There are a lot of free markets around private households. When you engage a housekeeper or a nurse. You tell them what you like to pay and they decide to work for this money or not. As you told before, it is a kind of illegal market, but it is free. Only legally free market I know is when I negotiate with my son about the lawn mowing. I say 10 Euro and he answers 15. Then I say 7.50 and he tells me okay, okay I will do it for 10. Yes all these private jobs in the neighbourhood are generated by free market. And as I know it is legal as well. A lot of private tutoring is a free market. And love is a free market. I don't mean payed love. I mean real love. Yes, now you have to think about by your own to find the explanation. It's a nice game, to think about if there are existing free markets. Thank you for the question.
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Thanks for such a great answer. Some great examples. I hadn't considered love at all but I suppose one can consider it a transaction where you give love and you receive it. It is a form of social transaction - I believe @kyriacos has written about this in more depth before.
You are welcome. Love is the market where you give yourself in whole to get an other person in whole. It is one of the biggest transactions you can do in your life. And very often it is not the money what counts. There you often have to show other skills. Thanks for the interesting question.
I would agree. Thanks for taking part in the discussion!
article of him. I vote him much to less.Thank's for mentioning @kyriacos. A worthful hint. He's a very high quality author and all his stuff is worth to be read. Maybe you've remembered this
Yes he is. I think that may be the one I was thinking of.