The Art Of Reciprocity

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Click To Enter The Realm Of Cold

Thoughtful Day

I really want everyone who spends time commenting and upvoting to know that I care. This is far more about all of you than me. If you need encouragement. I want to be there. If you need advice on life. I want to be there. If you just want to talk. I want to be there. Sure it's cool to have what I say upvoted but the real value comes from the connections we are making. That's priceless. As a matter of fact, I spend more time responding to your comments than I do creating posts. I don't mind at all because that is where the real work is being done and progress being made. My next idea is to write about why I upvote my followers so much and how I have boosted their reputation. Some of you have probably noticed your reputation being bumped up here on Steemit after I give many upvotes on your comments. Good. Just the way I like it. My fellow Steemians this is called the Art Of Reciprocity and I am committed to making this a Steemitwide and worldwide phenomenon.  I really need to learn to go to sleep sooner but I still haven't figured that out yet. And if you need a bit more encouragement, check out my last cold shower video. Shalom. Giving Steemit Praise While Taking A Cold Shower ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFS

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You are not only increasing our reputation level! Bro you are helping us to earn and it help us to build our life goals as well! No one is willing to do like you do bro! Therefore I really appreciate the way you are doing and thinking! Respect you bro!@humanearl,


The respect is mutual @theguruasia. I live for this

@humanearl I recently discovered your blog and I'm grateful for this! You are a truly inspirational person! Thank you! Followed

Cool! Glad you made it here.

Hmmmn... I'm still getting to know you properly but I guess there's something about you that I like. @humanearl You have a good heart.

Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by.

Cold shower is very good. Have you heard about wim hof?

Yes I love watching him get out there and conquer the cold. He can actually produce adrenalin on the spot unlike the majority of people who have to rely on fight or flight situations to produce it.

I completely agree with you, because Stemmit is first of all this community, and a person without a society is alone and we need communication. As important as supporting each other. I really appreciate your support and thank you, because Stemmiti is currently the only source my income. I still have very little voice power (only 2 cents), but modern, I will also support people on our platform. Thanks for the excellent post @humanearl

Communication is so underrated in today's world

I have a challenge, and that is that I love what I do, and that is building electronic devices, but when it comes to the academic aspect, I find my grades being low. I've tried so much, but yet my grades are still low. But when it comes to practical, am very good at it. Please what do I do. Do I have to drop out of school, or do I. Just continue. This has been bothering me alot.Thank you so much for the listening ears you have given to me @humanearl, you have attended to all my comments with somuch attention to details, responding to me adequately, thank you.

Great inventors and builders of things don't have to do well in school in order to be a good at what they do.

If building things is something your good at doing and actually like it the you should keep building.

Also you don't have to drop out of school unless you want to go to a school that helps you develop your skills further. Another thing is to look for opportunites or projects to be a part of that allows you to use your building skills.

Hope this helps.

Yah it helps so much. On the issue of looking for opportunities that allow me to use my building skills, I joined a group of people who have the same passion as I do, and they motivate me alot.
For now, there is no special school that helps develop my skills, so I just have to continue with my present school. It's really not easy, but I believe God's grace will surely see me through.

Thanks so much for your advice, it has really helped me alot.

Well said @humanearl. I totally agree with what you have said. Just to add to what you have said, an advice to @blessing2002 is that from experience, the likelihood that you're the first student on your campus to be struggling academically is, well, nonexistent. That means, of course, that there are places you can go for help.

First and foremost, reach out to your professors. While going to office hours and talking to a professor might be scary, remember that they, too, were college students once. Talk to them about your struggles. Ask them what guidance they can give you, whether it be the name a tutor or the offer to look over your work before you start working on your next paper.

Additionally, talk to your academic adviser. If you're too nervous talking to your professors, you adviser can be a great resource. He or she might know other students with whom you can form a study group; they might have some tips on how to do better in a certain professor's class; they might help you come up with an action plan of how to better manage your course load.

Your campus likely also has some kind of academic support or tutoring center. Use it! It's part of what you pay for in your "tuition and fees." Even if you aren't sure what kind of help you need, stop in to see what it has to offer. From peer advisers to faculty tutors to help with time management, an academic support center is a definite must-see.

I hope these tips help.

