Official @planetsteem Twitter account:
background art by @fabiyamada and avatar by @tonesquare
I've been working on many things behind the scenes, and doing research within Planet Steem to find new amazing people to delegate SP to. I’ve been mostly quiet about this activity, delegating freely to people who I believe possess the “abundance gene,” but I did want to mention who has received SP delegations from me. They are:
@sharoonyasir - an inspirational woman who was brought to my attention by a friend
@stevenalexander - a very interesting and quirky video and music talent who has become a full Steem addict recently.
@shoumi - Slothicorn is the official sponsor of PIXLPETS, which is @shoumi’s project
@ankarlie- a brilliant teenager who is creating awesome tutorials on crypto, coding, tech and best of all, she is a sharer, helper and is very busy growing the collective intelligence in Planet Steem.
Delegating SP freely is by far the best thing a whale or an orca can do for Planet Steem.
It’s a lot like creating Christmas for someone else whenever you want. This is Steem’s secret killer app. Use the Vessel application made by @jesta to delegate SP to your favorite Steemians.
The other thing I’ve been working on behind the scenes: I created a community-run Twitter account for the entire Steem ecosystem: @planetsteem. Make sure and follow this account on Twitter because you will find gems on our Twitter feed that would be hard to find otherwise. We're planning giveaways and treasure hunts too, so it will be lucrative to follow us on there.
The idea behind this new account is to create a super active Twitter presence that communicates regularly with the people of Steem as well as people who are not familiar with Steem.
We want to help DTube grow as well as DLive. I will be focusing on developing infographics for DTube, and promoting this soon in a bigger way.
We also help new users who have some bandwidth issues, as long as a trusted Steemian brings this to our attention. It’s part customer care and community work which will also introduce wider social media people to all the amazing new applications inside the Steem ecosystem. By dividing up the work among a trusted group of Steemians, we can accomplish great things and also create a very cohesive social environment. Our diversity is our core strength.
We have a diverse group of people from Africa, Europe, South and North America running it. We are tweeting about DTube, Busy, Steemit, DMania, the works. The following people are now Planet Steem community managers tweeting from the @planetsteem account:
I’ve developed relationships with all these people over time and have confirmed that they are trustworthy. If you’re really into Twitter and love to share Steem with others, contact me via Discord (@Stella) and perhaps you can become a community manager as well. If I don’t personally know you, there’s no opportunity here. You must first build relationships with us, then we can possibly work together.
We really need Korean Tweeters and also more community managers from Asia. The Planet Steem account will be mostly in English but since Korea is such a big part of Planet Steem, Korean posts are recommended too. More SBD and Steem is traded on Korean exchanges than any other (as far as my reseach has concluded). @zoethehedgehog would be a great addition, so if you're reading this, please let us know if this interests you.
The @planetsteem Twitter account is for the people, by the people of Steem. If you’re on Twitter and want your article to be retweeted, to help exposure, make sure and tag @planetsteem. We cannot guarantee a retweet, but we often go searching for content to tweet. We do not yet have a Steem account for this, but if you're interested in developing this idea further, let me know. There is no salary or anything. This is strictly a volunteer opportunity.
Also, my main project, @slothicorn is coming along very well. If you have not heard about our latest contest, with a 50 SBD prize, go here. This link also explains the genesis story of Slothicorn, in case you were wondering what Slothicorn is, and how it can make a difference in the world:
Official Slothicorn Links

History of Slothicorn:
Congrats @stellabelle all these projects are ambitious and am sure this is what Steemit needs to take over other social media platforms and at this rate, it is only a matter of time before that fete is achieved..
@ankarlie and I were talking when she noticed when she was upvoting some posts that the value of her vote went higher. We were trying to figure it out when someone suggested to look at in order to check what happened and boom there it was your name and the delegated SP.
We were all shocked, especially her because she wasn't expecting it. Suprise delegations like this are literally gifts that must be utilized. She was stunned beyond belief and was one of the few times I saw her tongue tied.
I told her that she has been a great help to the community and she was instrumental to bringing a lot of us in the platform and through her we stayed because she constantly helped and guided us.
She is 19 years old but has helped so many people and continue to do so through her crypto talks, Steemit promotions and acting as a trusted exchange for a lot of the Filipino Community. I am proud to have her as a friend and will continue to support her advocacy and make our dream of providing a good alternative opportunity for Filipinos to earn so that a lot will be freed from the shackles of poverty.
