Another great video that is spot on.
Thank you for your crusade in pointing out what inhumane treatment the Zionists are providing the world with. Palestine is just one of many areas where they kill, rape, and enslave. This is nothing new and it is time the world stand up to it.
Writing the last article on BoredPanda, it becomes evident there is tyranny everywhere. We need to fight for freedom while providing others with alternatives wherever we can. This is crucial. The power of the masses are misused since we are not focused. Bring the issues to light really does help.
Palestine needs its own crypotocurrency so that it has the money to fight back against the Zionist. In fact, we all do. That is why crypto is so important.
I'm trying to get a couple of my friends from Palestine to join Steemit, hopefully they do soon!
If they do, give them my username so we can connect....look at the zap I sent out...if I can send the price of STEEM up 50%, I can fix their situation.
A month of articles and I will have the zionist pushed seems I have a magical keyboard.
You make me smile :)