You pointed to the heart, my friend, the art of reciprocity, that's what defines human relationships at all times and what you do for us and our ecosystem is absolutely priceless. Many people coming to the Steemit without having the means and opportunities often just come to a standstill, as their creativity is not seen properly at the beginning of the journey and your support gives them hope and strength to continue to move on and achieve success! Thank you @humanearl and God bless you!

I know many people don't have the means to invest in this platform so I want to be able to give people a little bit of a start to help them.

Those replies have been really helpful.
We can never be too encouraged. We live in a world that rarely looks you in the eye, a world that seems to prefer isolation over connection. It is more important that ever before that we lift each other up. I am a benefactor of all your words, posts, engagement.
Your life story has always been in God's hands and that you have overcome it proves an encouragement for others to overcome too.I really liked all your encouragement and upvotes @humanearl.

Your post and your Manifesto are encouraging and inspiring!
I am blessed and honored to know you.
Blessings and Light!

@neduejianya It is a huge blessing to know you as well. I want to be able to give people an outlet just to talk and connect. What you said is so true. Communication is so undervalued these days. Good thing we are trying to change that!

but the real value comes from the connections we are making.

The upvotes we get here are very very helpful @humanearl, they have encouraged me a lot, knowing that my comments were valued. But the truth is that these upvotes, as good as they are, are temporal. The main thing is the impact I get from your post. By impact, I mean the way your posts have changed my mindset. It has made me see life from the perspective of eternity, and not just in temporal things. This is my greatest treasure I have gotten from you, and am thankful.

When I started to see things from an eternal perspective life just opened up for me. This is only God . I know it. I'm glad to be able to help you out and make an impact.

It is getting really hard right now for people to have an eternal perspective and it will only get much harder for them to do so.

2 Timothy 3:13

''evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived''

What you have said @humanearl is in line with what the scripture says, making us know that the world will become more and more corrupt. Thats why we have to keep feeding our minds with God's word. Through His Word, we get our minds renewed day by day, so that we can think the way God thinks and not according to the ways of this world

I believe strongly that the more I keep reading your posts, the more I'll become renewed in my mind. Thanks

Really awesome. Thumbs up my friend. Great leaders don’t wait until annual evaluations or Christmas cards to say the things they need to express for great work. They express it daily through the important goals, public posts and they find unique ways to indicate it to their followers and thats what you do daily. The upvotes shows your interests and how important every comment is to you. Words have the power to motivate.
When there are little confusions, you really want to know the angle the person is coming from, and put yourself in their shoes. This is the ultimate sacrifice. Putting others before yourself.
The greatest men in the History of man has been men that put others happiness before theirs, and i must say that your are among the greatest. Keep on soaring high. I am seriously inspired more day by day. Thanks @humanearl.

Serving others is the greatest form of leadership there is. I have more work to do. Thanks

Some of you have probably noticed your reputation being bumped up here on Steemit after I give many upvotes on your comments''

This statement of yours is totally true in my life. Since I came in contact with you, I've had a tremendous increase in my reputation. My rep went high within a short time and am grateful. But that was not the main thing. Mehn my life has changed from that day till now. I have become a better person. Your posts helped me build my self esteem, especially in times I was down. Thank you very much. I just wish you continue this good work of yours. God bless you.

@stellastella I remember all the lows and times I was down within the last year and a half. I seriously did not think I would make it. But I pushed through in spite of. God was there the whole time pushing me on. So now I just want to use all those hurtful and painful experiences to give others hope.

Thanks for all your comments and insight.

You sure welcome. Those hurtful moments and pain sure helped me alot, especially that audio you made your voice into an African voice. Thanks so much. Wishing you more influence but God's grace on more lives.

But i guess we all have our differemt ways of thanking people and encouraging them for greater output.
You are so encouraging @humanearl., so if this was your goal then you have made it come true! I noticed this about you the first time i read your post, i immediately followed. You are a fine example for all of us! When I first began learning Steemit, I followed suit to another young man whom thanked me for following him. So now every new “follower” I receive I thank them. To me this is so important…for people to know “Hey I see you and I thank you!” So glad when i read the part you said you wanted to make it a worldwide phenomenon. It shouldnt just end on steemit. We are here to apply what we learn from here. There are many people and lives out there that can be touched by our little act of kindness. I am really having a good year with your posts @humanearl

@nancy7819 I feel that you all have helped me just as much as yall say that I have helped yall. reciprocity is something that can and should be practiced in our lives. We wouldn't have rampant poverty in the world if that were the case.

