Ron Paul On Trump's First Year of Presidency, US Dollar Collapse and Anarchy

in #dtube7 years ago

Anarchast Ep.399

Jeff interviews returning guest and Anarchapulco 2018 speaker, Dr. Ron Paul, topics include: Ron Paul's interpretation of the first year of the Trump presidency, an atrocious foreign policy, non-intervention, looming US government bankruptcy, Trump controlled by the neocons, the coming destruction of the dollar, distortions in the economy and upcoming corrections, the 'everything bubble', the best government is self government, liberty and prosperity, moral anarchism, the right to self defense, Dr Paul to speak at Anarchapulco 2018!

Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity:

The Liberty Report:

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I do not know how he lasted all this time.
But the people must be steadfast in front of his madness
Thanks for sharing..

God bless you

What's sad is that we are surrounded by so many people who fall for this crap over and over from politicians. Trump did exactly what countless other politicians do, and he flip flopped on tons of issues. Why is anyone surprised anymore? It makes you wonder about the theory of this all being a simulation, and most people around us are NPC's. That's why they act illogically and as if they are programmed. You can't change them no matter how much good evidence you show them too. The feeling I get is that us liberty lovers will always be a minority. How can we coexist with a majority that demands a ruler? I don't have the answer to the question. Liberty Professionals such as yourself and Dr. Paul however are in the fight, and I am honored to be in it with you, friends! Thanks for all you do, Mr. Berwick.

My sentiments were the same as well.

I don't think the dollar will collapse. the euro might if they have another crisis though.


Most politicians are. If someone wants to rule over you, chances are pretty high they are.

as spanish i didnt know Ron Paul...he seems to be a very interesting person! thanks for sharing @jeffberwick !

I like best the quote of Ron Paul outlining that Trump isn't reading that much and seems always to be impressed by the last person he has talked to.

To be honest. It really seems so. He is the most ambivalent politician we are aware of and furthermore his acts don't seem to be based on in depth knowledge or long-term considerations.

But he is still the President - maybe because of demonstrating strength all the time ...

My metaphorical image of politicians dealing with Trump becoming president involves dancing, and goes kinda like this: They have made their careers out of doing the macarena around language to deceive people, but then all of a sudden, the difficulty of maintaining believability dramatically changes to a break dance!

Liberty is Prosperity 😎

Dr. Ron Paul is an american hero.

He's a Liberty Professional and a hero of liberty, not any particular nation state, in my humble opinion.

Trump is a shill, the opposition is controlled, we live in an insane asylum where the sane considered insane.

This is awesome. I wish I could afford anarchapulco. I voted for Ron Paul. I believe the mainstream media engineered the fake movement which elected Obama, based on the true internet movement behind Ron Paul. Even then it was A Tale of Two Cities. A War of the Worlds. The online Internet truth World versus Make Believe TV bologna land. keep up the great work Jeff

This is an interesting perspective from Dr. Paul and many people today were so dependent to government that they just realized that real wealth comes from. I will never ever take this for granted at all! Thank you Jeff and Ron!

Ron Paul at Anarchapulco?!?! I need a go fund me so I can make it. My plan was to go in 2019 but now. I'd do most anything to be there. My wife & I put in a lot of work for him in '08 & even more in '12. How we'de love to be there.

love Ron Paul....... keep him coming back.....

This post very nice..i like dtube channel..thanks for share..

it's so good to see the old coot still in the ring... oh and good to see Ron Paul too!! :) aha gotcha there jeff!

keep well.

well done for you letting him explain out his thoughts.
really good interview.

Thanks for sharing this excellent interview.

I sure do like Ron Paul... great interview Jeff!

I was fully onboard with the Ron Paul Revolution. He was America's last chance at having a freedom loving, liberty minded, small government president. Unfortunately the media silenced him every chance they could. All I know is Trump is not hitlery and that's why he got my vote.

Ron Paul's liberty report is great, along with some cup of coffee and I'm set.

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Could have always voted for Hillery, 10 trillion more in debt, another war, and half the taxpayers money going to the Clinton Foundation.

Sure sign me up and send me a cell phone.....

this year that happened began the self-destruction of USA

Loved hearing from Ron Paul many years back, was actually wondering where he'd gotten to.

I like that you included a break down of the content of this video too, I put together a post that I felt would be insightful and useful in an aim to encourage similar

Mr @jeffberwick I was wondering if you think North Korea will launch their nukes against Trump. I understand if you don't like the idea of responding to such a direct question?

If Ron Paul was president, imagine how high bitcoin would have gone - - mega superbass parabolic magnitude. So if you're American and you love bitcoin and cryptocurrency, vote for Ron Paul the next time hopefully he's running.


I had found this russiam puppet in a store in Vermont ( Sorry Bernie) last summer ......

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When is Ron Paul going total anarchy? The gov is useless and dangerous. But still Dr Paul is the best since Ayn Rand in leading people to liberty.

Hey there! I´m Osama, the brother of Obama. If you think, I have to come back, give me like, then I maybe come back ;)