I completely understand and I want to tell you that it get easier, but it still challenges you sometimes. I think that I am definitely more comfortable with the camera than when I started, but now I hold myself to a higher standard and sometimes I'm too particular and many posts end up sitting in a folder on my laptop, never making it online. I also struggle with the thought of whether I should be doing something more important with my time. Especially with homeschooling and having a toddler. That probably stops me more than anything else.
Ultimately, I tend to post in waves. I'll be really consistent for a couple weeks, then take a few days off to regroup. That's not ideal, but it just seems to be the rhythm in my house.
Anyway I really rnjoyed your post so keep it up! ❤
Thank you for your input crowbarmama! I knew I couldn’t be the only one thinking these things!
Making videos definitely seems to be a journey. I’m trying to learn a little at a time instead of getting myself knee deep and overwhelmed.
Thanks again for the encouragement, I’m having fun with it!