Exactly. You can gain more than money from your time. Even if i never earn a penny from steemit i have still gained a lot in my time on here. The people, skills and experience that i have gained are invaluable. I power up everything that i earn in the belief that we will have a big future on the platform.
My main goals are to grow my account and my following. I enjoy the time i spend on the site so anything after that is just a bonus. I could spend all of my time on facebook or instagram and earn nothing. Here, even if it's small it's still more than i would have otherwise. People expect to have it all straight away but we all know the world doesn't work like that.
I think it's a bit of a crypto mentality since everything went so big so fast and people still think that it is normal not the exception. What we need now is steady sustained growth while the world catches up to us.