Should America try socialism? Should America try MORE socialism? This woman had no idea what she was walking into here.
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Yeah its a real shame how many people take freedoms here for granted and dont understand they are slowly being taken away from under them.
Too true, but i think more like freedoms are being denied gradually but exponentially than taken away. We just gotta try to grab em back ;)
Central banking - by design - stops any possibility of free market capitalism.
It would be great to see a truly free market!
(my hope with crypto - if it isn't hijacked by the powers that be)
They can't hijack it, they can only attempt to intimidate!
An enemy with 200 years of wealth accumulation, technological insights years before the 'population', and megalomaniac ego that won't surrender....
I have my doubts . I also hope I am very seriously wrong.
When things are too easy, there tends to be a reason why...
Its like a car door. I can take a hammer smash it and it will dent but not break the first time. I do it on numerous occasions and eventually a fatal blow will be struck to that door every dent weakens it structurally.
Every dent will help to break it fully.
well i dont agree totally with you ! they can't hijack it |TRUE| ,, but what about hackers ? they are stealing from every sophisticated system out there ?
The blochchain uses a P2P network to avoid the impact of hackers. There is no one central thing that can be hacked.
I'm curious where you think the btc miners got their tech and the money for it.
What's interesting, I guess, is that the second and third generation blockchains are much less about creating a massive resource race to maintain their integrity. So while BTC may be increasingly centralizing, the leading edge of the technology space is not really playing along.
We will never see a truly free-market. They want a free-market until they need help from the government being bailed out. The elites get more handouts and assistance than anyone else, it's REVERSE socialism.
40 years of bigger government, welfare, health and pensions, IS the socialism that we had. (quietly).
The elites sucking the wealth is the final destination socialism.
Totalitarian rule come next.... unless stopped of course.
Trust and monopolies in general prevent a free market. Really socialism sin't social democracy, historically socialism is a state without a Constitution. Liberal European countries like Greenland, or Denmark aren't socials but social democracies and they identify as such. I think crypos like IOTA and Streamr are the future, streaming of live IoT data will be like trying to heard cats for the state but its possible for Trust and monopolies to control tokens and hijack us with transaction fees and transaction taxes if its not distributed property.
Monopolies exist only with gvmnt/regulatory collusion.
They don't prevent a free market, they are result of a free market being corrupted.
...just sayin'
Any evidence to that statement?
i.e. Can you point to a historical regulation that created the foundation for past monopolies?
Governments are the foundation.
The regulations follow - through governments
Thank you my Brother for speaking some truth to the people! Lets go Crypto!
ok.. Great idea
Central banks and also the worry of some countries becoming intimidated by cryptos, and banning them. They are red-hot in South Korea and spreading through Asia, I hope here to stay!!
I prefer Anarchism myself. Though with the amount of imperialism in the capitalist economy of America we treat corporate entities with more rights then an actual breathing person. And as our rights are slowly being taken away(which was warned about more then almost twenty years ago now) it's becoming like a facist Government police state which isn't what the American revolution stood for. If things continue America will become a communist country which is not what we the people or leaders past intended to occur and warned of such.
Look at the corporate news; consumerism manipulation of our people. The oppression from not just multi-billion dollar conglomerates but from each other on a civil level. We treat our individuality as a form of free thought to push and oppress each other while treating the other as a scapegoat or even martyr them for having opposing beliefs.
We've come to a head that's about to burst and spew the wretched bullying of what we feel as an individuals oppression to oppress others and make them submit to our cause. This isn't about politics anymore it's about what subliminal teaching propaganda as a whole has degraded our society and spun us into chaos. There is no more debate or proper justice and due process for the individual whose voice could actually move this nation. We've abandoned all values for personal greed; glottony; beauty; envy; lust; and malice towards one another for the pursuit of our own personal goals yet confuse others as to the true purpose. Constant redirection and control of another is what I see.
It is time to wake up! Be illuminated not subjugated!
shes not on youtube shes on dtube :D :D
haha yes!
Great work steemit bro.....
