The Power Of Intention, Attention, And A Bunch Of HUGE Whiteboards

in #dtubedaily7 years ago (edited)


Hey Friends! @axios here.

Today I've been exploring a new vlogging format...

The new style was inspired by @kevinli, a daily vlogger who I discovered through the @dtubedaily community.

kevinli gif.gif

In this vlog I share a bit about what @kevinli shared about structuring your creativity and how that has helped me to restructure my own creative vlogging process!

In the second part of this video I share with you my strategies for focusing and staying motivated each day.

A lot of that has to do with being aware of my intentions while simultaneously taking control over my attention.

In this video, I show you an easy and practical way to do just that using whiteboards!

My morning routine, daily focus, project development, and ongoing ideas are highly influenced by these gaping squares of white.

Check out the video below and let me know what you think about this new vlogging style! Are there any parts you enjoyed? Anything I should try next time?

Your feedback is highly valuable to me!


Thanks For Stopping By :)



Featured Posts by @axios




All photo credits can be found by clicking on the picture

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Ha ha ha ha

"I'm a whiteboard whore!"

Quote of the day for me!

I feel you on that man, you and me both. I get into the habit every day to write down 3 goals on my board every morning...And what's important for me is that those goals aren't "Make a million bucks today!"

They are achievable goals that start snowballing into bigger goals down the road. Simple but it's worked for me :)

Great stuff man, you gave me some great ideas on how to get a better start to my day as well. The gratitude is HUGE!!!

@jongolson Lollll glad you enjoyed that one. I did hahaha.

And yeah man. I only hit my goal one time ever when I tried to make a million so now I just keep them simple. Jk I didn't hit the million and that's prolly why its best to keep em achievable and fulfilling!

Thanks for the super positive vibes here and so glad you got something out of this bro!

Daamn. Wrote a long comment on phone and accidently closed app :/ Anyhow!

Take 2!
Yet another great post from you @axios! I am glad you jumped back to dtube!
I know we are on the right path friend. Energy is high and I could almosy feel we are thinking alike!

Artakush in a bush...

P.s. i posted this comment on one dev blog lol

@artakush NOOOOOO!

Well I'm glad you managed to get back up here.

And great minds think alike brutha!

Great way to change the content up! Thanks for the love.
What program or site do you use to make those gifs?

@kevinli yeah man thanks for the inspiration!

It's a free program called "gyazo GIF". Super simple and easy to use!

Good job! I am also learning to structure my vlogs!
And nice daily routine you have there! I have something similar! :D

Awesome! Wishing you the best with the vlog structure @syndicateframes. Thanks for stopping by :)

Honestly your structure and motivation really inspires me. In my old room I use to have paper and pen just stuck to the wall for note taking and just whenever I would have a random dream or thought I didn't want to forget it. But when you really lay it out so simply, it's a lot easier to keep your attention focused. Also they say that we only have a limited capacity to make effective choices and decisions because our clarity becomes depleted when we are constantly stimulating it with options. That's why I think minimalism is so effective and can really increase productivity. @axios I think you've inspired me to get a whiteboard or at least back to my old ways with the pen and paper wall trick. 😁 Awesome stuff dude.

WOooOOOooo! So happy to hear that @neeqi. It's honestly been so helpful for me. I go on and off with these things but for now, whiteboards are where it's at for me. And that's a great idea to write down dreams and such. It honestly is just nice to have a space where you can save important thoughts. Those important ones can lead to some epic stuff!

And yes I hear you on minimalism. It's something I want to get better at as I still feel I have too much stuff. It's a process. But maybe one day I'll be traveling and won't need to hang onto much anymore. We will see!

It is important to keep a tab on your intentions, so that you know what is grabbing your attention.

I have tried to maintain a schedule by writing it down on whiteboard many times, but I have failed miserably everytime to stick to the schedule.

What is your trick to stick to your schedule that you write down on the whiteboard?

@looftee the best way to stick to the sched is to write it down the evening before. Then, just before you head to bed, read the schedule again and remind yourself what you will do the moment you open your eyes in the morning.

That has been the single most powerful strategy for me. Works every time.

Thanks for that, I will try and see if it works for me.

This is awesome brother! I have my "white board on my phone" :)

It's really important to keep track of what you do and what you focus on, I completely agree with you on that :)

You want to become a full time steemian, I want to become a full time dtuber :) we can do this brother!! WE CAN AND WE WILL!!

Winny out...for now ;)

Phone whiteboards sound convenient lol. Might have to jump on that train when I'm traveling down the line.


It's already stamped into our future, we just gotta live it out til we get there ;-)

Yes ma man!! :) YES!

Winny out...for now ;)

Ha! You just rocked my world! Thank you!
The funny thing is, that regarding the topic of attention and intention, I totally am the opposite of you. 😂I hate whiteboards and plans. I really do. The moment I see a whiteboard, my brain goes into "I´m bored af" mode 😀So for me it works the other way round: I have very clear intentions, but they are so part of what I am, that there is no need to control my attention or to write them down. There is also no need to remind me of them. So let´s say, one of my intentions is to be more grateful about things in my life or be more loving. I don´t need a plan for that, but life will guide me through situations and interactions with people, where I can practice this anyway. For me, making a plan on "how to get more loving" would be a mental construct and a futile try to do something, that I can only be. It´s simply no "mental" thing at all and every plan would make the goal go further away. I haven´t checked your take on improv yet, but you also don´t plan things in improv, right? Or maybe you do - I don´t know 🤔I don´t. My whole life is improv and I basically trust my intuition, my belly, my inner voice and higher guidance. I also work this way and I´m quite successful with trusting my inner genius. 😀(...but please don´t ask my boss on that topic, since he tries his best to understand, what I´m exactly doing and why this is successful - he really has no clue and it´s driving him nuts - but hey, I don´t know either - so we are on the same page here...)

lol! Intuition is quite a mystery, I can most definitely agree!

And I do relate to much of what you just said. Oftentimes, being is enough, it really is! I've spent a lot of time in that state of consciousness and I still do quite often, however lately I've most definitely been in a building mode and part of that building process requires a continuity of logic and a habitual routine.

I'm quite dynamic in nature, as it seems you are as well, and thus the structure does serve me and I'm growing a lot from it. I do prefer a more intuitive approach though, I will say that!

As far as improv goes... all of the unplanning happens within a planned structure. So you can be infinitely anything within a finite structure. Which is, IMO, very similar to how life seems to work.

Great thoughts here @atmosblack! Thanks for sharing :)

Awesome! I intuitively knew, that you are going to say this about improv 😀
It´s true and even though sometimes it seems, as if I can only be something finite in an infinite universe of endless possibilities. 😉Ok... I stop right there... 😀I was already driving a young colleague crazy today with the impossibility to get a hold on me. He must have had the impression, I´m some kind of slippery fish and he was trying to hit me over the head and failed remarkably lol This is nothing I´m planning though - I guess this is also what makes it hard for some people to like me - how can you like something that´s undefined?... Maybe I define myself through undefinability 😂 Stop.... Now... Really...

He must have had the impression, I´m some kind of slippery fish and he was trying to hit me over the head and failed remarkably

HAHAHA yeah I feel like I'm that way as well sometimes

how can you like something that´s undefined?

You know, the world definitely prefers definitions and I think those that choose to live outside of those boundaries and guidelines are very courageous ;-)

If this would be Facebook (which of course we are glad it isn´t) I would give your comment a ❤️