open. Thank you.I loved your post @mountainjewel!! So heartfelt and
I taught high school English for years and was forever trying to get my students to tap into their child-like wonder of things, to try and see the world in all its' glory through the eyes of a 5 years old who's maybe noticing it for the first time. Once they trusted me and our classroom became safe to do so, the creative spirit that emerged was always a wonder to witness! The school I taught in was a Fine Arts one with students from grades 1-12, and I often witnessed the true love the little one's had for their teachers. It was so beautiful. My students showed it by bringing me fresh coffee in the mornings, although sometimes they were late, so it doubled as a bribe haha
As adults, I think we get so caught up on our little hamster wheels that we too often forget about what is really important, and we forget to live with our "eyes wide open", and we forget what it means to really love.
Once they trusted me and our classroom became safe to do so, the creative spirit that emerged was always a wonder to witness!
I love this! oh that creative spirit full of wonder that lives in each of us, but so often gets stale or goes into dormancy for varying reasons. i love that you tried to get your students to re-member this aspect.
so true... remembering and allowing love is perhaps one of our greatest lessons here. in the end, the hamster wheel just isn't worth it! leave room for wonder and love. thanks for your kindness. wishing you a great weekend <3
Oh gosh!!!! What an incredible post!! Oh I bet that feeling really stayed with you, feeling puzzled over writing your teacher that you loved her!!! Funny story... the second morning waking up next to Jamie I had 'I love you' SCREAMING in my head and was restraining it SO HARD as seriously ... you can't tell someone you love them after 2 days, right? My girlfriend, whose house we are staying with, was off to work and she, in her bouncy way, yelled out I LOVE YOU to the semi asleep household AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS and so Jamie and I responded in unison LOVE YOUUUU and then turned to each other and said : and love You!! ... at the same time! Oh my god. Hearts stopped ... what the!!!! 15 years later we say it every day: love You, love You, love you. And it's not wrong at all.
How the burden or weight of all this "work" (self imposed dream fulfillment haha) has literally changed us. Where is the lightness we experienced as travelers when our younger selves literally had way less response-ability?!
I wonder that all the time!!! It is there though... I wanna write about this now!!!
Love love you!!!!!! Now I'm really late for work!!!!
hello dear! i love your story... it can be so tricky to know when it's "okay" to share our love.. there's that whole thing of "not wanting to scare the person off"-- haha! i know i have done that in the past!
15 years later we say it every day: love You, love You, love you. And it's not wrong at all.
absolutely adore this ^^^ ;)
i would love to hear any and all thoughts you have on the above quoted statement!! this is something ini and i have been digging into a lot lately (together and on our own)... it really hits home how we've created our experience on the homestead to so much be about activity (and for good reason; the first few years we were just getting our basic needs met), but it's not really serving us any more. this year we're enjoying life more and making a point to do that! love love love you too! i sooo appreciated your post that inspired this piece.. you really touched me! xoxo
What a well written post, it truly flows effortlessly through different facets and landscapes of the point that has been made.
"Even if we love people, sometimes we have to hide it from them so they don't feel overwhelmed." Totally agree. This can be seen in children, but also in adults. When grown up this feeling is even more rare, and once you feel it and try to convey it to another person, most it will completely overwhelm. At least that was my experience.
And yes we have to keep our heart in good shape, if we dont care for it, it will close down. And the longer it stays closed the more painful it gets to open it up again. This is a process we have to go through again and again.
I hope the older I grow the more I can remain with an open heart, strong enough to hold a vessel for all the overwhelming feelings, that being that open brings with it.
And yes we have to keep our heart in good shape, if we dont care for it, it will close down.
yes so true. opening our hearts (again and again as you say) is the journey of a lifetime. subtle reminders gently invite us to remember this over and over. living calloused with a closed heart... why? why do it...? this journey of life is so much more satisfying connecting on that level. indeed!
I hope the older I grow the more I can remain with an open heart, strong enough to hold a vessel for all the overwhelming feelings, that being that open brings with it.
It is such an emotional post! I believe you are right - a lot of us come to Earth full of Love and in certain age are restricted to express it freely. It hurts. At the same time, I tend to believe that there is always a hidden lesson in it. We all make choices and sometimes we have to see darkness to understand where light is or that we are the ones to spread Love despite of words restrictions. I agree that people on Steemit are encouraging and it is always a pleasure to read such good post like yours!
At the same time, I tend to believe that there is always a hidden lesson in it. We all make choices and sometimes we have to see darkness to understand where light is or that we are the ones to spread Love despite of words restrictions.
certainly! that contrast of knowing love, to feeling like we can't share it and seeing that the world needs so much more of it, to opening again is life on this earth <3! xoxo
I was also a very emotional child and learned many of the same lessons about who we are allowed to show love to. It was great to see someone express similar experiences and to do it so well.
thank you for your kindness! writing from my experience is so healing and helps me gain perspective. so thankful others can relate/find something in my words :)
Contact (([email protected])) for any form of ethical hacking, he is the best, he can help catch cheating spouse via hacking into text messaging, facebook, what's app, clear criminal record, upgrade school grades, upgrade credit score. contact him now!!!4
open. Thank you.I loved your post @mountainjewel!! So heartfelt and
I taught high school English for years and was forever trying to get my students to tap into their child-like wonder of things, to try and see the world in all its' glory through the eyes of a 5 years old who's maybe noticing it for the first time. Once they trusted me and our classroom became safe to do so, the creative spirit that emerged was always a wonder to witness! The school I taught in was a Fine Arts one with students from grades 1-12, and I often witnessed the true love the little one's had for their teachers. It was so beautiful. My students showed it by bringing me fresh coffee in the mornings, although sometimes they were late, so it doubled as a bribe haha
As adults, I think we get so caught up on our little hamster wheels that we too often forget about what is really important, and we forget to live with our "eyes wide open", and we forget what it means to really love.
