Reading Month Celebration at Little J's School

in #education3 months ago

Hello my dear are you doing?

I'm coming back with few glimpse of my daughter's interesting experiences in her new home.
Two weeks ago my daughter's school has organized a Literacy Event for the students from grade 1 to grade 3 called "Reading Month Celebration". The objective is to boost and to promote the passion and interest of children in reading books.
I don't know much about Philippine but I have to admit that in my own home country "reading books" are not something popular there.

The last few years there were already some positive development, neverthless you really can't compare the situation of libraries and bookstores in Eurepe and Indonesia.
In order to teach my daughter my mother language and introduce our culture I wanted to buy some children books in indonesian but it was so difficult to find children book which have a quality comparable to those in Eurepe (the english and german ones). There are surely some, but the option range is really small and the material quality also needs lots of improvement.
How could they produce books for children under 3 years old with such thin paper?!
They will definitely be torn in no time.
Reading books for children before bedtime is not considered habit there either (perhaps only among scholarly families).

I have a strong passion in reading since I was a child. Despite being poor and never been given much pocket money by my parent, didn't earn much either after finally going into society...but I basically spent at least half of my money in renting many kind of books in book rental cos the school and public library didn't provide enough to satisfy my thirst in this aspect :-D.
I didn't have much saving exactly because of this hobby of mine LOL.

My father may only finished elementary school, but he had managed to teach me how to read very well when I was 4, and I already read newspaper with him since I was 5.
Hence I was also proud that I managed to accomplish the same thing with my little daughter ^_^. Yes, newspaper was the only reading materials my father ever spent money for except for school materials for his children.

Why renting? Because buying books was even less affordable for me.
My family was lacking money so that they couldn't send their children to university, neverthless I was still feel lucky that they tried their very best to give good education for their children, especially when many of my little comrades in my village stopped going to school after 15 and getting married.

I must say..I have already been very curious about the how the life, culture and nature in reality are in the other corners of the world since I was in elementary school ...especially after finishing another adventurous books of Enid Blyton, Alfred Hitchcock, Agatha Christie etc. I always thought that the world described in those book would remain a fantasy in my life.

Little did I know that one day I really have the chance to see them with my own eyes :).
People should indeed let themselves dream sometimes eh...?!
Cos some dreams can really come true one day, or better to can certainly do something to make it come true ^_^.

When I first came in Germany I was surprised to see that nearly everyone in the bus, tram or train holding a book and was so engrossed in reading. Those were really quite a mesmerizing sight for me cos you would never see such things in my country, not even in the park or any rather quite public spaces available there.
These days such a sight is unfortunately changed into "holding smartphone or tablet", I can only hope that most of them would at least use it to open some e-Book library instead of scrolling up social media accounts only LOL.

Well, enough with the reminiscence... I should go back to our main topic again now :).
So, I have to say that I'm really glad the school I chose for my daughter paid attention in this aspect and passionately organizing such events to promote literacy to little children.

In this event the children should wear costume inspired by characters from their favourite books and each class would send 2 representatives to perform their literary talent.
My daughter and one of her classmate were chosen to do a story telling.
The chosen story was a popular Aesop fable called "The boy who cried wolf".
The children from the higher grade were required to present poem recital and declamation.

I was so excited because it's not reading a book but reciting the story with the matching gesture, mimic and emotion. That's quite challenging for a little child at their age, and english is not even their mother language.
She did well in every rehearsal at home but I couldn't help being nervous and worried that she might experience a black out on the stage. This kind of incident could even happen to adults afterall, let alone a child like her.
But She Did It!!!

I couldn't share too many pictures here even if I do really want it out of my excitement, but I should definitely show you some of the most interesting performance and costume.


The stage



Just like most folks in other asian countries the Philippines are very patriotic, so the hymne singing will always be the opening ceremony in nearly every school event here.


The children was lining up to do a little parade before the performance begun.




Below are the teachers mainly responsible to organize the event. The right one is Jana's homeroom teacher. She's still very young but one can see that she loves children. The schoolers at her class love her and always give her a hug before going home everyday. Something very interesting to underline here: the teacher is really dedicated to the job.

She created a chat group in messenger with the guardians to send a reminder of the necessary school materials and book needed for the next day as well as the assignment given to the children every single day and make an overview of the lessons plus activities done with the children every weekend.

This makes the guardians's job easier, especially when your children are still negligent with their own school work or the parents are not attentive enough in supervising their children's learning progress at school :-D.


Finally some snapshots of Jana's performance!




The following pictures are showing the poem recital, declamation and few interesting costumes. Aside of granting acknowledgement certificate to the participants in the literacy talent presentation, they also give am honorary certificate to the children with most unique costumes :).











That's it for now and I will update you again with our new life in the Philippine soon. Thank you for checking out my blog and supporting me with your upvotes. Enjoy the rest of your days there wherever you are! Daddy @jaki01 was dragged out of his cave to cheer on his daughter :-D. This picture was made before the show started. We didn't know yet that the chairs were actually reserved for the children. Parents are expected to stand behind or sit on the concrete benches at the side of the court.

