Twitter Challenge… EasyDex PBTokens…Tweet-A-Way
PBTokens are EasyDex Asset on The Dex, With a 50% Fee Reward
PBTokens are a new token associated with EASYDEX…!!!
Giant of a Whale with EASYDEX These Tokens are Fee Based on every Gate Paired Purchased…Portfolio Builders Tokens (PBToken) are exactly as they sound…For every transaction on EasyDex, 50% of all fee’s will be put back into your OWN Portfolio/Wallet on the (DEX) in the pair it was purchased in…So as the first gate opened BTC, and many more coming, (Steem/SBD/LTC/ETH)…you will get rewarded in BTC…your Portfolio/Wallet will be just growing, every transaction on the (DEX) makes, passive income, instantly day in and day out,or should I say every transaction, isn’t that a GIANT TWEET TO TWEET TO ALL… within this Crypto Sphere. Bring awareness to all, to build your own Portfolio, and Earn for every tweet…EASY and SIMPLE, it’s in the name EasyDex…
Giant of a Whale with EASYDEX
While many exchanges (DEX’s) out there exist…EasyDex new innovative (Password Recovery)… Yes again, in as it sounds,(RECOVERY) lose your password, not your cryptocurrency, Easy for EasyDex to retrieve your funds, Isn’t that a Giant of A Whale…Exchanges like EasyDex make investing a beautiful simple, and easy solution, and EasyDex has given us the capability to innovate and create a PBtoken (Portfolio Builder) system that would be capable of Building your Wealth/Future the Power (and value). PBtoken backed by EasyDex…and you. Share the Tweet…its Easy****Dex
Share the Tweet…its Easy****Dex
I believe that EasyDex capabilities between other exchange are miles apart… and The PBToken is an asset that will drive an increase your Portfolio/Wallet, appreciation and market awareness for both are a Giant Of A Whale. So what are you waiting for? Help me build EasyDex…and RECOVER your wealth…and password if needed…
It is the synergy between YOU and EasyDex that will show the rest of crypto WORDL. How Easy PBTokens, Recovery, and Rewards, can really be achieved with this tweet, makes it possible, to share and grow together…as one community on EasyDex, yes community first will gain, the Giant of a Whale…EasyDex
How Easy PBTokens, Recovery, and Rewards, can really be achieved with this tweet,
Image Source; @alinversionistas
Building EasyDex is No Easy Task…WE need hero’s like you to help save the people…
I need Your Tweet and Trusted Network…Easy,
So onto the Mission, its Rules (and Rewards)…Build Your PortFolio
Welcome to The;
Twitter Challenge…EasyDex PBTokens
Promote the EasyDex PBToken on Twitter:…Tweet-A-Way @johnskotts. Share your Tweet in exchange for PBTokens. Support the Exchange that aims to save lives in the not too distant future! Help…Give…It’s Easy…Tweet
Step 1: Sign into Twitter
Step 2: Follow EasyDex
Step 3: Tweet the following post exactly as you see it (copy/paste);
Step 4: Add the following image as an attachment: Image below
EasyDex.NET include link under photo
BTC Gate is open,
Step 5: Post a link to your Tweet Below in the comments of this post along with the following:
- Your BitShares ID
- Number of Twitter Followers
The Rules
Rule 2: you Must Like and Retweet Pin Message
Rule 3: Tag at least 5 friends on your Tweet Link
Rule 4: You MUST copy and paste the EXACT tweet message provided above(in-between tweet message plus image).
Rule 5: Accounts Spamming this post will not receive rewards
Rule 6 : Best retweet comment will receive Extra bonus
Rule 1: You MUST follow;
Rule 7 : USE TAG’s #EASYDEX #PBTOKEN on your tweet
Challenge Rewards
- Participants in this tweet will earn 1 PBToken for each 100 followers up to a maximum reward of 30 PBTokens per person, Less than 100 followers will receive reward as well…(to be determined by participation)
- A minimum reward amount will be established based on final payout on this post. If it earns 100SBD
- Rewards will be capped at 200 PBTokens
- If this post earns over 300SBD, cap will double to 400 PBTokens
- You may Tweet up to 3 times and post them within this post thread (only those tweets posted before post payout qualify).
- Accounts that qualify and have over 10k followers on twitter will earn 3 PBTokens even if cap is reached!
- ReTweet the original Pinned Tweet ~~~ embed:996030236138455041 to earn 1 additional PBTokens twitter metadata:RWFzeURleE9mZmljaWFsfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0Vhc3lEZXhPZmZpY2lhbC9zdGF0dXMvOTk2MDMwMjM2MTM4NDU1MDQxIHRvICBlYXJuIDEgYWRkaXRpb25hbCBQQlRva2Vuc3w= ~~~
Indicate Retweeted in your comment!
- All rewards are paid out after this post pays out!
- The most followers will receive 3 Extra PBToken Bonus
- Twitter Challenge can Be continued rollover to another week after payout of post
- I reserve the right to cancel challenge without notice, if any abuse has be monitored and proven…any scam will nullify the whole or any part of this Challenge.
Join the EasyDex Communities
Source; Bitcointalk/by/@johnskotts
Source; EasyDex
Your Tweet Is Important, We Support In Organic Awareness; I Personally Want to thank all participants to spread awareness of a beautiful project, THE EASYDEX with its innovating development to bring us a Token to help save us all to Build…EASYDEX is a Truly CRYPTO HERO TO US ALL.
Image Source; @jsf
Image Source; @sirlunchthehost
DEX: da-lexxbts
96 Follower
Thank you for participating in contest.