I could not have thought of anyone better to receive this delegation. From the bottom of the heart of those in the @steemitfamilyph we thank you.
Incidentally you might want to check the twitter handle of @dante31 who has been promoting a lot of the works of people in his Twitter and doing a great job in @promo-mentors.
Ah great. In fact, it would be good to get one person from the promo steem community on our team, so they can share their work via Twitter...
hey, my wolf of steemit... my twitter handle is lharyboi
I totally agree about delegation, it really helps he upvotes reach more people. I’m not even half a dolphin yet and I’m so overwhelmed by the amount of people I’m trying to keep up with. There are so many greatness posts that go unnoticed, 10 eyes are better than 2.
Ashley told me about the twitter thing, sounds pretty brilliant. I’ll have to check it out even though I’m not on Twitter.
Get on twitter please :)
@stellabelle finally someone has some something about this, and in a true decentralized fashion you said fuck waiting for the owner of @steemit on Twitter, let's do this. I admire your drive
Well said.
I can feel the same frustration we have been feeling for a while about this issue.
That's why Planet Steem is happening now!
Are you following us yet??? ;)
really nice innovative I wish to be a whale so i could delegate thousands of steem power to support this project.
I think this is a good idea! We need a community run Twitter account. The official steemit one seems to have gone dark. Resteemed and tweeted!
I know a few people you delegated to, and I'll check out the others. It's nice of you to help them, as they help others!
I came from his channel, thanks for delegating SP to the guy, he deserves it.
I've been having that bandwidth issue you talked about, ended up finding a work around the problem, made a post about it in my channel, if you don't want to read it i will summarize it xD:

I basically spend the whole day writing comments and wait for the moment when steemit is with less people and i have bandwidth and just post everything i wanted to post during the day... i've been writing comments since 12:00, it's now 00:00, look at my google chrome tabs xD, my RAM is crying ahahah
Wow, you are truly working hard to make the steemit planet a wonderful place.
All the hard work you are putting in making steemit the best social platform can never be in vain because we shall continue to solve higher.
I commend you for your dedication. ♥
I still cannot believe that you gave me that fantastic delegation. Not that I don't know how generous you are, but I never imagined receiving any delegation from any influencer. And now that I have, it feels great and with this great power that you have given me, I have great responsibility on my mind and I am and will be doing my best to spread the love with all those who are doing great work but go unnoticed and will also be working with a few minnows like me to help them grow. Thank you so so much for the kindness and for believing in me. Just cannot thank you enough and @ghulammujtaba too. He is an absolutely amazing guy.
I know there are so many people working behind Steemit for Steemit, more and more I realize what an amazing community they built up already, we only can be thankful for your efforts.
Thank You!
Hope you all have the power to continue your great work.
Best regards and a wonderful day
Congratulations and much success. I'm new to this platform and I've already delegated some steem power not because I'm a whale but because it felt like the right thing to do. I'm learning alot about the platform and I'm all in for the long haul. This community and this project seems remarkable.
Thank you for your hard cooperation about this brilliant idea ... Stay here .. We are with the limitation of knowing very helpful with there articles like this
Thank so many things that we can learn from this post it’s helping a lot
Wow...This is so cool...
slothy #Go
Good research in planet of steem
And giving the usefull information to us
Well done and thank you for this contribution. One question. Are we Steemers or Steemians?
Nice one. There is love in shearing.
thank you so much for all that you have given the clue behind the scenes, this is very encouraging me to help others, i as a newcomer in steemit, need guidance ,,,
Long over due! Resteemed - and thanks for stepping up! :D
I have been wanting to do this since day 1, if I can be totally honest. That day on Twitter was the breaking point, and now all the energy can flow in the proper direction.....towards doing the right thing! Until Twitter is replaced by a decentralized version, we can continue directing people towards here, by hanging out there......creating a bridge.
Awesome, great initiative. Going to follow the account on Twitter right now.
Great idea. It is like bringing everyone under one roof. Ther we can share and make good contacts. Wonderful idea.
Centralizing the decentralized Steem blockchain. LOL.
It's a shame that so much responsibility falls on the shoulders of so few people here on Steemit that are willing to step-up. Thank you for stepping up and making this happen even though you have so many other "plates spinning in the air".
All my work is voluntary. I am very active on Twitter and have built up my CryptoTwitter presence, so I am actually creating more value for my investments. Investing in people is the best course......and this is one way we can add value.