Thanks to you and hoping for a great year!

Exactly. Using Africa as a case study, We don't even have a hunger issue. We have a distribution issue like you said. Reciprocating.
We have corrupted governments blocking aid supplies and food to people. They are also confiscating these supplies for themselves.
Africa is rich in agricultural land and in resources, yet has the poorest people and lowest living standard. The reason is european colonisation and neo-colonial exploitation of the continent. Multinationals that exploit africa don’t pay taxes, and there is a serious lack of infrastructure and industrialization. So, they can only export raw materials to european and asian markets, without gaining enough to develop themselves.

It would have helped if Africa could have introduced an African golden dinar, so that Africa’s wealth stays in Africa, but the NATO intervened in Libya to torpede this plan.

The best way Africa can develop under the current conditions is by the policies of China, who built infrastructure (railways and industries) inn exchange for raw materials. European and American policies are detrimental for Africa, because these have kept them poor. Thanks @humanearl

I know all about how Gaddafi was planning on unifying Africa with the dinar. That's why they killed him. As a matter of fact they portrayed him as a villain here in the U.S to justify killing him so they could stop the plan to unify Africa.

Have you seen the scramble for Africa documentary?

Very beautiful mindset of yours. Without encouragement, life would soon feel pointless and burdensome. Without encouragement, we can be overwhelmed by the very real pains of our lives. Without encouragement, we feel unloved. Your encouragements and level of interest in your posts has really blessed lives and given hope to me. Thanks.
Words of encouragement make people feel better, and relate to their capabilities.
I love reading all your posts and i am motivated by the way you reply comments.

While it's hard to encourage others when they never want to return the favor, we must remember to "do to others what we would want done to us," even when we are not receiving it ourselves.
Thank you that this is how you live your life on steemit.

@bridgetoby And there are many times that others won't return the favor but that doesn't matter. We still should encourage them anyway because we will be rewarded properly in due time.

y wanted to wish me A HAPPY birthday he would have done so if he really wanted to regardless of whether or not I wished him a happy Birthday. What you've described is the true definition of charity and service to others. If we expect something in return is it truly from the heart? Something to think about. We would be rewarded from God in due time.I was just talking about this todAY @humanearl. I just reached my 35th birthday. One of my nephews didnt wish me a happy birthday, When asked why he didnt, he answered that his birthday had just passed and since I hadnt sent him birthday greetings that he wouldnt either. The fact was that I used facebook and tried several times and it just wouldnt take. I did other posts and they took so I assumed somewhere on facebook it would show up but it didnt. This reminds me of this article. If he reall

It's surely a truth that you have been of great help and advancement to me and to alot of stemmians. I have received encouragement from you alot in the past,and I thank you.

I have a request for an advice. My friend has a desire to go to college, but his parents want him to continue in the family business. The thing is that he does not have the funds to send himself to college, so he has to depend on his parents, and hence do their will. Please what do you advice.

@toofunnymemes I assume if he does not continue in the family business his parents will cut him off?

If that is the case then it will be tough as I have heard similar stories. But there is hope. If your friend wants to go to college and needs the support then maybe he can work part time in the family business while taking some classes at the college.

Or bring in some other source of income on his own to fund their schooling.

I believe that his desire to go to school should be honored since that's what he really wants to do but the decision to continue offering financial support rests with his parents. Tell your friend to explore his options but don't give up on his hope to go to college. Nothing is impossible.

I hope that can help him.

Yah it sure can help him. The issue is that the family job takes a lot of time, and this would not give him much time to attend college. Although I spoke with him, and he said he plans on working in the family business for like 2years more to raise money for his school fees, and then go to college from there.

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness,” Hebrews 3:13 tells us. First Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Throughout the Bible we see instructions to encourage one another and verses that are meant to encourage us.
Thank you @humanearl. Its great that you are concerned about the good of your followers. Thank you again. I appreciate that you take time to read comments. Its admirable. Thanks for all your encouragement and inspirations. God bless @humanearl

@georgechuks You never know how the things you say can uplift someone's day. So glad I get the opportunity to do so.

These days, if you’re a leader of any type, you can’t simply order people around and expect them to do what you want. They may follow your directions, if you are watching, but once they’re left on their own they’ll go back to doing what they think is important.

