Speak The King's Language

So how can I as a newbie or minnow speak the language of King Content & King Engagement and make a difference on Steemit?
The Language of Content
You've probably heard the term "content is king". Hearing that can seem like a giant of a task to newcomers and people who've been on Steemit trying to carve their path. It doesn't have to be an intimidating phrase so let me give your mind a bit of a massage. Creating content is simply about providing value. Everyone values things differently so you have to understand the things that a group of people find valuable.
Some people find spiritual insight valuable. Some find cars or sports valuable. Others may find information about money or food valuable. A good way to start providing value is to look at the things you are really interested in or excited about. Trust me you will find someone with like minds. So if you can give great effort in providing valuable content for the benefit of others then you have begun speaking the language of content.

The Language of Engagement
Not every one wants to create content. So if that's you then I totally understand. There's tons of people who just sit back and like to read what other people have to say. Curators and watchers are very necessary to content creators so kudos if you are in that club. However there is a further step to take once you read someone's content. You simply need to focus on engaging. It can be difficult if you are not used to doing this but one of the keys to making a difference on Steemit is to do just that.
Jump in the comment section after reading a post or watching a video and share your thoughts. Even if you have a different opinion about what someone wrote then good. Be respectful and pose your opinion. We are humans and at the end of the day we will not agree on everything but one thing that we need as humans is connection with other humans. We are dependent on interaction. So if you can get out of your comfort zone in order to connect with others on a deeper level then you have begun to speak the language of engagement.
Wrap up
Hopefully this helps you grasp what you can do to contribute to Steemit. I say content and engagement are the kings of Steemit for a reason. It's because I look around at the Steemscape I have noticed that those who please these two kings have generally done well and made a difference in the community in their own way. If you can please both kings then great but if not, no worries. Just focus on one at a time and go from there. The main thing to remember is to be willing to speak the language of either content or engagement. Then after that, level up and master the language. One or both of the kings will be happy and you will be on your way to finding your place here on this miracle of a platform we know as Steemit. Peace to all of you.

Do you know when I get up early in the morning I used to check your blog first...why becoz I love your writing and in fact I learned a lot from your writing. This is what engagement is.
Thank you.
Wow. I'm humbled. will keep sharing what I know to help out.
its really really really really like really not easy as a minnow.. its so frustrating. I have denied my self sleep for days trying to create quality posts and at the end, after posting it, i get only cents. oh Jesus! but thks to you tho, because when i found your blog and read about being in the comment sections of other steemians' posts from one of your posts, my stay on steemit has been fair, can't say better for now tho, before, it was worse but thks to you @humanearl
I agree to all what is contained on this post of yours, why? because I am a witness to it. most of my earnings, no matter how small comes from my comments from other people's posts. Thanks to @humanearl and @thankgodikkc for letting me know this.
If I hadn't known about the comment section stuff, I think by now, I would have quit steemit with no joy.
so thanks once again and peace be to you too my friend and mentor @humanearl
I understand where you're coming from with how hard it is for minnows. Many have voiced this to me. That's why I do my best to share all the info I can about how people can succeed or earn here on Steemit. I'm not a guru on all this stuff but I know from experience and observation what has worked.
I'm glad you are doing a little better than before. Just keep improving and never stop learning.
Thankyou so much, you have always inspired me @humanearl. I will always be grateful.. And thks for the encouragement, i am happy and fortunate to have someone like you as a mentor.. Remain blessed G.
#omg I am so thankful to you for letting us all know this . I am new too and believe me I was so excited and designing my own content by now I was so disappointed cause I am getting no response and support I will definitely apply your teaches . Thank you @human earl
It seems like there is a growing amount of spam out there. Not just on Steemit, but life in general. People who say words that have no value. People who want something for nothing. It's not about connection. It's not about relationship. It's about taking.
I like being in relationship with people who give. I'm a giving person and I can only give so long until I feel used. So when I'm friends with a giving person, we just give back and forth. It's great!