I realize this and was just saying thanks and wish more people in this space would do the same especially those with more influence. I realize this may be for your own "personal gain" by creating more value for your own investments, but it's creating just as much value for everyone else's investments on the platform that have complained about the lack of steemit/steem advertising, but have not done anything like this to make a change happen.
Well, that's why people who want to get stuff done on steemit and have a bigger vision of what it can be choose to delegate their powers for good. They're not delusional enough to think that Upbit/Tether can keep the prices like this forever, so they want to make sure we only fall backwards a few steps and not off a cliff when crypto gets rocked. Or at least that's what I'd like to hope.
Wow! This is really good.
I needed that much. Thank you very much :)
This will be very good for steemit going more mainstream. Thank you for all the efforts in pushing steemit into the limelight.
Best content friend, please follow back
AMAZING IDEA. I wish I can vote you twice!
Happy to see such initiative! As a noob Steemer it's a little bit confusing understanding how the whole ecosystem works + actually keep your writing up.
Followed on Twitter!

Happy to have found you here on Steemit. Your projects are impactful and generous! I'm looking forward to learning more about Slothicorn now. 🤓
You've been resteemed + followed as part of the #LadiesofSteemit initiative. Looking forward to keeping up with your posts!
Hi Stella. I don't know if you remember me, but we talked breifly when I first joined Steemit a little over a month ago about your book "Un-Crap Your Life". You sent me the amazon link and I finally received the book today from amazon. I can't wait to read it all over the next few days and probably either write a review about it or do it as a Dtube short video :)
I'm very interested to join the Planet Steem initiative and conrtibute to it since I'm starting up "The Dubai Steemit Club" here in Dubai. I look forward to reading your book and doing more active work on Planet Steem with you :)
Thanks for being my celebrity
Doing this is wrong, but as promise that my introduction post wil be share on my celebrity blog, dat's why am doing this
@stellabelle as i promise to share my introduction post on your blog, this is link to it,
I am looking up to you, u at worthy leader... U are one of the steemit celebrity
Yes, yes, yes, I've been telling people to use Twitter for a while now. I tell them tweets reach a broad audience to help bring over to Steem.
Look forward to the growth. I feel like since I've been sharing to Twitter Steemit has grown more. I use hashtags with Wordpress too. 🎃 Blah blah blah me... thanks for this!
Yuck, sounds like I think I'm responsible for bringing everyone from Twitter. 😕 No way do I think that. 🐢
amazing initiative.. keep it up
Another selfless act for the greater good and the growth of the "economy". Well done to you and thanks. What more can i say?
@stellabelle I have been looking for your discord channel now I have it good for me. Thank you for this information.
Very good
I will follow you on twetter and play my role in making steemit community a better one. I will not stop preaching the gospel until the whole world speak the language 'steemit'
And i will look for you on discord to be more closer.
Oh dear @stellabelle let me start with how much i have been longing to hear from you,i keep checking your blog day after day to see if you will drop something. Hearing from you has explained how busy you are,thank you for making this community a better one. Thanks for your heart of giving. Thankyouforbeing @stellabelles
Twet these chonnec app chanel
Good job!
That's a great initiative @stellabelle
You are helping this platform and Steemians.
I also promote this great community via my Twitter handle "Steemit Retweeter".
Congratulation everyone who received SP delegations from Stella!
Make sure you guys do the same when you become Whales or even Dolphins and create a chain of generous people who can help new creative people who are struggling here!
And I deleted twitter app from my mobile like 3 months ago, will download and follow the Planet Steem for sure!
This is such a great idea for the esteemed world of steemians. I and @osemuso have a similar idea to promote steemit and bring people who are already on steemit together in my school, the University of Portharcourt, Nigeria, so I and @osemuso went ahead and created the @steemuniport account though we haven't introduced it yet. Funny how You keep inspiring and encouraging me. I'm gonna follow up on Twitter right now.
stellabelle , you came out of nowhere and you are killing it in Steem with stunning content. This truly shows that when one is dedicated success does not take long to follow.
stellabelle is a straight shooter and I am glad to see that he continues to give solid advice.
btw, I am not a "he".
This style of commenting is considered spam. Cut and paste commenting diminishes the overall quality and authenticity of this platform.
Please refrain from this practice of spamming in the future. @steemflagrewards