Leaders today, more than ever before, have to win people’s cooperation. And there are two main ways of doing so: motivation and inspiration. Although the two words are often used interchangeably, they actually mean quite different things – depending on what you want to achieve. But i must say that you are an epitome of both. God bless.

@lucyogo Thanks for that. I have been around bad leadership before and yes people don't have much respect for you when you're the bossy type.

Be the change you want to inspire. Your reputation, your character, your behavior will inspire people more than anything else. The only way to call the best out of others is to expect the best from yourself.Thank you @humanearl. If I was a super hero I’d want my super power to be the ability to motivate everyone around me. Think of how many problems you could solve just by being able to motivate people towards their goals.

Your upvotes, your replies have given me some support.
My parental influences also shaped me adversely and I grew up with very low self-esteem, highly critical of myself above all. The damage this sort of early conditioning does is inestimable. Thanks be to God for showing us all that we are In Christ! God’s love and and acceptance have been a crucial part of my own healing processes and you preach it daily in your posts even in the shower :)
I am so grateful for all the wonderful encouragement, support and friendship you have given me since we connected on Steemit. You are a living example of your own challenge.May we all seek to be an encourager and to benefit from it too. Thank you!Hi @humanearl. This is such an insightful word that we can all relate to.

Wow. Interesting to know about your upbringing @eveokonma. It hurts to hear stories like that. Hopefully you are in a much brighter place.

If you don't mind me asking, did you ever resent your parents for that?

Obviously, not everyone has been blessed with a happy home – with patient, loving, attentive parents.
I did resent for years but when i found God i forgave them.
I used to hate my parents.Glad you asked @humanearl.

I despised them. I blamed them for most of my issues.

I couldn’t do what I wanted to do in life because they would disapprove of it. I couldn’t be a cop or firefighter because those professions didn’t make enough money. I could only study a major that would be beneficial in getting me a job and not one that they thought was pointless, such as psychology or sociology.

I hated my dad for never being there when I was a child. I hated him for always getting angry with me and yelling at me and making me go to my room to cry by myself.
I now Allow people to evolve and change. And i remind myself that parents are people too. Some parents were horrible at parenting but not so bad as friends to their adult children.
I currently try not to judge the current reality against the context of the past. Instead, try to accept things as they are today.
Another thing i later saw and that changed my mindset was that their parents were like that too. We reap what we sow. And we also “reap” the traits that our parents “sowed ” as they raised us except we have a mindset restructuring. We are products of both parental successes and mistakes.

And while we can always learn and grow, most people seem to live on automatic pilot. So, most of us are something within a stones throw of our parents’ behaviors, attitudes and habits. Likewise, mom and dad are products of their parent’s parenting too.
My relationship with him changed dramatically after sometime.
It isn’t super intimate but it’s better than it ever was. My father has said “I love you” to me without me saying it first. We smile at each other and have made each other laugh.

Just to add to what you have said.
This can be a hard pill to swallow. Still, it’s important to stop blaming your parents for current problems. Did they lay the foundation for the problem? Perhaps. But it’s yours now. That’s the inescapable bottom line of it.

You make the decision every day to hold on or let go. That’s your decision only. Accept that as fact. Own it completely and release your parents from the responsibility you’ve pinned to their shoulders for too long.

Don’t get me wrong, here. I am not suggesting your past is your fault. I’m saying that your present is the result of choices you have made, as you have allowed your past to influence them.

This step is admittedly difficult, but it is empowering and liberating once it’s fully accepted and internalized.

I am who I choose to be. I feel what I choose to feel by choosing what thoughts I choose to harbor and how I choose to think about things. I choose to learn ways to change my thinking and interpretations of life or I choose not to. These are all my choices. And they are yours too.

Final word on this point: Your parents may be responsible for creating the emotional context. You are responsible for keeping that context alive. So stop feeding it and let it wither on the vine.

Wow @eveokonma. It takes alot of courage to voice what you said. That's a difficult place to be. I can't even imagine what that was like for you since both of my parents have always been around for me.

My parents have been there and continue to help me in many ways. For that I am thankful. I wourldn't go that far to say I resent my parents for not encouraging me to develop my skills and gifts and to go for what I wanted. But I can tell you this. I think about it almost every day.

In fact I remember very vividly my mother telling me to give up music because it wasn't a real job and people didn't make money doing this. This has hurt me for years now. At this point I am here and like @georgechuks stated, I have to embrace the fact that I'm in a rut and work to get myself out. That is exactly what I am doing now.

