Have a nice day, everyone!
My post for Beautiful Sunday. This is my experiment in creating video from a photograph. And some beach photos.
Thank you @ace108 for #beautifulsunday and @c0ff33a for hosting #SublimeSunday
Original photos by @leylar
Thanks for your time and support!
▶️ DTube
что-то у меня с этим ресурсом не дружится, вроде регился, а хотел сейчас подписаться на канал... ни-ни)) И видео пробовал размещать, зависало.
Картинки как по мне меняются быстровато, зато есть иллюзия движения)) А вообще хорошо получилось)
The video worked perfectly, what an awesome creative idea - I love how the photos fade into each other and the boat is animated through it’s separate photos in a really cool way. !COFFEEA 15
Posted using Partiko iOS
Actually, I think even Powerpoint can do that.
You can have the photos in the slides, insert audio and save the presentation as an mp4 file.
I used the program Picasа.
thanks for the comment
You're welcome. I used to have that before but I thought it's not supported anymore for quite a while.