go on ...
Is there really hope for a better future of is it an illusion ?

hy stellabelle,,salam dri itikna,moga sukses selalu,,,

It is sad! Unfortunately we began to come across such negative facts more and more often. I don't want to Steemit died. I don't want to lose it all.

The steem blockchain is like a dream place for many of us :) I like how you described ideas. I know how it feels when somebody steals your work. Many people copyed my video and got even 1.5 million views on it. But it only shows that your work is so good that is worth stealing. I wish your dreams come true! :)

yeah, imitation is still the best form of flattery.

which video?

Thanks for sharing i think in any loss we are being given an opportunity to try and explore the endless possibilies that we can create ourselves, its just scary at times getting out from our comfort zones, i guess its only fear that holds us back to what we may become

Maybe find a focus for your blogging and you will feel better purpose. I have been fighting for the (now) 7 out of 10 Americans who are obese and overweight since about 2011. I started blogging long before that on topics I was not passionate about. Finding my burning drive has helped me a lot when times are rough.

I've also lost my "stuff" at least 20 times now since I was a kid and now just don't acquire much so I don't miss it when it's gone. I think it's all about the personal connections. I'm not too worried about the one misguided soul who took something. I've got my eye out for the next person I can help.

When I look at what is important to me throughout my life - it's always small random moments with people that did not seem to matter at the time. I may never see that person again but I have a piece of them to keep always. I feel like I get those moments here at steemit and I'm really grateful for that.

I was not talking about losing my stuff. I was talking about losing all my money, with the recession, and basically the only thing that kept me alive was my family, food stamps, and my own survival instincts.

Me too - many times I have been with close to zero money for extended periods of time - the most recent 5 or so years included. I was a teenage runaway so I know you can live without it. I also had a few broke years in Appalachia where money is not expected from anyone.

I did have food stamps once or twice but mostly I trade for room and board. I can't get too interested in money - to my detriment, I am sure :) So far, I just keep going on in spite of it all.

Sometimes I make good money, but looking back the broke times have always been the best for me even with the difficulties. Usually poor people will help you the most and I have a lot of good memories of those times and people.

@fitinfun you are a cool person .. glad to know you.. I believe many have struggled in here and have the intellect with the knowing they are now thriving.. thanks for sharing that story in your comments.. @stellabelle has helped me a lot through reading her thoughts.. I believe everyone in Steemit has something to offer. Great we can stop the people stealing or at least make others aware of it.. time to make chai.

This is a very inspirational place for sure. Not quite the tsu experience, but I think I will keep at it :)

100% upvote. Thanks for sharing your dreams and the motivational energy behind. Greetings from Austria!

@stellabelle...this is so motivating and inspiring. The best part that gave a kinda reassurance is:

"But losing everything connected me to 90% of the world. I will never forget the feeling of having nothing. In fact, all of us could lose it all again and probably be ok as long as we have a connection to the abundant stream of ideas inside and a group of supportive tribe members to help us when we fall."

You're so damn right! Thanks for sharing this awesome piece...


Wonderful post! I re-read it just to make sure that I didn't miss anything.

I just found a dude who had copied my entire article, Steemit is a Test.

I can imagine what you must have felt, but the silver lining to it is that only the best content is copied.

Not only did he make $0 (now), but I feel bad that he feels he has zero to offer in the way of thoughts, ideas.

Everyone is good at something, maybe he has not discovered it yet perhaps?

Sometimes I do wonder if the world is ready for Steem.

It is time!

Writers remain to be writers; bloggers remains to be bloggers. We are born for a purpose and for you @stellabelle, your purpose is to share your ideas to become an inspiration to us, beginners. You're one of my idol here ever since I entered steemit. Your blogs are interesting; you never fail us.

This world is divided into two types of people

  1. Who produces their own content
  2. Who copy others content.

This will continue and we cannot do anything about it.
What we can do is to motivate and support the ones with originality and block the spammers.

Is this you in the video ?

You have a beautiful way of thinking. I like it. Keep the stories coming. GL

When you start conversating with people ,surely you will find some way . Good stuff.
Thanks for sharing

I love this @stellabelle 🙏🏽 So glad you are here in steemit.

More exposure would prepare the world for Steem. We are a very young breed. Little by little, bit by bit, the world will adapt. It always will do.

Now the question is, is Steem ready for the world?

I actually make a lot of dreams which eventually I re-created them on the dishes that i prepare!
Each and every one of my posts are just one of a kind, i just like keeping on creating new food everyday!