On Steemit, I look for people who are engage. I like following people who will comment on my stuff as well. Even if they're a newly-minted Red Fish and have 0 SP, I still want to hear their thoughts, even if they don't have an upvote to give. I want to build that relationship.
Thanks for encouraging positive engagement. It can be hard to produce good content sometimes, but positive engagement can be easy as soon as you decide to do so.
The spam is just a part of the territory. However I don't even entertain spam and if it starts to become a bigger issue for me then I may consider flagging. I have only flagged someone once.
One of my main focuses is to connect the content creator with the content consumer in order to create a relationship where both contribute to one another. That why I talk about giving and contributing so much because it is key to the success of everyone and not just the content creators.
This is the sum of the "what engagement is" and this article in particular every minnow should read.
I really liked this most.
Thank you @humanearl....steem on and stay blissful....
Right. I made this with minnows in mind.
This would have been a nice SteemSchool topic, gonna resteem this to share the value of this post with my followers.
You are on my auto upvote list now Earl, you have really improved your Steemit game and besides that you always helped me and continue to do so.
You earned it!
Between soaking up tons of information, experimenting and listening to you I have improved and will continue to do so. Thanks for all the advice.
That's really a beneficial post for newbies.
Like me,for now I'm just trying to connect with the people and get engage with them,by expressing my thoughts on their post.
Also Trying to construct my reputation,after some considerable reputation & steem power i'll start blogging.
That's what my future ambitions are.dont know I'll pass or fail in doing so ,but currently I am enjoying the environment here.
You're off to a good start then by trying to work on engagement. I tell people that creating content is not the only way to earn steempower
Absolutely not..
Nice post as usual @humanearl. Just like always ,u'v got something tangible and inspirational to offer .
I for one hardly watch videos on dtube when.l see them posted but you have just made me have so much interest in you and I get to watch all you dtube uploads co I thought to myself ,if I can draw so much inspiration from what he writes then I could draw more by watching him say them directly .
Speaking of the two kings, these can never be said any better. Without pleasing these two kings, you will just keep getting frustrated on steemit. I might not have the time to make contests on steemit , I might not have the time to join or participate in all the contests but what would it take me toread good posts and drop reasonable comments, nothibg! But many of d it difficult and still complain that steemit is boring and they don't earn much.
Steemit is all about Interaction . Why waste my time liking picture and commenting on useless posts on other socila platforms when I can come here and put my time to good use.
Thanks once again @humanearl for this titbit...you are always on point
Theres a bunch of people who don't care to create content and that's fine. I just want people to know that there is more than one way to earn here on Steemit. Thanks for understanding and taking the time to read.
Yet again you killed it with this article.
One thing that makes you stand out is your genuine love for what you do. I can feel your passion jump out of the screen as I read this article and watch your video.
I hope this piece you have created will reach vast swaths of people and instill in them the importance of the 2 Kings!
As always, may the crypto gods bless us all!
I really do love to create and share my life with others. I did my best to allow people to look at it from two angles and to simplify things. It can be very overwhelming with all the info thats on Steemit.
Yes very true....engagement is is most important thing and not just once it should be a persistent effort and as time goes, we can find the likely minded people and thus a relationship get developed and this is how I have experienced in steemit so far.
Thank you and Have great day.
True that I agree.
THIS IS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT STEEMIT. You can grow us a person by sharing and listening. If you are not a content person, you can always talk to other people. If you can't talk to other people, create a post with an awesome content. You can communicate with more than one step and you have an option on how you will do it. Another great work man! Awesome! Keep it up! Thank you for the support!
Exactly. There's more than one way to connect and grow. Thanks for always supporting and engaging. It's encouraging to me.
It's the least I can do brother. :) We must support each other. I'm enjoying to watch you and your work. Always here for your work. Thank you brother.
