Thanks for the video, issue and reply. Appreciate your opinion. I'm uncertain what type of zone this incident occurred.
Sec. 20-7. - Special noise sources.
(a) Residential zones. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person, other than law enforcement personnel or government agencies acting within the scope of their employment, to install, use or operate within any residential zone of the City, a loudspeaker or sound-amplifying device or equipment in a fixed or movable position, on public property including any public right-of-way, without first obtaining a temporary permit from the special events task force.
It appears a decibel meter is not needed in every case.
There's also this section of the noise code:
Sec. 20-11. - Unnecessary noise.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, and in addition thereto, it shall be unlawful for any person without justification to make or continue, or cause or permit to be made or continued, any unnecessary, excessive or offensive noise which disturbs the peace or quiet of any neighborhood or which causes discomfort or annoyance to any reasonable person of normal sensitiveness residing in the area.
I think the cops did great. I don't agree with the Pastor that there's some conspiracy of Tempe, AZ, cops and Planned Parenthood against him or his church. I doubt the cops cared if he was for or against abortion. They simply investigated a complaint.
Again, noise can be harmful, disruptive, intrusive. According to a recent U.S. Census, it's the #1 complaint people make about their neighborhoods and the #1 reason people want to move, in major urban areas. It appears Tempe, AZ, has great laws and law enforcers who fairly and appropriately enforced these laws.
It's great that the Pastor's raising awareness to an important issue, but disappointing and kind of shocking that he was inconsiderate of the impact his amplified noise was having on others and that he may have been ignorant of the laws.
I apologize for not responding sooner, I don't get too many replies.