I concur with your thoughts on blogging every day, that it is a way to sort out this constant stream of ideas.

Since I started to do so regularly here on Steemit, it has really helped me to massage my thoughts into shape and commit them to writing. It has be an interesting, challenging exercises, that is proving very productive. I realised, I building a great resource of my own thoughts to draw upon later to build into something much bigger and more cohesive, say perhaps a book.

A further upside, is I am engaging in interesting dialogues and making new friends and contacts.

i like your channel and follow
please upvote, follow my channel and comments

I loved this article. Especially this line:
"Those nagging dreams, ideas and fleeting creative impulses are the lifeblood of humanity. Everything else is a giant distraction away from your authentic self."
Keep living your Truth, and thank you for sharing!
btw to the plagiarism remember, its the "highest form of flattery" ;) jokes aside glad you caught it!

Even if the world is not ready for Steem , it should prepare itself for an expansion , this will be big and I know it .

I was never a fan of writing and expressing my feelings and ideas until I reached this platform where I am not judged for anything that I wrote but actually encouraged to write more . I know people come with different purposes , and it's all dreams that people want to make come to a reality . Steem gives a sense of hope even to the ones that have none left .

It has given people the ability to connect with other individuals , and ideas from all around the world . Who knew strangers could become such good friends , we are able to educate one another on news , ideas and what not . This platform is for sure a game changer .

Rinai rain wet me
Accompany the quiet settling
When I remember you
And all that sweet moment
Everything is like a dream
I live my own life
If time changes
I still will not change
I always happy
when it rains
Because I can remember you
For myself ooohhh
There is always a story
Stored in my heart
About you and the rain
About our love
That flows like water
I always happy
when it rains
Because I can remember you
For myself ooohhh
I can smile all day
Because the rain once held you here
For me ooohhh ...

you have no idea how much this article just motivated my mindset thanks for this,and i believe i will achieve my own goals too someday thank you once again

Love the 'refillable lighter' analogy. Sounds like the lighter finally set the whole place on fire :)
Personally, the 'loss' of stuff - exterior belongings and material possessions - the rightly called "trappings" of an externally imposed success model, was incredibly liberating. It was quite literally as if a huge weight of 1000s of distractions had been lifted from me. I felt free.
The real loss is the loss of self, which you talk about about.. the loss of personal sovereignty, liberty, respect, dignity.. all the things that make us uniquely unique.
I'm no saint, I loved Napster when it came along, I've hijacked movies, songs, ebooks..anything I can lay my hands on, and by the Law of Karma or the Golden Rule possibly, my self-created content has likewise been hijacked, copied, pirated etc... I see it as a fair swap. Either they are people who can't afford to pay (been there) or will never pay. Either way, so what? I choose to move on.
3 'types' - Creator - Curator - Consumer. I believe this forms a circle, the self-feeding snake eating it's own tale... the poor old snake got demonised by the 'elites' - before the Fall, the snake was a symbol of eternal life (shedding it's skin and beginning life anew) wisdom and health.
Glad to read you are standing up to the 'hijackers' and reclaiming your sovereignty. It shows :)

I've still got to develop my hidden dormant writing skills. Writing the way you write is on top of my list :) Keep writing and keep up the good work.
Also...the fact that you will be joining Dtube soon made me do the happydance lol

The world wasn't ready for fire either. All tech has constructive and destructive uses.

Let's support those who harness the power of steem to improve the world and ignore those who would bring us down.

Part of the ignoring process could be flagging to take back ill gotten gains and greying out posts and comments making them easier to ignore for others. There are a ton of good posts I find here everyday and it helps to have some of the destructive posts prescreened to I don't waste time on them.

Thanks for your anti-spam efforts!

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nice info.thanks for sharing your experience.

Act on your greatest excitement, right? It sound like you write and create that way.

You are right about how everything is commodified. Subcultures that originally stand for something are subverted and carved up to be repackaged and sold. Hippies, punk and hip hop and so many more. Even various causes and movements are used in this way, at Pepsi commercial last year that was luckily pulled, fake organic foods, couchsurfing became airbnb....

But there is no way this is all wasted! We are inspiring each other and waking each other up to different realities, finding consensus and merging realities, planting new walnut trees together. If steemit went down tomorrow, I'd find you and so many others on other social media and start brainstorming where to go from there. The seeds are already bein down, This ball is already moving.

I like this guy too, is he on steemit?