Content and not just content but quality content is king. Most people lack the quality of content and i'm not an exception. I have tried looking out for a good way to make steemians here my voice here on steemit but i'm still yet to define a niche for myself. I like sports and have decided to start writing about it and making hopefully, quality content. I hope to be good at analysis enough to bring readers to my blog.
So for now, i'm in the curators team and this is where i get most of my rewards here on steemit. The problem curators have is they dont engage the author and other curators. Most just leave comments like "nice post", " wow.. that's nice" and all that. It ain't supposed to be so.
What is quality content? Its question of definition, so just do what you like to do, and write about things you are engadged with. Votes will come and go, but if you dont doing what you like you will loose interest and motivation. Good luck
This is exactly what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to get rid of my facebook mentality of just mindlessy posting worthless content. I want to create quality content its just finding that topic that I’ll love to continue working on.
@rastlin908 Coming to Steemit after facebook is a bit of a learning curve in regards to the content you produce. It's mainly because facebook captures people's thoughts in soundbites as opposed to Steemit which allows people to share content in a much more broader form.
So yea I understand it is an adjustment but one thing I can advise is to just be mindful of your content and also ask the question "what's in it for my readers". That's a solid guide to creating something of value.
@profchydon I would say write or make videos about things that you like. Learn as much as you can. Experiment. Get better. It won't be overnight but nothing is impossible. I am trying to create more engagement and bridge the gap between content creators and and curators. Curators should feel like they are a apart of the content in some way. Not just a spectator so to speak but an active and willing contributor the the creator's work.
@humanearl - Sir I feel this is the best reference to all minnows must read... I see a lot of people jumped to comment section without having a proper idea about the article... I think they didn't read it... Sometimes Sir, we are not 100% clear about what others said... But atleast we need to read the article to get a clear idea... Therefore, this is very useful content Sir... Nice you decided to share it Sir...
To be honest I'd rather people not comment if they don't at least read the article. You are exactly right my friend.
Guys dont forget about the prince, creativity.
Always stay creative! ;)
Aha. Yepp can't forget creativity. I agree
To me, that's the most valued point made bro @humanearl and I thank you for having minnows and newbies at heart with your always-on-point posts.
I hear many new people talk about trying to do well on Steemit so hopefully this gives them some encouragement. Nothing is impossible.
Content needs a purpose aligned with the audiences wants and needs. It must provide value or what's the point?
When creating content, I try to remember that the audience is always asking, "What's in it for me?" when deciding to engage or not.
If the content being produced answers that question with a "nothing" or "not much" then there's no point in publishing it.
Exactly It must provide some value. In other words it's not just about you. That's a great standard to post by.
@humanearl, Absolutely brilliant contents indeed of your Dtube video. Yep..Communication is the most powerful way to build-up connections. Before long years ago communication was very delay process. But currently more improvement technology has in society. So we can easily engage with others. Yep..we all can do different things in steemit platform and always try to do the needful. Difference maybe very important and get some advantages. I agreed content and engagement are the kings of Steemit for a reason.without content or engagement anything not happen in this platform. So always I try to understand steemit situation and engage with more steemians. Thanks for valuable content.
We can all find our place. This can be a difficult at first but it is possible. Thanks for stopping by and engaging. This is what Steemit is about.
it really does come down to Value for Value. What you bring TO the community will be paid back TO you.
What we bring and contribute to the community. That's perfectly said. It's not about take, take, take.
I enjoy reading your contents always very inspiring and has enough things to learn from, i am a newbie and has been trying had to be active in both ways....thanks for the info sir
Keep it up. Stay active!
Not only minnows we all must read this article before our next comment or next post on STEEMIT! Very useful article bro! Thanks for sharing it!@humanearl,
No problem. Thanks for the support again.
Magnificent information you have shar with us.thank you.keep sharing.ho ahead.waiting for your next post.
I think this can help many who are trying to get a better understanding of what makes good posts "good".
@humanreal..very usefull post dear...not only Not only minnows we should read this article before our next comment or next post on STEEMIT..its really helpful to the newbiees in the steemit..thank you for sharing with us...
