It's been exactly a week that I have been struggling mentally, thats why I haven’t been posting as frequently. Everything was fine, until I woke up one day and I was sad, angry, tired, and borderline depressed. It came out of the blue… and it happens sometimes. I lost motivation, and faith in myself. I thought it was just the day, since it was raining and I took the day off. Then the next day, it was the same thing... maybe it was my sleep. Spencer and I went away for two days, hoping it was the environment. And we worked on this project to help me express myself to you all about how I have been feeling lately. Expressing myself and editing this video (thank you @spenceryan, you’re the best), slowly took me out of this funk. I’m feeling a lot better now after being open, honest and vulnerable.
I don’t know how to describe it.
It’s a mental struggle that creeps up on you somedays and it feels like everyone else around you is moving,
but your stuck.
Stuck in one place,
stuck with the same thoughts,
and everything around you becomes the hardest thing in the world.
And then you watch everyone,
just moving.
And you’re pummeling yourself further into this rut and you just end up feeling worse.
This may last a few hours,
a day,
or a week.
But you just have to take it day by day.
Try your best,
and be happy with your best.
The battle with yourself is the toughest battle you will ever fight,
don’t give in,
don’t surrender.
If you’re reading or watching this,
Thank you.
▶️ DTube
I’m really glad you were able to get away and make something great out of this <3
Thank you for all your help :)
Wow. I can relate so much to this right now.. the planetary alignment is seriously fucking with me and my friends hard this week and I’m feeling It a lot lately also. This was so special to me because of where I’m at. I was in the process of writing a blog post of how much I’m struggling and then I saw this. Re fucking steemed. I’m in New York with my family under shitty circumstances otherwise I’d be down to meet up with you and Spence at the witches brew which is my favorite spot when I’m home. Well have to raincheck till next month. Turn your pain into creativity which is what you’ve already done ! Until next time :)
So glad you are able to relate... my goal was to be able to hit at least one person in the feels.
This week will pass, and another will come. You'll get through it all, and reflect back on it better, and stronger. I'm sorry you're here in NY in these circumstances, however everything will always in the end be okay.
Thank you for your comment & resteem! That means a lot to me. We definitely will meet up when things settle down for you and you're back :)
thank you for sharing, great video!
Thank you!
Just had someone telling me how they felt exacly the same ,
In these moments you feel alone and that you're the only one who feels this way and fail to realize that others feel the same exact way and that its normal sometimes.
I have a slight feeling about how you are feeling and I admire you for being so honest and share your struggles!I hope you find the rut of your problems and start feeling happy again!You are a beautiful person and you deserve to smile😊
Thank you for reading and watching, it feels great to be open.. however, I never stopped smiling!
This piece meant a lot to me. The internal struggle is an ocean with a mischievous moon, we must tread carefully and consistently. I'm really happy you did just that and hope clarity continues to wash over.
Thank you for sharing what this meant to you, its reasons like this that made me want to make it in the first place!
I was wondering where you were on my feed.
You're amazing in everything you do boo. Even the sun gets covered by clouds sometimes 😚
Awww I love you
Oh, no! Cheer up, beautiful!! You are the best and I really miss your videos!!!
Thank you! You're honestly the best <3
Man vs. Man (or in your case, woman vs. woman).
It's common in all of us as humans. We're our greatest ally and our worst enemy at the same time.
Your poem holds a lot of truth. There's nothing wrong with sitting back and coming to a realization about a few things.
I loved the shots you used to make this. Simple yet effective! I dig it!
I agree with you, and thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos!
I appreciate YOU responding! :D
Yo I feel you with this 100% For whatever reason, I started feeling this way myself the past couple of weeks. I knew I needed to free up my time and get back in touch with myself for direction. Legit thank you for your word, I hope that I can give you some inspiration with some of the mind hacking content ill be releasing soon. For me, I just needed to make time and space to reconnect to my higher self 100% and put 100000000000% faith in the process and the doors that have opened up to me. No worries you got this!
I really think its when we hold expectations of ourselves, and we somehow dont accomplish everything (cause after all we aren't super human) and I think its a slippery slope. May or may not be your case - but I do think its an entrepreneurial thing.
Thanks so much for your encouragement, it also feels good to know you're not the only one.
I feel you dear @paolajane, sometimes you do not know what you really feel but suddenly its a depression, that something to be fight.
God is good all the time, he will never leave us alone in our most hardest time ..
Thank you so much @micch, I agree with you 100%!!
Youre welcome girl stay positive..
This is insightful and perhaps a necessary part of your journey. What 's your why? What are you passionate about? What excites you? Then, go for it like your life literally depends on it. Embrace it, Enjoy it, and Live it. Think about what would make today absolutely a perfect day for you and create it! All the best to you all. Respectfully, Captain Bob.
I think thats another one of my issues - I cannot pinpoint my why. I have a ton of goals but my why is still a bit blurry which is hard to admit at times. As soon as I find it, I will be one happy girl haha
Thank you for sharing this with us!! It was beautiful!
How long did you actually stand there on the streets still? I remember I did that and I was standing there for around 15 minutes.
Winny out...for now ;)
PS: everyone feels stuck once in a while, but then it's a matter of the mindset and what you will do from there?
Thank you as always Winny! You're awesome for being so supportive.
I was standing for 5 WHOLE Minutes LOL
I decide to go up from here :)
We all have our struggles. Like you said: 'be happy with your best'.
What is your deepest fear?
Just like I dont know my why.. I dont know my deepest fear! Maybe I need to dig deeper and find these certain things out about myself.
I'll help you out.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
I think there is a lot of pressure on you, because somewhere in your head, you already know how great you're going to be. And you're not sure if you are ready for it. Don't worry about it. You have tons of time. And you are up for it. Once you've clicked, you'll be unstoppable. You already are, you just don't know. Spencer knows, most of your followers know. First you have to decide what you really want, which you can't always answer in a minute/day/week.
Don't worry too much. Enjoy a little more. Do it for love. Not for expectations.
I am at a loss for words. All I can say is Thank You.
No thanks. Just happy to be a part of your journey 👍
This was so cute😢
It happens to all of us at various times.... Life is hard sometimes, and we just have to keep punching and fighting back to carve out the life we know we desire and deserve.
sharing thoughts through film by combining sounds and moving pictures!wow @paolajane this is exactly what I was gonna do
for years I've been going to therapy, started the fight with myself by that and now feel comfortable to share the thoughts I've been writing down all along those years!
thank you so much for sharing, you have won a big battle by uploading this <3
Sometimes it's good to get "burnt" sometimes it forces yourself to do a 360 and drop everything and pursue the life that you wan't.