
Can't you edit the post to change it?

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Love the platform, I get this is just the very beginning, and it is awesome, but here are some things it needs for the future:

Content Creator section, where you can edit videos etc.

A Live streaming option. This is key, ppl already asked me about this.

Some sort of uploading status, like it says uploading with a spinning wheel as the file uploads but does not give you like a percentage or time till finished uploading.

I am sure I will come up with more, however I highly commend you for adding this, and i will spread the word.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

YouTube is taking the free video editor away form us September 21st. IT would BOOM if we had one on this. So many have complained to YouTube, but they are doing this for a reason in my opinion.

Dtube wouldn't play on the library computer nor my Iphone 4. :-(

Steemvoter won't load at the library, either.
They say it is a browser setting, but I don't know.