While interesting, I doubt it will really be that simple while providing to full use of the EOS blockchain. I recently went through the process of of creating an EOS wallet and account and it was not as easy as thr Steem signups I am seeing around these days. While it did let me buy an account with a credit card, It did not let me pay with EOS I already had. Also, once finally setup and as I tried to make some transfers and stakes, I ran into RAM and CPU cost or bandwidth issues that I could not understand. It seems to work like Steem Power and Resource Credits but had no idea or explanation on how they worked. Lastly, what real benefit does a Google centralized account signup really give? For me it is more of a security concern if we don’t have encrypted keys.
Posted using Partiko iOS
All great points @newageinv! I havn't much interaction with the EOS blockchain since setting up my wallet/buying some EOS before the launch last year, so it's interesting to hear that they have some similar bandwidth type issues that we experience here on Steem.
They haven't released a ton of information on how the google account creation will actually work -but it appears that their goal is to make account creation simple. Although people like us may look at including Google as a security concern or a move towards centralization - I can totally see it's value from a "let's sign up every day people" standpoint. It will be very interesting to keep an eye on Block One/Meos and see how this all progresses.