
Haha let's be friends!!!

YESS I accept! :D

I enjoy how much the English swear. Especially the C word which in the US would make everyone around you stop in their tracks...

Haha my bf's Scottish, it's like a term of endearment up there.. I'd love to come to the US!

Where are you from? I’d probably LOVE to come there!

Well I'm from a large town called Huddersfield in West Yorkshire, North England - but its basically a scum pit ;) However, if you ever come this way let me know and I'll show you a fun night ha (whatever yer into, I'm a huge fan of board game nights as well as doing terrible things for Britain's booze culture image haha)

HAHA I'd love to! I've been to Europe once, Paris and Switzerland. I'm big into Game of Thrones, northern UK would be really cool, who am I kidding, anywhere there would be cool! If you ever come to Chicago, same offer! Also, keep watching my blog I've got a board game post underway. It's one of the most interesting games I've seen to date.....