I'm not too up on health care or immigration here. I pay zero attention to politics or news in any country. Only now I look at crypto news :) I'm just doing my weight loss coaching thing no matter where I am and always live in a local neighborhood - no tourists - just me and whoever else lives here.
I get any drugs I need from the pharmacists for cheap and quick. I was in the ER for dehydration in a Bangkok hospital for 6 hours once. $45 usd and I was all fixed up. I was in a public ward that was fine and I got good care.
What certain issues do you feel are better over there? I cannot think of anything. The bad food supply, high prices, and the police state were why I left California a few years ago. But I have not been to Canada in years. I think the last time was 1994 for a couple of days and I was glad to leave.
The people leaving here were either going for money and better opportunity or they had a dream of the place being good. I only told them the good stuff as much as I could think of.