One more thing. This is for any other person reading.
Your parents were not just your parents. They, like all of us, are complex beings with a mixed bag of character strengths and flaws. Perhaps you ended up on the receiving end of their flaws. But they are not likely without redeeming qualities as well. See that in them. And commit to learning from both their strengths and weaknesses. And be grateful for the life-lessons learned.

If you grew up without love, smother your children with it. If you grew up with family secrets, don’t have any. If you grew up with harsh criticism and ridicule and impatience, then be sure to compliment, love, and exercise patience with your children.

Let the example of decency and compassion you share with them be the focus of your emotional healing. But be sure not to commit the sin of overcompensation. Your role here is to love, not spoil.

In a sense, you will be parenting yourself with the love and compassion you wish your parents had shown you as you shower it on your own kids, in some way, making amends for what your parents failed to provide.

In other words, parent yourself vicariously through parenting your own children. Extend to them what your parents failed to extend to you and allow the love flowing from you to your children to heal the wounds from the lack of love flowing to you as a child.
Thank you @humanearl

Saying I have not benefitted from your blog @humanearl would be a great deceit. Your blog helped me during my early years here on steemit. It helped me in building my mindset. I had a wrong mindset on the issue of money, but your blog helped shape the right mindset in me, making me a better person. I now put God first before money, although I still work hard to get money, but it never comes before my relationship with God. Am forever grateful.

@gabrielinnocent Put the Kingdom first and everything else will be added to you. This is not necessarily financial gain but so many other good things in life that are priceless.

Wow, where do I start from. Well I've been a follower of you@humanearl for some weeks now, and mehn it has been fabulous. I have been so blessed and changed by your posts,and I thank you for it.
The post I love the most and has been a significant blessing to me was the post that had the African man handcuffed to the European continent. My my my, that changed my mindset alot. After reading the posts and all the comments, I became much more proud to be African. God reward your effort @humanearl. Thank you.

I am also proud of my African heritage although I'm not as familiar with it as you are @michael11. I really want to learn more about different African cultures. I have begun a book called Yurugu by Marimba Ani. It's a pretty interesting book so far as it has much to do with the history of African people in relation to European conquest.

Yurugu is a very nice book. I've not read much on it, but I've come across it. A book I love so much on the issue of the African people in relation to european conquest is The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano It's a book you should give thought to reading. It's a personal tale on the experience of slavery. I really love it.

It sound interesting. l just downloaded the book. Thanks for that.

After reading your post, I sat down to reflect on all the things I have learnt since contacting your blog, and it sure has been enormous. To me, it's not really about the upvote, although that too is important, but about the life changing lessons I get here. I have become less selfish day by day, and all thanks to you. I have learnt also to open up, and come out of my shell through your posts. Thanks so much.

@christianposts Look up!! This is where your help comes from. I am just a tool being used to impart life and encouragement. Thanks alot for all your kind words and thoughts.

Very true. All our help comes from above. Am sorry if I passed the message wrongly, I probably lacked the right words to pass how I felt. Thank you so much. And all praise be to God.

You have really been a huge encouragement to me, in ways you can't imagine. I have had a rethink about what is truly important in life, having a renewed mindset on the issue of material things, and eternity. Thank you. Please I need your help. I have a friend who likes me, and I like him, but he is not a believer, I don't know what to do. Should I go on with the close relationship with him?

Ahhh the believer and unbeliever situation. @lucyc I'll start by telling you what happened with me and my wife when we met in college.

My wife was not a believer when we first started seriously talking. But I really enjoyed her company and so this was on my mind too. I didn't know whether to stop talking to her or to continue. Long story short I continued. As a matter of fact she was led to Christ through me. This was a huge blessing.

Now every relationship doesn't happen that way. So I'll say this. If the relationship is unfruitful and harming your relationship with God then definitely pray and think things over. But if the vibes are all good and you really enjoy this person then maybe God will use you to show him the Way.

Thank you so so much. This is really a big relief to know owners am not the only one to have experienced this. You know what I'll do, I'll keep what you have said in mind, and then make sure to follow what my heart is telling me. I believe my heart is God's tool to lead me. Thank you very much, am so pleased.

