
The decision to recount is not his to make. If it was less than 0.5%, then a recount would be automatic. I think his spread was more like 1.5%. With that number, a recount is not likely.

The recount statute does not include US Senators as races for which a recount can be requested, even at the expense of the defeated candidate:

So what you are saying is that there will be no recount. Correct?

Really I thought it was if he had the money he could just do it okay that is interesting.

I checked into it a bit more. I think that you are correct that if Moore can get someone to pay for it then it can be done. But the problem is with statistics and probabilities. With a 1.5% loss, it is just very unlikely that a recount would change the result. So, I stand corrected. As I said, if a race is within half a percentage point after all the votes are tallied, an automatic recount is triggered. But a recount will probably have no effect if the lead is 1.5%. Again, anyone who knows more about this, please add your comments.

Here is an article about it - "Why Roy Moore’s hope for a recount is a very long long shot":

I am not 100% sure. But I think so. Hope others add comments to clarify this if I am wrong.