Surprise Drink, Yeeees {EN/ES} Traguito Sorpresa, Siii

in #drinks8 months ago

How nice it is to visit a friend's house and find a huge party in the street, it's like the birthday you weren't invited to and you fall on top or like when you receive an unexpected gift. It turns out that this weekend I went to visit a friend's house. He sent me a message and said -are you out of your mind? come on over. So I grabbed my stuff and went over there. He lives in Nuñez, a very well known neighborhood in the city of Buenos Aires and where a part that used to be a hostile place, where people didn't want to go or if they went there it was only during the day because at night it was dangerous, a few years ago it is now a place where everyone wants to go because today Chinatown is all new, for locals and tourists. So I went by his house and when I rang the doorbell he came down, but when I tried to go in he stopped me and said, I'll buy you a drink. So we went for a drink.

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This is the neighboring bar we always go to. It's less cool.

We headed to Chinatown and when we arrived there were a lot of people, more than usual for that neighborhood on a normal weekend day. Luckily we didn't have to go to where the crowd was so we just had to go feel them in our usual bar and go to the bar to get something. Even though there were a lot of people on the bench in front of the bar we had a really good place to sit and we enjoyed ourselves there a lot. Chatting with the guys at the bar they told us that it was very crowded because there was a Chinese New Year celebration or something like that, so they had come from all over to look around and another little bit because they said there were going to be celebrations and some kind of activity.

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The bar where we sat down to have a drink is called Copetín. It is a very simple place like all the others there because they are mini bars or resto. The idea is to shop and hang around, not to sit inside or anything like that, but what I like about this place is that it doesn't have 200 things to drink or eat. In the photo you can actually see a black sign hanging in front of the place, that's all they offer. Of everything on the list 5 are drinks (tinto de verano, lager, cider, vermouth and lemonade) all very simple nothing very elaborate, but all are rich. the meals the truth never ate there for now. and it is for a simple reason.

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Next door you have two very good places, or had. One is Orei, one of the best ramen in caba and Pony, which was a very nice Italian style pizzeria but they closed it, I found out on Saturday. The guys who serve you as we go there often already know us and serve us very well and sometimes they give us a drink and we have a lot of fun. We end up talking to each other almost as if we were friends even if we don't know each other well enough.

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We had a great afternoon and refreshed ourselves with some nice drinks while we watched the people passing by and then we snuck out to see some festivities.

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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Que lindo es ir de visita a lo de un amigo y encontrarse con tremenda fiesta en la calle, es como el cumpleaños al que no te invitaron y caes de arriba o como cuando recibis un regalo inesperado. Resulta que este finde fui a visitar a un amigo a la casa. Me tiró un mensaje y me dijo -estas al pedo? venite!. Así es que agarre mis cosas y me fui para allá. Vive por Nuñez un barrio muy conocido de la ciudad de Buenos Aires y en donde una parte que antes era un lugar hostil, en donde la gente no quería ir o si andaba por ahí era de dia nomas porque de noche se ponía peligroso hace unos años ya es un lugar a donde todo el mundo quiere ir porque Barrio Chino hoy es todo novedad, para locales y turistas. Así es que pase por su casa y cuando le toco timbre baja, pero cuando quiero amago a entrar me frena y me dice, te invito a tomar algo. Entonces nos fuimos a tomar algo.

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Este es el bar vecino al que vamos siempre. Menos onda tiene

Encaramos el barrio chino y cuando llegamos había mucha gente, más de lo acostumbrado para ese barrio un día normal de fin de semana. Por suerte nosotros no teníamos que ir para donde estaba la multitud asique solamente tuvimos que ir a sentirlas en nuestro bar que de costumbre solemos ir e ir a la barra a buscar algo. A pesar de haber mucha gente en el banco frente al bar teníamos un lugar recontra bueno para sentarnos y nos quedamos disfrutando ahí un montón. Charlando con los chicos del bar nos contaron que estaba muy lleno porque había un festejo de año nuevo chino o algo así, entonces habían ido de todos lados a curiosear y otro poco porque se decía que iba a haber festejos y como algún tipo de actividad.

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En el bar donde nosotros nos sentamos a tomar una copa se llama Copetín. Es un lugar bien simple como todos ahí porque son mini bares o resto. La idea es comprar y quedarte por ahí, no sentarte adentro ni parecido, pero lo que me gusta de este lugar que no tiene 200 cosas para tomar ni para comer. En la foto de hecho se peude ver un cartel negro que esta colgado al frente eso es todo lo que ofrecen. De todo lo que está en la lista 5 son bebidas (tinto de verano, lager, sidra, vermut y limonada) todas muy simples nada muy elaborado, pero todas son ricas. las comidas la verdad nunca comimos ahí por ahora. y es por un simple motivo.

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Al lado tiene dos lugares muy buenos, o tenía. Uno es Orei, uno de los mejores ramen de caba y Pony, que era una pizzería muy rica estilo italiana pero la cerraron, me enteré el sábado. Los chicos que te atienden como vamos seguido ya nos conocen y nos atienden muy bien y a veces nos regalan alguna copa y nos divertimos mucho. Terminamos hablando entre todos casi como si fuéramos amigos aun sin conocernos lo suficiente.

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La verdad pasamos una tarde genial y nos refrescamos bastante con unas copas ricas mientras veíamos la gente pasar y después nos escabullimos para ver algún festejo.

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I just can't believe I forgot to go to the Gym again yesterday.
That's six years in a row now.

Credit: reddit
@losmoros, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of phillarecette


Hahaha 🤣

Unexpected celebrations are some of the best unplanned experiences one can enjoy! Happy to see so much fun and joy!

Yes for me are some of the best experience. Thanks for read and comment @gabrielatravels

The pleasure was all mine! Have a lovely day!

Most people enjoy unexpected events, they tend to have good and memorable experiences.

Its completely true. But for me the really thing is share

I need a getaway like this, feel so caged so often, I need to see more of life

Where are you from my friend? Lets go for a beer

Much appreciated 🙂 I am in Nigeria


@losmoros! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ cryptoyzzy. (9/10)

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I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places.
He told me to stop going to those places.

Credit: benthomaswwd
@losmoros, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptoyzzy

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