Thank you again for such a lovely post!
thank you dear @lynncoyle1!
I love this! oh that creative spirit full of wonder that lives in each of us, but so often gets stale or goes into dormancy for varying reasons. i love that you tried to get your students to re-member this aspect.
so true... remembering and allowing love is perhaps one of our greatest lessons here. in the end, the hamster wheel just isn't worth it! leave room for wonder and love. thanks for your kindness. wishing you a great weekend <3
Oh gosh!!!! What an incredible post!! Oh I bet that feeling really stayed with you, feeling puzzled over writing your teacher that you loved her!!! Funny story... the second morning waking up next to Jamie I had 'I love you' SCREAMING in my head and was restraining it SO HARD as seriously ... you can't tell someone you love them after 2 days, right? My girlfriend, whose house we are staying with, was off to work and she, in her bouncy way, yelled out I LOVE YOU to the semi asleep household AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS and so Jamie and I responded in unison LOVE YOUUUU and then turned to each other and said : and love You!! ... at the same time! Oh my god. Hearts stopped ... what the!!!! 15 years later we say it every day: love You, love You, love you. And it's not wrong at all.
I wonder that all the time!!! It is there though... I wanna write about this now!!!
Love love you!!!!!! Now I'm really late for work!!!!
hello dear! i love your story... it can be so tricky to know when it's "okay" to share our love.. there's that whole thing of "not wanting to scare the person off"-- haha! i know i have done that in the past!
absolutely adore this ^^^ ;)
i would love to hear any and all thoughts you have on the above quoted statement!! this is something ini and i have been digging into a lot lately (together and on our own)... it really hits home how we've created our experience on the homestead to so much be about activity (and for good reason; the first few years we were just getting our basic needs met), but it's not really serving us any more. this year we're enjoying life more and making a point to do that! love love love you too! i sooo appreciated your post that inspired this piece.. you really touched me! xoxo
What a well written post, it truly flows effortlessly through different facets and landscapes of the point that has been made.
"Even if we love people, sometimes we have to hide it from them so they don't feel overwhelmed." Totally agree. This can be seen in children, but also in adults. When grown up this feeling is even more rare, and once you feel it and try to convey it to another person, most it will completely overwhelm. At least that was my experience.
And yes we have to keep our heart in good shape, if we dont care for it, it will close down. And the longer it stays closed the more painful it gets to open it up again. This is a process we have to go through again and again.
I hope the older I grow the more I can remain with an open heart, strong enough to hold a vessel for all the overwhelming feelings, that being that open brings with it.
thank you kindly for your great reply.
yes so true. opening our hearts (again and again as you say) is the journey of a lifetime. subtle reminders gently invite us to remember this over and over. living calloused with a closed heart... why? why do it...? this journey of life is so much more satisfying connecting on that level. indeed!
i'm with you there! totally!! xo
It is such an emotional post! I believe you are right - a lot of us come to Earth full of Love and in certain age are restricted to express it freely. It hurts. At the same time, I tend to believe that there is always a hidden lesson in it. We all make choices and sometimes we have to see darkness to understand where light is or that we are the ones to spread Love despite of words restrictions. I agree that people on Steemit are encouraging and it is always a pleasure to read such good post like yours!

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so lovely to see you!! yes !
certainly! that contrast of knowing love, to feeling like we can't share it and seeing that the world needs so much more of it, to opening again is life on this earth <3! xoxo
I always knew we think alike%)
You are awesome !
so are you!! thanks for stopping by <3
I love you too! Always have and always will. ox Beautiful post wren. Glad to know you are blossoming just like your spring flowers.
love you!! infinity times infinity! gosh the spring flowers are all so amazing. we're in heaven. thanks mama xoox
Remembering the path we walked down to become who we are now, lovely reflective journal @mountainjewel
<3 yes it's all a part of life!! thanks for stopping by!
Love is the language of God.
We can feel God if we love humanity.
That is the pure and natural feeling .
yes indeed. love speaks all languages and unites us all... to god and each other <3
I was also a very emotional child and learned many of the same lessons about who we are allowed to show love to. It was great to see someone express similar experiences and to do it so well.
thank you for your kindness! writing from my experience is so healing and helps me gain perspective. so thankful others can relate/find something in my words :)
Contact (([email protected])) for any form of ethical hacking, he is the best, he can help catch cheating spouse via hacking into text messaging, facebook, what's app, clear criminal record, upgrade school grades, upgrade credit score. contact him now!!!4
thank you! appreciate it :)