Bring the value to what? is awful. And the ads don't bring any value to the chain because the revenue only goes to STINC. And I'm sure it doesn't bring any value to the advertisers, since most of the activity here is probably bots anyway.
So...Adsense "brings value" to websites that have decent web traffic and use Adsense. That's not really a bold or even meaningful statement. She probably could have just said, "Internet advertising can be valuable to website owners." It would have had the same impact on viewers.
She was impressed with the clicks though, even with the problems placed on the front page, for all to see, and look away.
Some of that money could eventually get placed into the hands of the content producer. I'd even be so bold as to suggest an airdrop. Small increments, over time, of that steemit stake, into our wallets, for not being robots. Since they claim to not be selling as many tokens now, what are they going to do them all? What good are they to this economy, sitting idle. And I say small increments, over time, so they don't get dumped on the market instantly.
Some of that ad revenue could go to content producers as well, eventually. Unfortunately, they will make the same mistakes as youtube, and start demonitizing after awhile, for reasons, plus history is hard to remember, and they once again will push people away. I only say that though, because I lost so much confidence over the past two years, watching people drop like flies, as they allowed this place to turn into something like you said, " is awful."
Why not try this?
Well, based on previous STINC history...they'll probably power them down and use another scheme like @misterdelegation to further dilute the influence of every other user on the platform. You know...use that "ninja-mine" for voting, which they said they wouldn't do.
But we all know how honest they've been over the years. I'm sure the dumping will continue anyway.
I truly hope they can begin to find ways to redeem themselves.
I approve of what you said in that link. I tried talking over there but just got the you're a dumb nobody content producer treatment, which I had a feeling was coming the moment I opened my mouth. Too many good ideas are crushed due to the arrogance of a few and I hope they can shape up, eventually. Anyway, I'm just rambling. Been a long day.
"And the ads don't bring any value to the chain because the revenue only goes to STINC" Lol this is so dumb.
You do realize that steemit inc have to sell 800k steem a month to sustain themselves right ? So any dollar that steemit earned is a dollar that they won't have to sell steem for. So it's helping the price or they can use that money to increase staff to build more improvements on the chain. Which, breaking news, brings value to the chain too.
Or...and this shouldn’t be breaking news...they’ll most likely continue dumping STEEM and squander money like they have been for three years.
Talk about dumb. And you really believe that STINC has “added value” to Steem?
You’re delusional.