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RE: Pounding The Rock

in #dtube7 years ago

Thats what im talking about, nice concept behinde the whitepaper bro!

...people would be so much more effecitive in a system that rewards you for all valueables things you do.

In a world full of cryptocurrencys, taxes could be made trough exchanges fees that countrys provide. And with their own "coin" people would do still harder works like street building or waste disposal.


We think so alike in that regard. I hate how people say "where do you work" when I've been writing for 8 hours. Work is a much broader definition than how people usually think of it. Work can be paid or unpaid.

If you don't clean your house you will die. Think about that. So even cleaning your own house is work.

And in my opinion Monetize Everything that is valuable in this world. With the tech that is being developed it's more than possible but It's a matter of changing our minds about work.