The vast majority won't want to let this dangerous and destructive myth go...will YOU?
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The only laws really needed to be enforced are basic common law, and for items not covered there, a right to judgement by a jury of peers. Force from those given the privilege to wear a uniform showing they are a protector of the people is, and would be seldom called for as people would know full well the laws of the land and enforce them themselves.
The police know they are not to instigate force, and if they do they are only allowed to use just enough to counter that used against them.
The problem is, both the Government and their departments have forgotten they are on the welfare system of the taxpayer. Just as welfare can be withdrawn from those out of work for not following rules, we should be able to withdraw our funds from them if they cant follow ours.
until this reversal happens, the entitlement that seems to pervade today's society, starting at the top, will continue to suck the taxpayers blood dry. How can a group living on the wages of others force them to give to them? just ask the mafia - they are both sides of the same coin.
We need to change governments in the world, but we desperately need a cultural change as well. Most people just want to make a profit no matter who they are hurting. As soon as people start to see the world like something that need to go forward to everyone, governments will loose a lot of power.
People has the power but dunno how to make good use of it.
Join the rebels. Checked your facebook page. Most people do not want to see the truth, so it is important that more people dare to speak out.
You have started me down a rabbit hole of true freedom. I always had a libertarian slant but thought the government to be necessary. I'm struggling with non-aggression principle; I agree with a lot of the principle but don't believe it's the answer.
It doesn't sound like you were given the N.A.P. because there is not "a lot" to agree with. It's very short & sweet, keep your word & don't hurt or threaten to hurt anyone or their property.
The TRUTH doesn't care what you "believe". The TRUTH is always true no matter what, period. The N.A.P. is the only answer, whether you agree with it or not. If your truly coming down the rabbit hole you'll see that soon enough. Won't you grab me a 6 pack for when you get way down here where the rest of us are? We're looking forward to your arrival. Cheers!
What do you NOT agree about not initiating force and violence on peaceful people?
I'm struggling with the morality of the greater good, and what can be considered aggression. Is it moral to infringe on the few to better humanity? One could argue using aggression in this case is moral. I know this a form tyranny of the many. Maybe, I'm so indoctrinated that my brain is having a hard time accepting what true freedom is? My next problem would be individuals that have lower and higher standards for aggression. How would this be resolved? I like said; I just start down the hole. This sticking point might resolve itself with more research and soul searching.
I think I see where you are coming from. It is easy to envision living in peace with the non-aggression principle if the people are indeed peaceful. However, the reality of this world is that many people do not choose to live in peace. Many choose to dominate over others, intentionally. Of this demographic, most of them are ignorant of the non-aggression principle. Even still, what other way would you deal with this situation? Creating a monster to defeat your enemies will only give you a bigger enemy and that monster is government.
As for where the line is drawn? It is very simple. Did someone initiate force upon another WITHOUT his or her consent? That is, did they hurt, threaten, steal, trespass, vandalize, de-fraud, or otherwise deceive that individual? If yes to any of these, then you are an aggressor. If anyone should commit any of these acts towards you, you are then justified to use violent and even deadly force if necessary to defend against such aggression. Violence may not be necessary and of course, a moral person would use the least amount of force necessary to defend against said aggression. I am sure this brings up many additional questions, such as allocation of land and natural resources. How far down do you want to go?
We have been brainwashed into believing in the necessity of government for centuries, over many generations.
The biggest problem is in my mind, that we were told by our parents and people we trusted.
So it gets very hard to see the truth. We just accept it, because everybody else agrees with it, without questioning.
Hard to break this toxic belief. Thank you for your great efforts to wake people up 🙂
High Impact You're in Good Company on YouTube delistings. JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick had 4 million+ views last time I checked and now deemed inappropriate by YouTube viewers/algorithms, etc.
But here is the direct link. Pass it around:
I been red pilled for a long time now I’m just glad others are waking to these things going on. Great video as always.