Wow. Nice. Really appreciate how you are a source of inspiration to many here. This reminds me of a period in my life and decision i took.
Back when I was younger, after receiving so little encouragement from anyone, I made a decision with myself.
I would take any opportunity I got to encourage.
I would never miss the chance to build someone up. To champion them. To point out the positives. I would never let what happened to me happen to someone else.
If there is a reason I am such an advocate for encouragement now, it’s this.
I cannot bear to see people being put down and constantly criticised in a way which is not helpful. With no one to build them up, support and encourage them. It makes me angry.
You see, if we keep feeding people negative words,
they will remember them…far more than the positives.
It’s human nature to remember negatives more than positives. So we must seek to encourage one another whenever we can. Have a great day @humanearl

@delighty You are doing great work by encouraging others. Keep it up!

❤I always encourage you bro
I know you are able to achieve your goal and change everything you want to change
I have created for me to be of intimacy. We can succeed. I feel excited and energetic

Thanks for the support. It helps.

I am so happy that you always want to be there to help people even on steemit. It is so easy to fall into the trap of negativity. Taking on negativity from others and feeding into it. Encouragement is so important and very lacking. We find it easier to stay silent than offer those few words which could make all the difference. Thank you for living the life of putting others first and i am glad that it gives you Joy.
I go through fazes of encouragement -texting people, short emails, messages etc and then it stops. It is something we all need a daily reminder to do.
We all know what it s like to hear those words at the right moment, so let’s create those moments more often, for other people. God keep enriching you to do greater works.
Liked the post @humanearl.

@lorreta It's ok. Don't worry. Just continue to be aware of the opportunities you get to uplift others and go for it. Sometimes I am silent but I try my best not to let that become a lifestyle.

A lot of lives are dependent on us that we are not aware of.
When i am inspiring people, i am not telling them exactly what to do or giving them precise directions. I am empowering them to be their best, trusting that they will then do the right thing. And the right thing they do may not be what i was expecting; it may be something beyond my wildest expectations.Thank you so much for your encouraging words @humanearl. It feels good to know that you understand my situation. I will try my best not to make it a lifestyle.

you are motivating everybody and you are very generous...I am grateful to you dear @humanearl

@mrsfox I am grateful that you are here!

you are a sensitive steemit friend
Thank you for being so serious and attentive about steemit

@mhmtdr0 This means so much to me. I am doing my best to be of service to all of you and I am having fun while doing it.

cold shower video is unbelievable :) it is important to enjoy the life I support you until the end very nice post @humanearl

The colder the shower, the better!

after following this cold-showers journey of yours i got motivated and finally tried it .. best 3 secs of my life ;D;D

Ayyee! There you go. How did you feel afterwards?

@humanearl thank you for your kind words yes we the new steemians need encouragement from you guys. I am trying to understand steemit and to make connections with this community and to know the people from the globe and to have their point of views on different topics and situations. it will be my pleasure to follow you. Stay happy man @muhammadismail92

The best way to build community is to communicate.

Thank you for your reply @humanearl i have noticed here that people start commenting without reading the post and when ever i comment on any post the auther give me upvote but does not reply on comment. I want steemit to be a platform for people to share their ideas, feeling, and thinking. I am weak in english but still i want to know people from different countries.

I love learning from people that live in other parts of the world. And I think your English is solid. I understand you. I live in the U.S.

I see that your are Pakistani. Cool!! I had a good buddy in college who was from Pakistan. I know very little about your country.

upvoted // resteemi follow you sir @humanearl . the Art Of Reciprocity you committed to making this a Steemit wide and worldwide phenomenon. Cool Shower has an amazing effect on your wellbeing and health. i always support your creativity and your thoughts.may god bless you and your family.

@steem-ripon This art is possible for everyone to practice but the key is to simply DO IT.

We need more people to be BRAVE like you and speak out.

We do. If I'm the only one standing I will still speak. Others depend on it.

Thanks @sohan4745

Yes...1000% agree with you my dear friend...
I'm always trust steemit is very good social media platform..
I'm now byeeee to steemit...
Bcz...I always know steem can change my future..Hahaha...such a wonderful ideas by @humanearl

Steemit is helping so many people in so many ways. Many other social media sites fall short of doing this.

Thanks @mintu13

That is a really wonderful message @humanearl! I just found you by accident but I'm glad I did and now I'm following you!! I actually don't believe in accidents so much but that it was meant to be!

Everything happens for a reason even if we don't understand that reason or know it.

