WHY Nothing is EVERYTHING. Make Meditation Work for you in 2018.

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

If you are a seasoned meditator, you know why sitting in stillness is one of the best human technologies on the planet! Mahatma Gandhi said he would typically meditate for 1 hour, though if he had a really big and busy day, 2 hours was necessary.

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Art by Cameron Gray

In the western world, we'd likely skip the meditation, have that second cup of coffee and keep trucking. Are we missing out on all we can be? Will you have more time later to source ease and grace? More time later to feel balance and contentment? More time later for life to be BETTER!!??

It's no surprise that meditation causes one to act more compassionately as the self becomes less attached to ME, and dwells in more omnipresence and acceptance like Buddhist monks.

Scientific studies show that meditation causes the grey matter of the brain to grow! causing positive emotions, longer lasting emotional stability, diminishes age-related effects and reduces the decline of our cognitive functioning.

Additionally, meditators experience greater focus, better creativity, increased concentration, less stress and reactivity, and less anxiety. Well that sounds great! And more balance and feelings of contentment.

Daily Meditation helps us create a working relationship with the mind, where You are in the driver’s seat, rather than being subject to tangled webs of programming that can run, or ruin your life, as you just nod and act accordingly, puppeted by fear rather than by Love.

And, as always, I'm a big fan of inviting us to come back to the simplicity of Truth, to the everything and nothing.

Too often busy, accomplishing humans pursue and focus on the outcomes of our desires, without being firmly rooted in our soul essence. This is why quiet time, in nature if possible, alone, in meditation, is vitally important. This time, this allowance, for only and just you, brings you back to your center, your Truth.

I think of meditation like a bath of brilliance and divine intelligence. I am choosing to make space for God, source, Love to fill my being. I often feel like life without the feeling of full Love is best shelved until after I'm back in Love. This isn't always possible, though it shows how important this is to me, for us.

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Art By Krystal Eyes

p.s. This is an amazing time in human history, and your efforts in meditation are very supported by thousands and millions of others who are choosing to come into right relations with the mind, heart, and a firm commitment to serve Love and Truth.

You feel it, in the world, there are so many different thoughts, directions, stimulus, and temptations from other’s needs and wants. Just taking a walk on the street or even getting in the car, you may have felt that you were spiraling, confused, and on the rat wheel, just trying to keep up with the fast pace of civilizations insatiable thirst for more of something. Were these your thoughts? or are you picking up on the collective's angst?

It is very wise of you, a human being with free will, to choose to create time in your life to BE, to relax, to be still, to quiet the mind, and slow the breath, for this is where you will find the access code to your deeper truth and gifts. As Love, we do not tell anyone how to be, what to think, or where to go. We do though instill within you the catalyst of possibility to remember your worth, your power, and your divine potential.

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Remember when Bob Marley said, “Free your mind from mental slavery, none other than you can free your mind” Bob Marley, is one of the most famous late musicians worldwide. A prophet he was, and for good reason why his music is so well loved. It speaks to the human soul, and gets you out of your head and into the groove, and your body.

When the human is no longer burdened by the incessant thinking of the monkey mind, the human is awake and free. This human rests in omnipresence, in oneness and true freedom. For the soul is always free and reminds the human to get right within, to get right with the mind to align its will in the body temple. Remember that the soul is already free and shall declare liberation and freedom from suffering when the mind no longer suffices to serve the ego with illusionary thought.

For centuries and eons, life was lived in fear, from ruling kingdoms, hierarchies, and imposed rules of succession and authority. Human beings learned to follow orders, to marry as demanded, to lead lives that repressed the essence of the human soul. Those that broke free from such ruling and authority were considered traitors, witches, and unruly, perhaps too powerful, for they could not be understood or controlled and thus were a detriment to society.

We may still carry the wounds of our ancestors’ behavioral patterns that stem in fear or restricted outcomes of success. This is where meditation can be very helpful. For meditation, as it quiets external reality, allows thought programs and core beliefs to surface. As the witness, you are not "taken" by the thought, rather you become more aware and thus able to release unconscious repetitive patterns that are not serving you.

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Art by Autumn Skye Morrison

In meditation, you both watch these thoughts, understand that they are not you - just passing through you, and release them.

Ready to get started, re-commit, or go deeper? I cannot think of a better idea on the planet!

Meditation is one of life's awesome paradoxes, that simply doing nothing could BE EVERYTHING.

Have fun with your practice. Sit on a fancy pillow, meditate while waiting in line ;-), create a special space in your home or outside just for you.

Set an alarm for 5, 10, 20 minutes or even an hour.

Ask to not be disturbed and ideally find a quiet space, or do it with all the kids running around you - now that's pro level.

It's best to sit up straight, and roll the shoulders back. Nestle your bootie in a chair or on a pillow and feel the Earth supporting you. If this is too difficult, just be comfortable.

Rest your hands on your thighs, or with palms up in open reception. There are many kinds of hand positions or "mudras" you can hold to activate certain energies.

Close your eyes, and begin by watching your breath, the inhale and the exhale. Let the belly be full.

When the mind has a thought, let it pass through. Do not think why? I like to imagine I'm sitting on the shore of a still lake and the thought is a ripple or boat that passes by.

Keep coming back to the breath. AND most importantly do not become mad or frustrated if you have thoughts or forget to breathe and realize 5 minutes later you've been thinking. Just come back to the breath. This is your practice.

And if you're like me and meditation brings a whole lot of pertinent and great answers to your life, that you don't want to forget, keep a notebook by your side. Write down what you'd like to remember and get back to the NOTHING! ;-)


It's the BEST nothing you'll ever BE for the Glory of Everything you've ever desired.

I LOVE YOU, Lila*Star


Thanks. Hope you don't mind if I add one observation. The idea of sitting in lotus position is not universal. Indeed, Taoists prefer sitting on a chair to free up the legs. Most westerners will find it difficult to sit cross-legged without discomfort. This may become a barrier to meditation. It doesn't have to be a barrier - just search for "taoist microcosmic orbit" and you will see what I'm talking about. :-)

Upvoted by @AAKOM, a new forum for esoteric and exoteric sciences - request signup here.

TY! I agree = this is why i said - just be comfortable. I do find for my personal practice that I go between sitting and laying down. As a yoga teacher, I give people the option, chair, laying, or lots of support pillows. Blessings and Love!! <3 Dig your blog, will be following.

The "lots of support pillows" reminds me I once fell asleep during an all-night zazen session - the master and group members teased me the next morning, luckily I didn't snore, nor fell over!

Lol 🙌🗝🙏💜

This post was given a free #ultraboost from the #earthnation.

Love this! "In meditation, you both watch these thoughts, understand that they are not you - just passing through you, and release them." Thanks for sharing! - Namaste

Following You! love your spread of passion purpose focus. Crystals, reiki... ahh heavenly. Ty for sharing your gifts!

It is a must! This world needs all of us to do our part in sharing light :) Thank you for doing the same!

Great post, with excellent themes and wonderful images to brighten it up. And perfect for a new year's post!

As you implied throughout your post, meditation allows us to transcend the mind (the monkey mind), with its constant train of thoughts of this, that, and the other.

Thinking more thoughts or following any thoughts to any ephemeral "resolution" will never lead to peace.

But the moment you stop identifying with your thoughts, and just watch them arise and fade away, then peace will come to you.

Yes! Well said. May we all find Peace! I'm most excited about mastering peace, and it's the best kind of WORK.

Fantastic post @lilastar! I am just learning about Steemit and the community. Much love to you!

Welcome ! Have fun here. and much love to you. Following you!