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RE: Socialism? I thought this was capitalism!

in #dtube7 years ago

Why should any country try socialism. It bothers me it even exists. Socialism was only created as a way to lay down the path for Comunism, and I'm sure no one in their right mind want's that.


You are a moron i was born there in the Soviet Union you are going to tell me there was not communism in russia? Stop you nonsense! You are making yourself look like a fool.

I guess we would have to define 'moron'.
I didn't tell you anything, the lady that wrote the essay knew her definitions.
I am afraid that you have been misled by 'authorities' that you trusted.
Clearly a report from the scene speaks for it's self.

Pretty sure the S in USSR stood for socialust.
Couldn't tell you what the C stood for in CCCP, but my education wasn't the best.

I can clearly tell your education wasn't best! I have 2 BS and Masters.

The C stood for Union or in Russian Cоветский. I know you don't know anything about russia or you would not speak on the matter...

so that you can learn here to quote

"Communism frequently results in low production, mass poverty and limited advancement. Poverty spread so widely in the Soviet Union in the 1980s that its citizens revolted."


I lived there, i speak russian, armenian, hebrew and azeri so please stop. You look like a fool.

and you are a moron that you want socialism or communism or either of those to of the exact the same schemes in the USA.

Here is another

Just look up communism.

also depends what C you are referring too....
Cоуз Советских Социалистических Pеспублик
United Soviet Socialistic Republic.
So you can see whichever C you need.

Ok, did you get many reference books from before the soviet period?
Because I don't think you did.

Here, this predates the soviets and clearly lines out communism as not what happened in the ussr.

This one is even earlier, like 30 years earlier.

I'm sure you have a fine education, just one that was controlled in what was allowed in for you to learn.
The omissions are really the problem.

good luck with your insanity!

Have to agree with freebornangel. Your argument of authority is completely irrelevant, and your knowledge of Political Philosophy seems very limited (to say the least). And I won't even adress the fact that you're insulting other, which clearly shows your lack of arguments. I don't know where you got your education, but in academia that's not how it works to make a point.

With that being said, university is supposed to improve your critical thinking. You clearly chose the worst source I could imagine to defend your claim (Investopedea ?? I seriously thought it was a joke in the beginning). Again, being able to pick a legit source is like University 101, so clearly you should try again. There would be much more to say, as it appears you have no idea how and who created Internet or the World Wide Web - I'd like you to explain to me what was capitalistic in those inventions ? -, but I'm not sure it would be worth our time.

And you, yours, sir,...

THANK YOU!!! one sane person!!!
Whoever did the original post is either mentally retarded or completely obtuse.

North Korea is "trying socialism"
Soviet Union tried socialism
Venezuela also tried ... have the country is on fire the liberal news media will not show you this.

Complete and absolute nonsense.
I am so sick and tired hearing about socialism and communism ... it's the same thing...
I was born in the USSR the United Soviet Socialists Republic... it was communism.
People don't know how good they have it.
This person making the post is making it on all capitalistic inventions from the INTERNET to the computer to Encoding, to IP, etc.

Please tell me what technology North Korea invented that we are using? I will wait.

It's silly that some people are relying on what a book says rather than listening to reality.

God Bless you. Merry Christmas.

Yeah they make fun of the Bible and call it fiction... yet read books that have fewer manuscripts then the Bible and state facts from it! it's insane they have no logic.
Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob be our Guide and His Ruach be with us always.

Have you read the Book of Mormon? I am seeing more and more evidence to prove it is true. Thank God Prophets had the foresight to write down history and profound life lessons.

I don't think it's clear to anyone this is true. We can see major wins even in the face of capitalist competition by countries with really quite socialist outlooks (a very good example here is Germany, who's modern government cribs notes from both "sides of the aisle" as it were).

But it's pretty clear that pure free market capitalism is going to face substantial challenges as automation begins on a massive scale. Every major economy is set up around the notion of "total employment" (everyone has a job that can pay for a basic liefestyle) as a precondition for their societal integrity. But as AI-based software systems begin to automate and improve manufacturing, transit and farming efficiency it will start to produce a massive decline in the demand for labor.

It may be as post-scarcity conditions begin to exist for labor, the definition of capitalism itself leans more towards social support structures. After all, a market economy without consumers finds itself contracting into feudalism; and that's not something many people without a few billion in assets are happy seeing.