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RE: The Art Of Reciprocity

in #dtube7 years ago

Very beautiful mindset of yours. Without encouragement, life would soon feel pointless and burdensome. Without encouragement, we can be overwhelmed by the very real pains of our lives. Without encouragement, we feel unloved. Your encouragements and level of interest in your posts has really blessed lives and given hope to me. Thanks.
Words of encouragement make people feel better, and relate to their capabilities.
I love reading all your posts and i am motivated by the way you reply comments.

While it's hard to encourage others when they never want to return the favor, we must remember to "do to others what we would want done to us," even when we are not receiving it ourselves.
Thank you that this is how you live your life on steemit.


@bridgetoby And there are many times that others won't return the favor but that doesn't matter. We still should encourage them anyway because we will be rewarded properly in due time.

y wanted to wish me A HAPPY birthday he would have done so if he really wanted to regardless of whether or not I wished him a happy Birthday. What you've described is the true definition of charity and service to others. If we expect something in return is it truly from the heart? Something to think about. We would be rewarded from God in due time.I was just talking about this todAY @humanearl. I just reached my 35th birthday. One of my nephews didnt wish me a happy birthday, When asked why he didnt, he answered that his birthday had just passed and since I hadnt sent him birthday greetings that he wouldnt either. The fact was that I used facebook and tried several times and it just wouldnt take. I did other posts and they took so I assumed somewhere on facebook it would show up but it didnt. This reminds me of this article. If he reall