I do my best to think about people who are just getting on Steemit for the first time.
Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice video. thank you for sharing @humanearl
Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.
you wellcome sir @humanearl
Great article. I am new to steemit, so i will be taking this all on board. Thanks for sharing and helping others achieve a wider audience.
A BIG welcome and thank for stopping by. I will continue to post things that can help newcomers to Steemit.
your blog is so informative
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.
Thanks. Hope it helped in one way or another.
Good article for new seemit users . Content is important . am also not a good content writer .
No worries. Add comments if you don't care to create content.
first of all thanks for the quality and understandable article.
the article should be understandable, a simple language should appeal to every preferred audience.
I tried to make it plain while still being creative with it.
Language is not a barrier here for sure have personally seen it and believe in it different people getting together to make steemit great again : )
The good thing is that there are many people here that happen to speak whatever language you speak. That definitely helps to connect much better.
good work.
dtube is a great plartform
I love Dtube.
good post and good video.your steem life is bright
Thanks for the compliment and thanks for stopping by.
Dtube chanel is now becoming popular. Great job. Keep sharing
Dtube will be a huge factor.
That's cool thank you soo mush
thanks for useful information and sharing.
I expect support for cooperation.
This was on my mind this morning so was coincidental that I found your post. We, too, feel like we are off to a slow start. But, it has been just a little over a month since we joined. Not sure what we expected so is hard to judge progress. I have tried a variety of posts. From simple, spontaneous, writing, just for fun and often just a photo. With varying results. I love to read and reply! Which I seriously feel is the purpose. I have two members who I share with regularly already.
My husband and I have decided to keep it fun, be sure to put effort into our posts, recognize others and let it take a natural course. We'll fall into a niche soon. As will all us minnows.
As long as you keep experimenting you should be able to find your voice. Finding your voice is closely aligned with who you are so just remember to share YOU and the things you enjoy talking about. I know it can be tough at first but nothing is impossible.
Great information you have shar with us.thank you.keep sharing.ho ahead.waiting for your next post.thank you
great dtube post
This post is very useful for the new comer's here.If someone follow this instruction will be highly benefited .@upvoted and resteemed
o relay so good for dtube post
ok already I vote. do not forget to vote back
excellent your steem life post! i love your post
woow. amazing picture.. this is mind blowing. thanks for sharing.. boss
I'm new to all of this...so thanks for the info. Keep it up! ;)
Very good and helpful article for steemians .
each post and pic makes a difference everyone has got some uniqueness and its the key
I just started to be active on my account and have been trying to please both kinds. Thanks for the advice.
Thank you for your post, it was very useful.
Τhe whole attempt is to try to improve the way we communicate with the rest of the world. It is not easy and nobody can be a 100% successful. What we are looking is to improve the percentage we have in our social contact with others. A small plus, is a plus.
I think time will tell how many people, that think, like and want what we want etc, will stay in our circle. But then again, perhaps we may change ourselves in the future and we may lose those who have been next to us for a long time.
Communication goes very far here on Steemit because we can build great relationships.
Do you need to be on Dtube as well to become a good steemer?
No not at all. However I take advantage of both because some people don't like to watch videos and some people don't like to read much.
Obviously I dnt know much about steemit, with this I hopefully can boast of a little knowledge
Keep learning. It will be fine and you'll get the hang of it soon.
I love to see young people getting involved. That builds a Steemit future. I like your vibe and have no idea you will be successful. Keep making great content and I will surely keep engaging with you. It's a building process and as long as you stay positive you will be successful.

@democratsonlyThanks for your encouragement. I am just being me and sharing my life. Hopefully at least one person can be helped by what I share.
Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it. Thats worth a upvote from me. Seems like a great community here.
Lol im also new here. just trying to gain some followers.
if you guys have some time please visit my d-tube channel if you like crazy people funny videos angry people and many more funny compilations!
Upvote and follow @1517 subscriber