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RE: On Not Being Good Enough | 10 Min Freewrite

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Wow! That was an action-packed freewrite! I am right there with you! Seriously! I am one of those people with too many interests and not enough time. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none! Especially in the arts, drawing, singing, writing music, acting, but also in homesteading with my recipes, my frugal life hacks, my tips for sustainable living, etc...

I am facing my fears through my posts now. By posting a song for open mic that I knew would not be nearly good enough to win, I faced my fear of ridicule, my fear of being told I didn't belong, my fear of being seen as a phony and I consider that a personal win!

When I am diligent about going to bed earlier, everything is better. (As I am writing this after midnight 🤣) But one of the things that really used to help me was what I called meditative journaling. For me, this means first thing in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, set a timer or set the amount of pages you want to fill ( I used to fill 3 pages) and start writing. No filter, no erasing. Write every thought that comes. When I started there was a lot of "This is stupid. I have nothing to say, Why am I wasting my time? Who do I think I am? Why do I think I'm good enough to achieve..." You get the picture. This seems like focusing on the negative, but it wasn't! It was me nurturing the insecure child inside. Kind of like how Thich Nhat HAnh says to treat your anger like a child-I'm forgetting the exact quote, but anyway, by getting all of that our first thing in the morning, it also took away the sting of it. I felt more confident the days I did my meditative journaling and the entries grew more positive overall, although we always have those rough days tucked in here and there.

Thanks for sharing. I think you're pretty amazing. I enjoy all your posts and look up to you in many ways. I am 40+ and finally able to accept that others will not necessarily percieve me the way I want them to and their perception is not my reality.

I feel like I just did my own freewrite there! Whew! Much love to you! Thanks for being you!


i so LOVE that you are facing your fears through your posts!! yes!! i feel like that is such an incredible aspect of this Steemit community in particular ... that we have the ability to flex and grow in share in a safe (for online standards) community. i have never found such a generous, welcoming, kind, and openhearted community! thank YOU for being a part of that and making it what it is.

personally i really like trying on different aspects of myself to share. it's so easy to share the -highlights- of being while these other aspects of self really don't get a lot of screen time. rather than let them hide out in the shadows, as they normally do, i think steemit is a great place to share them and meet with others who may be experiencing similar things.

i love that journal exercise you shared (need to do it again; it's been a while). i learned it from writing down the bones, a book by natalie goldberg. and i love what you say about nurturing the child inside or treating our anger (or other emotions) like a child. a really great practice for us to be kind, gentle and nurturing toward our inner selves (all of it!)..

you're so sweet! i think you're amazing too and am happy you're busting out and making some vlogs! you've got a great, bouyant, spunky and interesting personality (and interest set) that i think lends itself perfectly for vlogs!! :)

When it comes to plants and nature, there's more to know than any one person can learn in an entire lifetime. So everybody's learning all the time.

definitely a huge part of it for me; not caring what others think so much! love the fact that you did a freewrite here. bring it on, keep it coming! loving the connection <3 much love to you too and thank you for your affirmation/honoring in this comment. XO