hello dear! i love your story... it can be so tricky to know when it's "okay" to share our love.. there's that whole thing of "not wanting to scare the person off"-- haha! i know i have done that in the past!
15 years later we say it every day: love You, love You, love you. And it's not wrong at all.
absolutely adore this ^^^ ;)
i would love to hear any and all thoughts you have on the above quoted statement!! this is something ini and i have been digging into a lot lately (together and on our own)... it really hits home how we've created our experience on the homestead to so much be about activity (and for good reason; the first few years we were just getting our basic needs met), but it's not really serving us any more. this year we're enjoying life more and making a point to do that! love love love you too! i sooo appreciated your post that inspired this piece.. you really touched me! xoxo