Dream Diary - Being hypnotised

in #dreamslast year

I had this dream last week and it haunts me to this day. Most of my dreams are about the same thing or similar. I do get a lot of recurring dreams with a small change, like being at a previous job but something else happening. This dream however, is completely different and it came out of the blue. I guess that's what makes this memorable, possibly for the wrong reasons.


Courtesy of YouTube

I was walking through an exhibition centre with my husband and I came across a stall where they were making people look like they were on another planet or have done drugs. There was a lot of crazy neon lights moving and one person who was under the spell had their feet firmly on they ground, but they were leaning so far forward and their eyes were huge! My husband said I should have a go. I went up and the woman took my bag and there I was, at the front of the stall. I don't know what happened to me, but there I was. Feet stuck to the ground, body leaning forward and eyes like saucers! I saw all the lights around me and I felt like I was under a spell. I could see and feel what was happening, but I couldn't hear anything. it was like I was in my own dream world and nothing else or anyone was around me. I do remember feeling very happy. Big, wide eyes and the same with my smile. Then it stopped and everything was back to normal. I asked the woman for my bag. She gave me a black bag that supposedly had my handbag in it. It did not! It had someone else's clothes in there and my handbag and purse was nowhere to be seen. I went back and I started screaming saying I wanted my bag back. I managed to grab it from behind the scenes, but I was absolutely fuming. This woman had the audacity to ask me for my purse!! 'Hell no!!!" I got into a fight with the woman. We were fighting like superheroes and villains. Eventually I managed to get away and that's all I remember.

When I told my husband my dream, he said I seemed to have had a lot of dreams where I am fighting. Thing is, I don't remember any dreams where I have got into a fight. I must have told him though for him to say that. Anyway, I haven't been sleeping well for weeks and I guess my body and mind has gone into some sort of state for me to have these way out there dreams.


This is serious, for some people they will tell you to work on your mind to know why you keep having such kind of dreams

Thing is, I don't have any worries so I can't understand why I have such crazy, random dreams. 😳