A Few Startling Moves in the Last Weeks Of November...
Historic US bill would outlaw Israel aid used to abuse children
Related: This Bedouin village has been demolished by Israel 120 times
University of Michigan Students Pass Israel Divestment Resolution, Signaling Momentum Among Larger Schools
Always remember, silence is consent. I choose to bear witness to these crimes against humanity. Looking away will not make this go away. Free Palestine!

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Finally a bit of good news for these forgotten, downtrodden souls.
Well done for your voice in this babe. I hope to see more positive news in 2018 that will go some way to alleviating the suffering. The more pressure we put on our own governments to stop thier acquiescence with this situation the better.
Hopefully we see the MSM tank even more in 2018, as people get their news from real sources, and stop buying into the corporate presstitutes.
It's definitely going that way babe.
I don't even watch the MSM for the comedy factor anymore such is their detachment from reality.
It astounds me that there are still people who tune into BBC, CNN, ABC etc for their news, what's the point?
They are addicted to the SHOW of it all maybe? The plastic faces and smiles...the delight in the newscasters as they tell horrible stories...sickens me!!
They're supposed to be impartial too. When as the last time you saw that?
That Rachel Madcow was a fucking joke during the election, she should've been fucking fired for being such a moron when Trump won. In fact she should have been locked up for supporting that cunt Hillary!
They all need to be in jail.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention @lyndsaybowes we all need a glimmer of hope and indeed none more than the Palestinians! Hopefully these are just the opening breezes of a coming storm of change but we shall see how this plays out. Equally it's far easier to speak out when you're in opposition and with the way that Trump seems to be allied with Netanyahu this could also be a sly dig. Although the mere fact that these topics are being forced into an increasing public arena can only be seen as a good thing. As ever I remain a cautious optimist!! Thanks again @lyndsaybowes
100% @perceptualflaws, cautious optimism is the way to go.
Thanks @lyndsaybowes this is definitely a step in the right direction. Hopefully it will continue from here. But seeing as America owe Israel alot of money it is going to be a very long road before we see Palestinians having their freedom.Thanks for keeping us all informed, everyone needs to kept aware.
Hopefully this at least causes more to start speaking out.
I have friends from Palestine on my facebook avatar and I hear the stories from them and you. It is painful to witness but we must not turn away. Like you said, silence is consent and our participation in the genocide, violence and evil acts of others. I've been standing on my soap box for nearly 15 years speaking of the violence and describing the amount of work that is necessary to find peace. It is very difficult but not impossible. If we really want it, we would start within! Bravo to you for speaking your truth and being an advocate for those without a voice and speaking out against the violence of others!
We have the privilege of being connected to the internet, of being able to read/write, and being able to have our voices heard. If we don't use that to help people with no privilege, people who are brutally oppressed, we are wasting our power.
Thank you so much for always speaking out. Against all odds.
Another great video that is spot on.
Thank you for your crusade in pointing out what inhumane treatment the Zionists are providing the world with. Palestine is just one of many areas where they kill, rape, and enslave. This is nothing new and it is time the world stand up to it.
Writing the last article on BoredPanda, it becomes evident there is tyranny everywhere. We need to fight for freedom while providing others with alternatives wherever we can. This is crucial. The power of the masses are misused since we are not focused. Bring the issues to light really does help.
Palestine needs its own crypotocurrency so that it has the money to fight back against the Zionist. In fact, we all do. That is why crypto is so important.
I'm trying to get a couple of my friends from Palestine to join Steemit, hopefully they do soon!
If they do, give them my username so we can connect....look at the zap I sent out...if I can send the price of STEEM up 50%, I can fix their situation.
A month of articles and I will have the zionist pushed back....it seems I have a magical keyboard.
You make me smile :)
I really hope some good will come of this. But I have little confidence in the so called government doing anything good. Usually it's just some feel good propaganda so they can look like the good guys, and then they just continue on doing evil.
my exact thoughts.
but if im right, we will see storm of rage, because Israel has alergic reaction to any kind of critique. poinitng to anything and saying they are doing it wrong, for them is fascistic.
no matter what are you pointing at.
for example, they are seriously convinced that worlds leading media is full of anti israel bias.
they cant stand even smallest crack ^ makes them tantrum.
I hear you Derek, and like I said in the vid, it's not the biggest deal in the world...it's not like this has Saved Palestine. Just that it's a rare crack in the status quo.
so many of these stories need to be told, Palestinian, Rohingya, Syrian's, etc etc . Don't give up the good work you do!
I will always keep going. You do too. Thanks for being aware of the truth @moondogecrypto.
actually, If you could help me, I am trying to reach to a Palestinian living in Palestine to participate as a chapter leader for Internet of People (IoP), IoP is a true (DAO) decentralised autonomous organisation set to make a change for a better world. Visit us at iop.global for more information, or email me at [email protected]. Perhaps with the power of blockchain and crypto we can give them the tools for a better future!
how miserable they are, the world is silent and deaf, what they do wrong!
The Palestinians are innocent. Their only 'crime', was born in the wrong place, no one has control over where they are born.
I wish peace to Palestine and Israel. I myself from the Ukraine and not by hearsay know what fighting is.
it's really awesome, great, thanks for your important post,
your video is nice,
very good post.
wow,,,,nice post....