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RE: Will monetary reward destroy genuine interactions in steemit Platform? (2)

in #education7 years ago

I came here just recently... for the tech actually, as i was researching EOS, and Steemit is handed around as proof of concept for a blockchain application, that actually works out... so i wanted to check it out... (Prior to that i had stumbled on steemit and been laughing over the dollar equivalent of upvotes, not realising it literarilly signifies $). But i did stay for the money, for a little experiment, to see if i can actually "make it" without investing anything, and just focusing on the content side, and it seems to work out... slowly... but still!
The point is, yes i agree, that the monetary aspect clutters a lot of the platform, but it's all about the network and the people creating interesting content etc. and once you've pierced through the surface, there's a depth of conversation and exchange, not seen on many platforms. And the money aspect makes it all the more addictive...


You analysed it well...good point indeed. Thanks for your comment