I've watched this video before. Personally, I left college to start up my own ICO consultancy business, but I do feel that education is important.
I really do think it depends on the person; if you have exceptional ability, maybe you do not need college! Thanks for sharing this, Elon Musk is my number 1 role model, and I plan to one day work with him!
I really agree with you. Elon is my role model too I think he is the Da'vinci of our time. I totally get his point but if you ask me the most amazing thing about college is not the classes or lectures but the community its self, in as much as Zuc, Gates and even Elon himself dropped out of school at some point there is no denying the fact that they all went to college and some key persons in all their companies where met there on campus.
thanks @hilarski for the post i just upvoted.
Me three. Elon is the type of entrepreneur that I aspire to be. Innovation may be what he's best known for, his work ethic is really something else