Feeling so honored to be mentioned. Coming from you it is a tremendous compliment. Now on the topic, throughout life I have found that insecurities can cause women to act and think out of emotion, especially when one feels threatened in some way. I try to put myself in another persons shoes if possible and have compassion and understanding for why they may respond in a negative way. If someone is relentless and unwilling let go of negative emotion then I am one to move on. I love to support other women, and intelligent and more seasoned women tend to have less insecurities imo. I have always heard that the media (tv, radio, commercials, ads) tend to make women feel they have to fit a mold and in return it has made a vast majority of women feel inadequate I do feel this has become less and less common since so many these days are awakening to more and more realities beyond the typical programming. My experience in the past 207 days here in the steem community has been a pleasant one for the majority and very eye opening for me because previously I was very introverted and kept to myself. I am enlightened and encouraged by this community. Out of all the interactions I have had only 1% of the female population here has been rude to me. That's one out of how many? So I think it's went quite well and says a lot about the majority of mindsets. I've seen so many women uplifting each other and many I have noticed and looked up to are on your list. I am a firm believer that we should all treat each other the way we want to be treated. I am glad you have opened this up for discussion, I think it's healthy and a good reminder that we all should do our best to be kind and set an example and by doing so expands on a more loving and giving community. Nothing is perfect, but we can all strive to think of others first, leave resentments at the door, and communicate effectively. I also believe a firm backbone in place is needed for times when we run up on a person of a true nasty character. I try to be civil in hairy situations, but once in awhile a girl has to do, what a girl has to do. But for everyday general interactions, I say love, lift-up and look out for one another :) ♥
Great comment
Thank you so much for this :)
There is a special lot here on the SteemVerse... some who have kept me in the game 💗