The only laws really needed to be enforced are basic common law, and for items not covered there, a right to judgement by a jury of peers. Force from those given the privilege to wear a uniform showing they are a protector of the people is, and would be seldom called for as people would know full well the laws of the land and enforce them themselves.
The police know they are not to instigate force, and if they do they are only allowed to use just enough to counter that used against them.
The problem is, both the Government and their departments have forgotten they are on the welfare system of the taxpayer. Just as welfare can be withdrawn from those out of work for not following rules, we should be able to withdraw our funds from them if they cant follow ours.
until this reversal happens, the entitlement that seems to pervade today's society, starting at the top, will continue to suck the taxpayers blood dry. How can a group living on the wages of others force them to give to them? just ask the mafia - they are both sides of the same coin.