Totally unrelated content and tags. When you look at their history its clear they are playing game. Shit man.. theres one dapp allows a zilliin tags, not sure which one, but that gets ridiculous...😂😂😂😂 all on game to collect as many tokens as possible. There are all sorts of tricks people play to game system. Kudos to them trying, but it is one of the many underhand actions frowned upon. Sure, might be subjective.... but is possible to look at objectivèly on balance with past behaviour. But then we all get judgey on posts, don't we, lol. As we have talked about before, there is stuff that benefits the platform and stuff that doesn't. I will leave it to others to flag though, it makes me squeamish 🤣 I like to do more research on whether its habitual scam behaviour or accidental, and if accidental Id rather chat in private message if it came to that for sure!
Totally unrelated content and tags. When you look at their history its clear they are playing game. Shit man.. theres one dapp allows a zilliin tags, not sure which one, but that gets ridiculous...😂😂😂😂 all on game to collect as many tokens as possible. There are all sorts of tricks people play to game system. Kudos to them trying, but it is one of the many underhand actions frowned upon. Sure, might be subjective.... but is possible to look at objectivèly on balance with past behaviour. But then we all get judgey on posts, don't we, lol. As we have talked about before, there is stuff that benefits the platform and stuff that doesn't. I will leave it to others to flag though, it makes me squeamish 🤣 I like to do more research on whether its habitual scam behaviour or accidental, and if accidental Id rather chat in private message if it came to that for sure!
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