~~~ embed:1013540934016032768?ref_src=twcamp%5Ecopy%7Ctwsrc%5Eandroid%7Ctwgr%5Ecopy%7Ctwcon%5E7090%7Ctwterm%5E3 twitter metadata:b2xvcmlhZGVkZWV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vb2xvcmlhZGVkZWUvc3RhdHVzLzEwMTM1NDA5MzQwMTYwMzI3Njh8 ~~~
BTS ID: dha-yor01
No of followers: 1900+
I retweeted original tweet
Thank you for participating in contest. @dhayor
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this contest. @johnskotts
~~~ embed:1011466499637248000?s=17 twitter metadata:U3RldmVtb3NvZXN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vU3RldmVtb3NvZXMvc3RhdHVzLzEwMTE0NjY0OTk2MzcyNDgwMDB8 ~~~
Bitshare ID: stevenmosoes1
Twitter followers is 285.
I retweeted several tweeted including as directed by this post.
Thank you for participating brother. See you around.
What a cool challenge! Seems like a lot of fun. Upvoted :)
Thank you hun...💖
2nd: ~~~ embed:1011290719326220288 twitter metadata:aGV5aW1zbnVmZmxlc3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9oZXlpbXNudWZmbGVzL3N0YXR1cy8xMDExMjkwNzE5MzI2MjIwMjg4fA== ~~~
Followers: 761
I retweeted!
Thank you buddy for entering contest. Be good see you around.
Follow me
2nd: ~~~ embed:1011294571303751681 twitter metadata:a2V2aW5tZXNzZXJseXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9rZXZpbm1lc3Nlcmx5L3N0YXR1cy8xMDExMjk0NTcxMzAzNzUxNjgxfA== ~~~
Thank you for participating in contest. I really appreciate your effort and dedication to Easydex...hope to see you one day in be a nice meet-up for the Easydexers...
I retweeted
Bts: adewale123
Thank you for entering contest...
Thank you the pleasure is mine.
I finally followed you on steemit. Imagine that. Thank you for your participating in contest...still laughing about that bug good take care...
I retweeted
Bts address: phunkey1
Followers: 32
Thank you
~~~ embed:1011355551102570496 twitter metadata:U3BhcnJvd3NwaWxsenx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9TcGFycm93c3BpbGx6L3N0YXR1cy8xMDExMzU1NTUxMTAyNTcwNDk2fA== ~~~
bts- sparrow-bernard
I retweeted
Keep being I really enjoy it. Thank you for your participation in the contest.
BITSHARES username = @princeola01
No of followers =520
Bitshares: woodzi-bitshares
Followers: 9
Keep the flame burning brother. Thank you for you for all you do. 💖
Followers: 11
BitShares username: samurai-jack
Thanks for this opportunity to win some PB tokens :)
Thank you for participating in the contest. You are great pirate...happy to share PBToken all the time. You are the fastest gun I know...keep it up. You will be very successful...keep at it...bust those ATM, good.
Cool contest :)
Here my tweet:
Bitshare ID: bitmaster177
Twitter followers is 106
I retweeted
Thank you for your participating in the contest. It is always nice to chat you up on the Easydex discord channel. Be good. See you soon. Ciao
Bts: ai0873410
Thank you for participating in the contest. Hope to see more of you...and yes...!!! No more everyone 💖
Lol. You haven't forgotten!
You'll definitely see more of me.
Bitshare ID: j-o-x
Twitter followers: 142
Retweet the original tweet
Thank you for participating in the contest. Good luck with all...
My Tweet:
Retweet the original tweet
Bitshare ID: sms3312
followers: 6489
Tweet 2:
Thank you for your participating in the contest.
Easydex is incredible!
1st Tweet:
Retweet and like the pinned tweet
Followers: 436
bts ID: angelasdrubal20
2nd Tweet:
Retweet and like the pinned tweet
Followers: 474
bts ID: angelasdrubal20
Thank you for your support and participating in the contest. Yes Easydex is incredible...that would of made a beautiful tweet comment...,
Retweet the original tweet
Bitshare ID: marepino25
Twitter followers: 245
Thank you so much for participating in the contest. Thank you for your support. Keep it up. It’s Easy DEX
Tweet :
Retweeted Original.
Thank you so much for your support and participating in the contest. Hoping all well with you...good luck on all.
Hey hi, I'm trying it anyway but me and twitter have never been friends. So I didn't invest time in twitter ... and therefore I have only 25 followers on twitter.
Bts is : hetty-rowan
You did great as always. Thank you for participating in contest. See you soon...twitter hasn’t been my friend as well, but it helps to tweet sometimes. Doing something different. Take care.
1st tweet
2nd tweet
~~~ embed:1011956307560148993?s=19 twitter metadata:Y29sbGluemJvdW50eXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9jb2xsaW56Ym91bnR5L3N0YXR1cy8xMDExOTU2MzA3NTYwMTQ4OTkzfA== ~~~
Bitshares ID : emekacollins2018
Followers : 423Retweeted several tweets from @easydexofficial
Thank you brother for the participating in the contest. I really loved your second tweet. You very good with all, it’s akeays nice to bump into you. One love brother. Keep it going foward always.
2nd: ~~~ embed:1012415959666253824 twitter metadata:S2VtZW50YXJpbmF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vS2VtZW50YXJpbmEvc3RhdHVzLzEwMTI0MTU5NTk2NjYyNTM4MjR8 ~~~
Original Retweeted
Bitshares ID: laloretoyya24
Thank you for your participating in the contest.
ID de Bitshare: tiffanivivas99
seguidores en Twitter: 723
retwittear el tweet original
Thank you for participating on the challenge. Hope to see you again. Hola...!!!
Follow: 600
Bts: mariana4ve
Rt original tweet
Tweet 2:
Thank you for participating...
My tweet
I did retweet
Followers 218
bts acc: leribyleri1992
Thank you for participating in the contest...