Why should any country try socialism. It bothers me it even exists. Socialism was only created as a way to lay down the path for Comunism, and I'm sure no one in their right mind want's that.
You are a moron i was born there in the Soviet Union you are going to tell me there was not communism in russia? Stop you nonsense! You are making yourself look like a fool.
I guess we would have to define 'moron'.
I didn't tell you anything, the lady that wrote the essay knew her definitions.
I am afraid that you have been misled by 'authorities' that you trusted.
Clearly a report from the scene speaks for it's self.
Pretty sure the S in USSR stood for socialust.
Couldn't tell you what the C stood for in CCCP, but my education wasn't the best.
I can clearly tell your education wasn't best! I have 2 BS and Masters.
The C stood for Union or in Russian Cоветский. I know you don't know anything about russia or you would not speak on the matter...
so that you can learn here to quote
"Communism frequently results in low production, mass poverty and limited advancement. Poverty spread so widely in the Soviet Union in the 1980s that its citizens revolted."
I lived there, i speak russian, armenian, hebrew and azeri so please stop. You look like a fool.
and you are a moron that you want socialism or communism or either of those to of the exact the same schemes in the USA.
Here is another
Just look up communism.
also depends what C you are referring too....
Cоуз Советских Социалистических Pеспублик
United Soviet Socialistic Republic.
So you can see whichever C you need.
Ok, did you get many reference books from before the soviet period?
Because I don't think you did.
Here, this predates the soviets and clearly lines out communism as not what happened in the ussr.
This one is even earlier, like 30 years earlier.
I'm sure you have a fine education, just one that was controlled in what was allowed in for you to learn.
The omissions are really the problem.
good luck with your insanity!
THANK YOU!!! one sane person!!!
Whoever did the original post is either mentally retarded or completely obtuse.
North Korea is "trying socialism"
Soviet Union tried socialism
Venezuela also tried ... have the country is on fire the liberal news media will not show you this.
Complete and absolute nonsense.
I am so sick and tired hearing about socialism and communism ... it's the same thing...
I was born in the USSR the United Soviet Socialists Republic... it was communism.
People don't know how good they have it.
This person making the post is making it on all capitalistic inventions from the INTERNET to the computer to Encoding, to IP, etc.
Please tell me what technology North Korea invented that we are using? I will wait.
It's silly that some people are relying on what a book says rather than listening to reality.
God Bless you. Merry Christmas.
Yeah they make fun of the Bible and call it fiction... yet read books that have fewer manuscripts then the Bible and state facts from it! it's insane they have no logic.
Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob be our Guide and His Ruach be with us always.
Have you read the Book of Mormon? I am seeing more and more evidence to prove it is true. Thank God Prophets had the foresight to write down history and profound life lessons.
I don't think it's clear to anyone this is true. We can see major wins even in the face of capitalist competition by countries with really quite socialist outlooks (a very good example here is Germany, who's modern government cribs notes from both "sides of the aisle" as it were).
But it's pretty clear that pure free market capitalism is going to face substantial challenges as automation begins on a massive scale. Every major economy is set up around the notion of "total employment" (everyone has a job that can pay for a basic liefestyle) as a precondition for their societal integrity. But as AI-based software systems begin to automate and improve manufacturing, transit and farming efficiency it will start to produce a massive decline in the demand for labor.
It may be as post-scarcity conditions begin to exist for labor, the definition of capitalism itself leans more towards social support structures. After all, a market economy without consumers finds itself contracting into feudalism; and that's not something many people without a few billion in assets are happy seeing.
Good stuff @adamkokesh! Very informative video to see how average Americans think! Upvoted and followed! (Please follow back if you feel to :) )Greetings from Spain! :)
Thank you very much for the upvote and follow! Followed you back!
In the face of the question, should the United States prove socialism? I invite her to read a bit of political history to reconsider, but if she is lazy to read, then come to Venezuela and experience first hand what is socialism, hunger, death and misery, and I assure you that she will change her mind.