Nice video, and nice to read your blog , you always take care of your followers ,it is great thinking , thank you and stay blissful

It is the Art Of Reciprocity

Loving every post of you.The sincerity and thoughtfulness is there.I can feel it most of the time.thank you for all the motivations and inspiration.

And thank you for contributing.

The idea of give and take can trully find here in steemit.You give and the return is more than what you expected.I contribute and the return is i learn and keep improving my self.And that is more than of what i expected.

Your true value lies precisely in the fact that you communicate with your followers, so no one does. Most are concerned about earnings and therefore do not devote time to communication. I really respect you for that ...
I could ask for help, look at my posts - but I do not need it, I value communication with wise and kind people and I want to learn and finish everything myself.
Thanks and I'm always ready to talk with you on any topic It is hard work to communicate with so many people But it is worth it for sure.

I agree, it's hard
communication in our time is underestimated and people should devote more time to live communication with each other

Very nice video and also like your thinking, you always support who's are commenting on your post, great ideology , thank you

I try to do my best to communicate.

There is a more delicate way to start reciprocity rules than to make something nice for just someone, so you can expect something to come back to. A form of this more subtle form of mutual relationship is the concept of mutual joke which the requestor reduces his initial request, the respondent may agree with the second request. Under mutual restrictions, we are bound to acknowledge a person who has given us a discount ie, if a person requests a big request to stop and you deny, you can agree to their smallest request, even though what you are suggesting Do not be interested in it.
upvotedbro @humanearl

@robert31 It is definitely a delicate thing.

Can you give me suggestion to be a good steemian ..?Thanks @humanearl,

Best regards @fikrihaikal

@fikrihaikal hmmm... Share your life and help others. Simple but true. You have much to offer others here so feel free to share that with others here and find way to help others.

Man, since your last post about cold showers I decided to get back in the routine of taking them. I've noticed a drastic improvement on my energy and focus throughout the day. It's great!

Ayye!! There you go. Kudos @epicdesigns. That rush is the best feeling. It's also weird how it helps you to focus more. But it works.

It is all about connection!

True words.


@tentalavera I appreciate that alot. Thanks!

Always welcome brother.

I wish to thank you for beeing such a nice person. I like your advice and posts. I wish that all people would be so nice like you.

That would be ideal right? Kindness will take you far.

This is really sweet of you to think about your steemit followers. Yes the connection that we have here is really priceless. And many many thanx to you, my reputation are up too. Hope we all stay connected in a good way.

@sirapa I really enjoy giving back to those who contribute in the comment section. Hopefully we can all continue to upvote each others comments so that we all are uplifted.

Yes we can atleast upvote to those who atleast madr effort but i m sorry my upvote power is not much.

I think you're doing a great service to the community as a whole. There are tons of people who value the platform here and I am one of those people. I also make a point of upvoting those who take the time to comment on my posts and I know without them I would have little to nothing to gain from spending time on Steemit.

Without engagement, this truly isn't a social media site at all, so it's important that we communicate with one another and get to know each other. I want to form long standing friendships with others who will be here long term.

I log in everyday now and spend more of my time on this site than any other online. I find value in what others have to share and make it a point to comment on posts that draw my attention.

@nexusvortex777 Communication is so undervalued today. You can never communicate enough.

I agree, and it's best to be mindful and present in your communications especially on a platform such as Steemit where nothing can be deleted and it all becomes a part of the block chain.

you are a touchy steemit pal
thank you for being so critical and attentive approximately steemit

I just want people to know I care. We all need care.

yep buddy u r r8

i am getting used to it and you on the next level of it :D

This is just how I am. I've been giving out upvotes like this since I joined Steemit.

i too give but my value is zero

@humanearl - Sir you are the person who told us the value of cold shower... Thank you for your generous upvotes my reputation level increased well Sir... I earned decent money due to your generous upvotes too Sir... Thank you Sir... God bless you & wish success to your life journey too Sir...


Glad I can help out @steemwija. My success is your success

it's hard to get a friend who never met in person, but he wants to help others. I personally see you amazed at the actions you have done. salute
and thank you my friend :)@humanearl

@thomasjug I live to help others. Thank you.

I have read many kind of blogs come across many whale's post and commented and replied thousand times so far, some people have also upvoted but the kind of unconditional love you have extended for me is really commendable and you are the nicest person I have ever reciprocated in steemit community.

Thank you and Have a great day.

Humbling words. I'm glad you feel that way.

Thank you for your support as well.

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