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RE: Do You Feel Homesick Easily?

in #dtube6 years ago

You're right. The lifestyle you have in Asia is usually much better than back in North America. The downsides come in when you face problems, like I mentioned in my video. I don't know what Malaysia's health care system and things like that are like. Is it any good? How about the political and immigration situation? Those are reasons why people leave their home country and move to the USA or Canada.

In your day to day life, Asian countries are usually more interesting, but when it comes to certain issues, you will remember why countries like Canada are so great.

I don't like hockey either. I am an odd ball like you (but not as much of an old fart as you yet😂). Canada is quite cold too. I never miss the cold in Canada.


I'm not too up on health care or immigration here. I pay zero attention to politics or news in any country. Only now I look at crypto news :) I'm just doing my weight loss coaching thing no matter where I am and always live in a local neighborhood - no tourists - just me and whoever else lives here.

I get any drugs I need from the pharmacists for cheap and quick. I was in the ER for dehydration in a Bangkok hospital for 6 hours once. $45 usd and I was all fixed up. I was in a public ward that was fine and I got good care.

What certain issues do you feel are better over there? I cannot think of anything. The bad food supply, high prices, and the police state were why I left California a few years ago. But I have not been to Canada in years. I think the last time was 1994 for a couple of days and I was glad to leave.

The people leaving here were either going for money and better opportunity or they had a dream of the place being good. I only told them the good stuff as much as I could think of.