Becoming more socialist doesn't mean it should go the way of Venezuela. You can say a lot of things but you have to admit many European countries have implemented nation wide social policies with great success. Things like healthcare, different layers of benefits, government paid pensions aren't means to control or oppress people through paying taxes, it is to provide freedom for people in harsh conditions, be it financial or physical. Within a society helping people who fall trough the cracks is a not only a service to those people but allows people to go out of their house without a gun at night, to stop worrying about a sick family member and many more.
It's not black and white, Venezuela vs Pinochet, but there are many different scales on which we rank countries, IE on the health and happiness of their citizens. The possible economic mobility within the country and what not. If we look at these indexes we see that countries with sensible socialist tendencies within a democratic system, score higher than the United States.
Great post Adam! I just joined here and subbed you on youtube. Glad to see your work here! Thanks and all the best!
I am from Venezuela. and here we talk about socialism. I can testify that the people who preach socialism are liars. It is a theory that has failed for many years.
They have the same script. all are good actors, after they ride in power, they take off their mask and show their true face. THEY ARE COMMUNISTS.
HUGO CHAVEZ is the most fake man in all of history in Venezuela.
They are criminals who learned to do politics, and now they have us kidnapped in our own country.
I would like to read this book in Spanish. If you can help me, I will be very grateful.
I actually have an article with a similar sentiment if you would like feel free to check it out.
This content is very deep, if you want to dig deeper, come to Venezuela, I can show you the true face of disgusting communist tyrants.
You can even make a documentary.
Good one! I'm not sure you reached her though, looked like she was just embarrassed and agreed with everything so you'd leave her alone. But if I'm worng, hell, it's one down, few millions to go ;-)
I am from Venezuela. and here we talk about socialism. I can testify that the people who preach socialism are liars. It is a theory that has failed for many years.
They have the same script. all are good actors, after they ride in power, they take off their mask and show their true face. THEY ARE COMMUNISTS.
HUGO CHAVEZ is the most fake man in all of history in Venezuela.
They are criminals who learned to do politics, and now they have us kidnapped in our own country.
I would like to read this book in Spanish. If you can help me, I will be very grateful.
Rule by force is the disease, what you call it and who does it how are symptoms.
No. Enough said.
Great content. Thank you for sharing. Please keep it up. I already upvote.
Great Dood
thank you very much @hafizzahid !!!
Every country is somewhere between socialism, capitalism, communism. Been to America been to Europe. Europe has a much better standard of living on average in my opinion even though it's more to the socialism side of things.
The U.S. is selective socialism and that is very much socialism at its very core. Look at all the programs... At the same time look at the stigma associated with being a part of most of those programs. It allows for some complex diversification on the grand scheme of control that a country can implement on its own people. We scoff at fully socialist countries the same way we do at communist etc.. yet, we are very much a socialist country but we like to claim we are not because of bravado and lies that have been programmed into us that all point ot us being "free" because of markets..
I fucking laugh out loud to this.
It is very easy to see, especially now after the repeal of NN(NN should not even have been a question to begin with...that is another story to tell)that corporations who rule the government(another example is how lobbying was currently called out..Ofumbles time in office)are what?
If Europe has a better standard of living, why is its population decreasing? I've personally been all over Europe and maybe it had some fancy trinkets and baubles, I certainly didn't think their standard of living was better. In fact after all the taxes to fund the socialist programs, especially health care, standard of living was much worse. Maybe you mean cost of living. If so then you are correct
I have been living in Europe, in the USA and in Asia. Clearly the standard of living is better in Europe (or at least Western Europe). If you're not part of the 1%, you are clearly better off living in Europe (in terms of healthcare, education etc.) Hence, for the majority of the population, the standard of living is better in Europe.
Agreed. The social welfare system although bureaucratic is a net positive for society
People love free hand outs. Lazy people and murderers especially so.
Well that is clearly your opinion. I have spoken to many many Western Europeans and their favoritism towards their own country is a matter of nationalist pride more than openness to a global community. Would it hurt you to consider you and they favor europe because of all the free hand outs? I find that mentality very childish, but you should deeply consider it as truth. After all if Europe was so great why create 2 world wars and prior to that subjugate all these defenseless natives, rob their natural resources (i.e. Spices), and genocide them in the name of civilizing them? Maybe your so called standard of living has been created off the blood of more than the 6 million Jews, hmmm?
