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RE: The Economic System Will Slowly Shift, Not Collapse

in #economics8 years ago

Imo blockchain technology will survive to provide many great uses. The problem is that the crypto nation doesn't understand what drives pricing and determines value. That's likely because anyone born after the year 1990 doesn't even understand how a "real" market attempts to work on the excesses of false pricing. They will all learn the hard way though. And it is actually the best way to learn "if" you take the time to try and figger out eggzactly why you just got your ass kicked. :-) The current system will stay in place except the excesses in it will also be driven out to "fair" value. Look at the U.S. govmint debt situation which not only you, but everyone but myself says is "unsustainable." Well the truth is that if a bank was paying you a monthly fee to borrow money from them you would borrrow as much money as you could afford the monthly payment on. And that's exactly what happens when "false" pricing gets driven from the U.S. financial system. the world comes running to the "safety" of U.S. dollars and debt. It won't be long before the very shortest maturities of U.S. treasuries are paying a negative return...and the Chinese, Eurozone countries, Russia, etc are all rushing in to sign up....simply because it makes more sense to pay a monthly fee to lend your money (to the world's superpower) than it does to watch your bankroll get cut in half two or three times by keeping it in assets priced in Yuan, or Yen, or Euros. :-)