Making Videos & Running Into Doubt

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I’ve been trying to make videos for at least a week now, unsuccessfully. Between all the excuses I come up with and trying to find an idea to do a video on, it’s been frustrating to say the least. I reached out to @humanearl the other day, telling him my struggle, and he gave me some awesome tips! One struggle down, now a new struggle and a much harder to overcome has popped up. Doubt!! To all you daily vloggers out there, is this something you ever struggle with? How do you overcome it? I’d love to hear what you have to say on the subject!

▶️ DTube

I completely understand and I want to tell you that it get easier, but it still challenges you sometimes. I think that I am definitely more comfortable with the camera than when I started, but now I hold myself to a higher standard and sometimes I'm too particular and many posts end up sitting in a folder on my laptop, never making it online. I also struggle with the thought of whether I should be doing something more important with my time. Especially with homeschooling and having a toddler. That probably stops me more than anything else.

Ultimately, I tend to post in waves. I'll be really consistent for a couple weeks, then take a few days off to regroup. That's not ideal, but it just seems to be the rhythm in my house.

Anyway I really rnjoyed your post so keep it up! ❤

Thank you for your input crowbarmama! I knew I couldn’t be the only one thinking these things!
Making videos definitely seems to be a journey. I’m trying to learn a little at a time instead of getting myself knee deep and overwhelmed.
Thanks again for the encouragement, I’m having fun with it!

@hebrewhousewife You're doing great. Just keep being yourself and remember that your followers are there because of you and your genuine qualities. ❤️

Just keep trying girl! You’ll find your way. I like the real talk video though. :)

Thanks! I enjoy making something a little more “fun”, but I’ll say this was a lot easier to accomplish and upload.

Just discovered your video and channel. I'm not exactly a vlogger but I do make videos discussing various topics of life! So here are my 2 cents (Steem cents, mind :-))
I think you might be too self judgemental, just go with the flow of your being and do whatever you feel like. The more you open yourself up the more successful you can become, so just be you and you will succeed!!

Thank you!! Looking back, I agree. I think I was just being too hard on myself. I think the ones who do the best are those who are just being themselves. I know genuineness grabs my attention.

All the best!Absolutely. BTW I've just discovered a really cool video about stepping out of our comfort zone in order to achieve success - it's by @dtubedaily -

5 minutes at a time and join them together...
Remember, the mind can only comprehend what the butt can withstand, to long and folks get antsy ;-)

Haha! Now that is a great saying!! I don’t know if I’m capable of making anything longer than 5 minutes. I know there’s a small select few that I’m willing to sit and watch for more than a few minutes.

I have a couple thoughts on this.

Maybe make your videos for a small group of people that you already connect with or that you want to connect with. That way, the videos aren't for "The Internet", but for a select audience of your choosing. Of course, other people may end up watching too but no need to focus on that while you are making the video.

The other thing that may apply comes from a book I'm reading. "No one remembers your bad stuff, they only remember the good stuff". If you make "just okay" videos or even "bad" videos, people won't remember, but it will help you practice and get better. Then when you do make a good video, people will notice and remember and talk with you about it months later. Good feelings that will overcome that doubt.

My thoughts on it. My excuse for not making videos is that I'm "not quite ready yet". I don't have a good location to shoot my videos (I want to be sitting in front of a bookcase with good lighting). I want to have a few more things in place before I start regularly making videos. I think these are good reasons... but they are bad reasons if it keeps me from creating and sharing content that I should be putting out there.

Hope that helps.

Those are both some good points! I really like that first idea and would never have thought of thinking of it like that either. I’m going to kee that in mind for future videos.
I’ve been trying to not wait until the conditions are just right, or I’d never get anything done.
Thanks for stopping by and giving your input!

howdy hebrewhousewife! I don't know a thing about videos or social media but just do what you feel led to do. Why do you want to do videos?
Once you get used to it the subject doesn't matter because everyone who is following you likes you and are interested in your life.

I've noticed that the more experienced people doing videos can just walk around talking about anything that they're thinking about that day and it works, some are blessed with a natural talent and some have to develop it so it just depends on how bad you want to do them.

Many people don't do instructional or teaching videos and can just walk out in the yard or garden and talk, I think those are the most surprising ones because a couple of minutes is all it takes, look at Bo, many times he just talks for 2 minutes about being thankful and it works.

Meanwhile the rest of us spend 2 or 3 hours of research slaving away on a post that makes .35! lol.
this probably doesn't help at all but you have alot of people who care and will support you no matter what!

Social media is a funny thing isn’t it? It varies so much on what people like and what they don’t like (or like less).
Why do I want to make videos? I’ve watched so many videos where I thought to myself, “hey, why couldn’t I do that?” So I determined to give it a shot. I definitely think I have to work at it though. Doesn’t come too naturally.
Hey janton, if you’re not happy with your results, give something else a try. Experiment to see what works for you!

hey we're talking about you here. I think you ARE pretty natural on the videos and I'm not just saying that. I'm such an introvert that I struggle to see why people would want to do them, that's why I was asking.

If you have a great desire to do them then I understand.

I'm thrilled with my results for the most part. why got a problem with that?

You said something about research and I can’t say I do much research on my posts lol. I’d consider myself more of an introvert versus and extrovert, but if I want to do something, I’m going to find a way to do it!

Haha no sir I don’t. You’re improving all the time and I always look forward to your posts!

howdy back hebrewhousewife! no your posts don't require research but so many of mine are history topics so it takes a long time finding reliable sources and facts then accurate vintage photos.

2 or 3 hours for a history piece is about normal so of course it isn't worth it for .75 or whatever plus with the Engagement League I don't have time to spend the amount of time it takes for a decent post so I cut corners and do half jobs! lol.

Thanks for the kind words, I look forward to all your posts too. The only thing you need to work on is getting rid of that Canadian accent. lol!!

Let's see you were unsure and you spoke about it and dtube gave you an upvote! I say you are doing ok so far! From a person that does a lot of videos you know I have a lot of knowledge to share! :-) How about some videos on some of those projects that you share with us, you know ones like the shower head! You probably could record what you think would be boring daily it anyways and see what happens! Of course I'm not talking about folding laundry, well unless you have a cool folding trick to share!

Ironic, I know! Sadly, I’m getting caught up on my projects. I’ll need to get creative in making everyday tasks video worthy!

I guess my advice would be try not to look like you did a video just to do a video!

listen to your heart. dont try to force it. if you dont feel like making a video then dont. this is like the college scenario all over again but on a different more subtle level. instead let it flow and when the time is right you will feel it and when you do it, it will be right. let it come to you. p.s. i love your videos. also you remind me of dolores from westworld :)