I have lived in Asia, Africa and a few European countries. Only traveled the USA never lived. My observation of standards of living are based on what I saw.
Stop the wars and bring the money home to build our infrastructure and provide JOBS!!
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We might try anarchism?
It did get folks deported for thinking.
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Hi mate...... just came across this - I have flagged my copied comment - but don't have enough to flag the post of yours..
I'l leave it with you...
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There is already a mix of socialism and capitalism in America
I was born in a Socialistic Country so please learn some facts before you start posting nonsense. We have enough of your propaganda on Facebook, Twitter and IG. Please don't bring that to Steem. We actually need people that can think. Not post nonsense.
I lived in a country with that. NO it's not close, it's not something like it, there is NONE of it here. You are posting this on STEEM built on capitalism.
I am so tired of hearing this nonsense from people that have never even lived in socialism or communism.
Please stop!
Then what's social security, Medicare, and Medicaid? Isn't the USA slowly turning to socialism?
People pay into social security and Medicare their entire lives, so these aren't giveaways. Medicaid is hard to get in most states and is for disabled people. Sure, let them just fend for themselves. Sheesh.
There were specific points that Adam made to support his claim of corporate, fascism/socialism being mistaken for capitalism... I respect your position, but I'd take more seriously if you addressed those points, instead of just saying, "there IS NO SOCIALISM / COMMUNISM in the USA! PERIOD".
And honestly, you're right when you say that platforms such as STEEM are built on capitalism. You have the opportunity on Steem to earn based on what you put into it. In other words, the value that you place on your own self-ownership, creativity and ingenuity is a determining factor in what you are willing to earn.
Of course there is, but it is not to the degree seen in some other countries.
En la Biblia dice: " Por sus frutos los conoceréis "
Pienso que más allá de la Instauración de un sistema económico, está la capacidad para organizar y planificar que solo un equipo bien conformado, con la gente ideal, en términos de valores y preparación académica, teniendo como norte el bienestar común de la ciudadanía, puede hacer fructífero un País.
Los extremos nunca son buenos, ¿ Y si en lugar de hablar de Capitalismo o Socialismo hablamos de un Capitalismo Social?
El mismo supone una fusión de los aspectos positivos de ambos sistemas, con el objetivo de cambiar por éxitos todos los desaciertos que cada cual ha mostrado por separado...
Nice post
Good Read!! :) Thanks
Capitalism is the sole way of efficiently producing wealth and distributing it.
You wouldn't like pure capitalism, trust me.
No, it is not.
Do I need to add modern Catalonia and Chiapas?
Nice Work
Great interview. Just sad that 80% of the population still fall for the lies you pointed out.
I think America has already proved its worth to its people and to the world. United States of America is one of the super powers yesterday today and tomorrow. The only concern now is the people running the government. I hope they can continue what the previous administrations did for the country.
It's like investing Adam,
Great video
it's a good think
The state of the uneducated in my own country. Once you have her talking in circles, you could have thrown any, "-ism" at her and gotten her to agree.
Political issues are always difficult to control. There are too many threads around
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Thanks for the video and thanks for sharing.
It's like investing Adam,
Great video, it's really fantastic
A great interview! Hoping more people will watch this.
is she on youtube?? i think shes on dtube
I always enjoy Adam's street interviews. He doesn't come off as arrogant or condescending. He truly seems as if he wishes to educate the person to whom he's speaking. And they always seem to walk away as if they learned something. It's a refreshing thing to see in a world of combative language and political talking points.
That's Really a informative video to know about American .
think reacc
Socialism? Capitalism? Bring in a mixed economy!
hi everyone
the title of the post speaks all - freedom. nice post. the women interviewed put her mind openly. interviewer infulunced her mind to some extent. good interview.

Tha's why america suffer from market downturn because of capitalism and monopolism:)