Steemit the Tide Has Turned....

in #dtube8 years ago (edited)

Watch Steemit the Tide Has Turned.... video on DTube

In this video I discuss how it seems that the tide has turned and now the mainstream people are starting to find their way to Steemit, and starting to us crypto-currencies.

Recently, both a long time friend and my fiancee' joined, after almost a full year of me asking them to. I have also noticed a large group of new people on steemit that are not from the crypto currency crowd, and not from the conspiracy crowd.

I think that Steemit is on the verge of going from roughly 250K users to well over 1 million. The addition of people that are not computer or crypto savvy is a canary in the coal mine, signaling that a whole new group of people are about to join as well in my opinion.

I believe that with the adoption of the use of cryptos and platforms like Steemit, that the price of crypto currency is going to keep increasing and increasing rapidly. As people realize that cryptos are amore legitimate form of currency than Federal Reserve Notes the amount of crypto users will increase rapidly.

I still fear that a global digital currency much like or Ethereum, which is backed by Chase Bank among others and is designed to serve a corporate over structure itself will be the NWO digital only currency.

Accounts I mentioned in the film of new steemit users: @JustJasmine, @JakeSoares, and @RROR.

Intro / Outro Music: "Bazaar" by YtCracker:

If you are interested follow me on, here are the show notes for this video on there: (Link Coming Soon)

This was originally streamed on my backup channel "Lulz Machine":

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Great views on the market and the steemit! Personally, I believe we are still very early in the space with the vast majority of people not even knowing about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. That being said though I am getting more questions and calls from people that I was recommending to buy Bitcoin since late 2015 when the price was at 300USD. None of them did but the recent rise in price and media coverage made them to think about it again. I am pretty sure none of them will buy this time either since it is expensive right now and they will wait until price of BTC is 10 grand, lol.... Bitcoin is and always will be expensive. When it comes to Steemit like you say even people from non crypto world are now joining in masses and once we reach 1 million users sometimes next year the snow-ball effect will start and we will see a jump to 10 mil in no time. What do we need though for the price of steem to climb is for the regular user to easily purchase steem straight on the platform using credit card which I do not think is possible right now. We cannot expect people to go and buy BTC on the exchange which then sell for steem. This should really be worked on. Or is there a way to do it that I am not aware of? Like I said we are still very early in the game but the mainstream adoption will slowly start to kick in and the ride will be massive in the next two to three years. Well, just my thoughts.

thnkxx for sharing this post with us ..:)
good work..

I was expecting something like DTube for Video embedding on Steemit and there it is :D. Hope they have audio additions too... which Facebook doesn't support more.....

I messed up and used the wrong thumbnail lolz, not sure how to fix that?

Can't you edit the post to change it?

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Love the platform, I get this is just the very beginning, and it is awesome, but here are some things it needs for the future:

Content Creator section, where you can edit videos etc.

A Live streaming option. This is key, ppl already asked me about this.

Some sort of uploading status, like it says uploading with a spinning wheel as the file uploads but does not give you like a percentage or time till finished uploading.

I am sure I will come up with more, however I highly commend you for adding this, and i will spread the word.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

YouTube is taking the free video editor away form us September 21st. IT would BOOM if we had one on this. So many have complained to YouTube, but they are doing this for a reason in my opinion.

Dtube wouldn't play on the library computer nor my Iphone 4. :-(

Steemvoter won't load at the library, either.
They say it is a browser setting, but I don't know.

Awesome man, I just logged in to dtube for the first time, and you are my first vote! This is a fantastic idea, we are revolutionizing the internet!

Just watched a video of Square creator and CEO, Jack Dorsey, attempt to become a blockchain lover since 2014.

Nice....👌 Following you for more 👍💐💐

i agree with u sir totllay u r right and thanx for this post

i think the crowd of lot of people come in steemit day by day it will grow up more repo in world fo steemit

Have you seen my Bunghole? My people; we are without Bungholes...

This is the first I've heard of DTube @titusfrost. Your video wouldn't play so I guess there are still a few bugs which need to be ironed out.

It definitely looks like an alternative to Google's censorship platform YouTube though. And it's on the Steem blockchain! Great stuff.

This is the first I've heard of DTube @titusfrost. Your video wouldn't play so I guess there are still a few bugs which need to be ironed out.

Probably because the file is freaking HUGE (~800MB) for a 10min video. It seems like DTube doesn't compress the video like YouTube does.

@titusfrost please consider compressing your videos unless @heimindanger changes the website to do it automatically.

I think that people from different social networks will switch to Steem.

i saw a guy saying that steem will be above 1 dollar this year well some say it was because of the BTC rise but either way he wasn't wrong hey

Great News!

First impression from using steemit for a few days is that it is a lot more civilized than some other places on the internet. Probably has to do with the fact that it is more focused towards, and monetarily rewards, content creation and well-thought-out comments that actually contribute something.

Thanks for sharing!

testing Dtube :-)

Good news for Steemit, keep encouraging your followers to get on steemit

I am exactly who you describe. Joined last week, never had anything to do with cryptos until now and the Steemit model has made it easy enough to get started that jumped in. Glad to find you here!

Great News

Everyone loves the community that we are invested in. But we need to be objective in our investments or risk losing money. Dozens of coins have made more than 100%-200% gains in the past 1 week and steem has lost 20%. Our founder is powering down and there are self-styled policing going around here.

@ titusfrost That's true; I'm a cryptocurrency noob and I have never even attended a Council on Foreign Relations meeting nor am I on the roster of the Bilderberger Group. The worst yet, I am here to learn.

I hope you are right!! I will bet on it ;) Steemit is gaining steem, not loosing, it seems normal for the rate to drop briefly in the interim, as it is sure to rise.

Full steemit ahead!

I already upvote, follow and reestem your post.
please do the same with me... (follow me, upvote me and reestem me please)

Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @titusfrost!

  • Pending payout - Ranked 7 with $ 282,08

thnks for sharing this post bro, it´s very useful to know more about currency world on steemit @titusfrost

Nice work brother. Spot on.

Exciting times to be in the crypto space. More people will get curious as they hear of the recent bitcoin ATH. Hold on to you underpants.

Steem is still going strong!

I agree with all above. However Steemit really needs to fix their sign up process. I invited my channel audience on YT to come to steemit and had tons of emails and comments telling me about signup problems and people went away discouraged and probably won't be back.

They need to fix this soon. First impressions are important especially when trying to achieve mass adoption.

Https:// will sell you one for .007btc without delay,...

Great to see you here on dtube! Thanks for the recommendation, I just started my channel here too and I like it a lot so far! Hope all is well :)