I'll tell you why the content of books is often printed on very thin paper in the first place - so they can be torn apart more easily by critics 😮😣
I'm delighted by your eloquent introduction to the article. I particularly like the literary balancing act from Enid Blyton to Agatha Christie. And then to stop by for afternoon tea with Hitchcock in between, that commands respect.😉
So it is not surprising when the daughter immediately appears on the literary stage with a bloodthirsty fable. Nevertheless, it remains undisputed that the Brothers Grimm were no less shocking.😮
In any case, Mum was probably even more nervous than the actual actress. As your gold treasure was certainly able to assure you afterwards, stage fright switches off by itself with the first spoken sentence. The text dropout cannot be completely eliminated. But (and I can assure you of this) with experience, the ability and confidence to improvise spontaneously also grows. Hardly anyone in the audience notices anyway. Except for the mum, who knows the lyrics inside out.😊

Ich verrate dir, weshalb der Inhalt von Büchern überhaupt oft auf sehr dünnem Papier gedruckt wird – so können sie von den Kritikern besser zerrissen werden. 😮😣
Ich bin begeistert von deiner wortgewaltigen Einführung in den Beitrag. Bemerkenswert finde ich den literarischen Spagat von Enid Blyton hin zu Agatha Christie. Dazwischen dann noch bei Hitchcock zum Nachmittagstee vorbeizuschauen, das nötigt Respekt ab.😉
Da verwundert es auch nicht, wenn die Tochter sofort mit einer blutrünstigen Fabel auf der literarischen Bühne erscheint. Unbestritten bleibt allerdings auch, dass die Gebrüder Grimm nicht weniger schockierend waren.😮
Wahrscheinlich war die Mama ohnehin noch nervöser als die eigentliche Akteurin. Wie dein Goldschatz dir sicherlich im Anschluss versichern konnte, schaltet sich das Lampenfieber (Bühnenangst) mit dem ersten gesprochenen Satz wie von selbst ab. Der Textaussetzer kann zwar nicht grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen werden. Aber (und das kann ich dir versichern) mit der Erfahrung wächst auch die Fähigkeit und Sicherheit bei der spontanen Improvisation. Merkt im Publikum ohnehin kaum jemand. Außer der Mama, die den Text in- und auswendig kann.😊

Bemerkenswert finde ich den literarischen Spagat von Enid Blyton hin zu Agatha Christie. Dazwischen dann noch bei Hitchcock zum Nachmittagstee vorbeizuschauen...

Mit zunehmendem Alter weitete das Spektrum der Leseliste noch immer breiter aus :-D. Ich habe alle Meisterwerke des Wuxia-Königs "Jīn Yōng"(Louis Cha) sowie die ganze Bände der Romankönigin Qióngyáo (die taiwanesische Version von Shakespeare LOL) mit Freuden genossen.
Danach wurde ich von Sidney Sheldon und John Grisham fasziniert.

Unbestritten bleibt allerdings auch, dass die Gebrüder Grimm nicht weniger schockierend waren...

Das ist gar keine Frage...das durfte man doch nicht verpassen :-D. Allerdings gab es bei uns in Indonesien damals natürlich nur einzelne Bücher von den populärsten Märchen wie Schneewitchen, Dornröschen oder so. Ich kannte also nicht die komplette Bände.
Glücklicherweise hat meine verstorbene Schwiegermutter noch ihre alte Kollektion, die jetzt an die Enkelin weiter vererbt worden ist :-).

Wahrscheinlich war die Mama ohnehin noch nervöser als die eigentliche Akteurin.

Du hast wieder 100% gut geraten! Und ich bin mal sicher, die einzige nervöse Mutter dort gewesen zu sein. :-D.

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Excellent organization for the "Reading Month Celebration"! All the children wear fantastic dresses. Especially your little princess, I guess that you made this beautiful dress for her. Her skirt is really attractive with the huge flowers in bright yellow color contrast with the bright red. It seems that she performs well and is happy with a cheerful smile while she is in the line with her friends.

It's good that his daddy, @jaki01, participates in this event.... You both are surely proud of your little princess. Me, too! I look at her photos with a wide smile now.

p.s. Regarding reading matters, I think Indonesian and Thai people are similar. I admire you for being good at reading. On the contrary, I myself hated school during my childhood and didn't read much, except for my interesting stories like stars, astronomy, space, cosmos, etc. I loved to stay in the school library after lunch to search for these things. So, I didn’t buy many books either. :)

Books are considered luxury goods for our generation in the past in our countries, so it's not so surprising that you also had similar experience in this regard.

I guess that you made this beautiful dress for her.

No no, this time I didn't make it myself. It's bought via Lazada :-D.
It's the traditional costume of Filipina's farmer girl :).

Oh! Sorry for my misunderstanding, but the style of the dress is quite similar to those dresses you used to make for her in the past as far as I can recognize. ;)

There's nothing to be sorry for Tangmo. You've done no harm to anyone 😊.
And anyway it's also rather making sense what you guessed, cos I often made her own costume in the past.
However I'm new here in the Philippine, so I have barely anything that I could recycle into any costume she can wear LOL and I don't have any space for a sewing machine as our condo isn't big.
I don't know if I could spare a little space for it in the future for this little hobby.
But for now it's enough, if I can cut my pant to make it fit on me.
For this objective I can still use hand stitches, but I'm too lazy to do hand stitching to make clothes.
Easier and cheaper to just buy one lol.

Thanks for your clarification.... I understand nowwww...... ;D

She looks so eager, so willing to learn. Everything for her this year is an education. She's like a sponge, not only taking in reading, but all the cultural exposure of a new home, new people, new customs.

She is beautiful🌷

Her teacher is so young! A mere child herself. Seems to be a very happy place, with upbeat people. Your daughter will have wonderful memories of this time in her life.

Thank you thank you :).
Yes, the teachers are all very young but very caring towards children. Filipinos are fond of children...hence Jana is very happy here.

Your daughter will have wonderful memories of this time in her life.

Yes.. I guess letting our children to see the world is the best present a parent could give to them.

For sure, she performed well, and she is happy that her parents are there at the event, watching and cheering for her. 😊

Yeah...that's why I convinced her daddy to not miss her first performance on stage 😊.

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