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If the election of Donald Trump in 2016 proved one thing, it was that the globalist/statist hegemony of power that they thought they held in America wasn't a foregone conclusion, much to the dismay of the hive mentality of the power elites. Time to double down. Nothing is more threatening to totalitarianism as people who can think for themselves... in fact it is anathema. One thing that they can't afford is another generation of free thinkers, and free thinking begins at home- particularly with homeschoolers. I wrote a post not long ago about new laws in Pennsylvania virtually taking over the homeschool curriculum there and requiring parents to have the same qualifications as teachers (a frightening thought I know). It appears that Maryland is following suit. I warned in the post that this was going to take off and now a hue and cry against homeschooling is beginning in Connecticut.
An editorial in the Hartford Courant begins: "How is it that, in this state of sometimes stultifying bureaucracy, parents can withdraw their children from school with a one-page form and no questions asked?" This begs a question I keep asking again and again... who owns the children, the family or the state? Moreover, who has the child's best interest at heart, parents or faceless bureaucrats? To the editorial writers at the Courant, the consensus seems to be in favor of the bureaucrats.
According to the article: "Yet that’s the state of affairs, according to testimony from the state child advocate, who on Thursday told a legislative committee that more than a third of home-schooled youths in a six-district sample lived in homes where the Department of Children and Families had a history — and that the majority of those cases involved allegations of abuse or neglect." This assertion takes a lot for granted, particularly to people who have had contact with CPS and/or the Department of Children and Families- and for a myriad of reasons. First, "state child advocates" tend to be more interested in preserving the state than children and typically lie and fabricate evidence. The legislative committee wasn't given any information regarding the outcome of any of the cases. And finally, we all know how subjective "allegations of abuse and neglect" can be.
In a report for PJ Media, Tom Knighton asks: "However, here's something that needs to be understood: That state child advocate was able to report that one-third of the homeschooling families in six districts were homes where DCF responded at some point. It seems to me that the system is still finding ways to see if parents are potentially abusive or not, even without the schools keeping an eye on them."
"In other words, the system is already generating reports, though they may be bogus. Why do we need government to interject still more regulations into the lives of people who want nothing to do with it?" The position of the state is clear; they're less interested in educating (indoctrinating) children than they are in monitoring parents and families. Knighton confirms this:
"The answer is simple. It's all about control. A homeschooled child isn't being taught what progressive educators want them to be taught. They're learning about the Second Amendment or about how the New Deal may well have prolonged the Great Depression. They're getting their physical education through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes or at a gun range. They're visiting museums and battlegrounds rather than sitting at a desk for hours on end.
In other words, they're learning how to think, not what to think." Nothing is more threatening to an oligarchic dictatorship than citizens that think for themselves.
I wrote yesterday about the murder of Alfie Evans by the state in the UK. I'm also encouraged by people around the world beginning to rise in protest. The state and their crimes against their citizens can't stand the light of scrutiny. Justice Louis Brandeis wrote that "sunlight is the best disinfectant." By taking the right of parents to educate or supervise the education of their children, the state believes it will be able to produce generations of compliant automatons willing to bow to the ultimate authority of the state. This is one of the reasons that the government vehemently opposes charter schools.
Like I said in my last post, we can look for more and more intrusion into the rights of families when it comes to homeschooling. We must stand firm and refuse this draconian doctrinaire treatment. Our children belong to us, not the state. If parents don't stand up for their rights, pretty soon they will all be gone.
I'm glad to see another free thinker on Steemit! I'm nowhere near the age to raise kids but you raise a very issue. I wish I was homeschooled after wasting 13 years of my life in government indoctrination camps. The quote I like the best is kids need to learn "how to think, not what to think." I didn't develop intuition until I was actually in college and post-college. I was so dumb down in school by my teachers, vaccines, and tap water that I couldn't think for myself. I hope you start a free thinking revolution because I'm totally on board!
The CPS and their government enablers are using an Alinsky tactic. They are accusing their opponent (parents) of doing exactly what they are doing (abusing children).
Absolutely- it's all part of the Cultural Marxist "long march" in fact it's a part of the plan (taking over education to destroy the family)
I think the very first loss of rights begin when the
parent goes and registers the child with the state.
Not that there is an easy way to avoid doing that,
but that is the genesis of their ability to control.
Right, that's when we become "incorporated," and why our names are in upper-case on birth certificates.
Exactly, and for anyone who may be unaware,
in the English language the name in all capital
letters is neither a proper noun, nor is it a proper
name. It begs the question; how have they been
able to do this for so long? Meet Your Strawman!
It is best to teach children to think the right way.
Nowadays, parents do not have time to dedicate their children because they run for money
You have to make the time. My wife and I went through it, I had a masters degree and taught college part time evenings so she could work in the day. I taught the kids. I could have made a lot more in the private sector, but the kids were more important.
Kids are the more important than anything else. I agree.
Amen to that! And now I'm a great-grandfather!
good to see people doing their own thinking.
This article is well worth a resteem
It was inevitable that it was going to come to this. We made the mistake of sending our children off to the indoctrination camps even though my wife was a qualified teacher. We were in our 20's and still naive. Now our kids are in their 20's we spend time unschooling them to get them back on track. Homeschooling groups with a qualified teacher (many awaken and leave the profession) will become commonplace I expect.
Little by little over the past 75 years or more they have eroded the educational system as part of the Marxist/secular humanist "revolution." Their purpose is to bring down America.
Yep...and Europe. A global agenda...they strive for a luciferian, socialist, totalitarian, global dictatorship according to Jordan Maxwell and I see much to confirm that. We're at the point where the choice of anarchy or slavery is to be made. But it can only be made if people are aware of the choice. Otherwise....I'm sure we both know which way this will go. If enough people don't get to the 'know thyself' point's gonna be impossible to steer the ship.
That's why I keep writing all of this stuff!
A noble mission. I'll help spread the word.
I saw your article on Twitter. It was not a delight to read. Indeed, I found it rather ... chilling.
But, apparently, there are some a priori insights I have yet to grasp. Here's Melissa Harris-Perry (ex-msnbc host and public intellectual) to explain it in no uncertain terms:
As a poet, I've become pretty attentive, if not obsessed, with the precise meaning of words. "... collective notion of ‘These are our children.’
Collective ... doth thou jest? Do people no longer remember the Cold War and why we had philosophical differences with the Soviets and their collectives?
Richq11, here's a couple of articles you might like:
The collective mindset is what's destroying America... on purpose... This is all part of a plan to put the UN in the driver's seat so to speak. I look forward to reading your posts and here's another part of this puzzle with another to follow today.
Hi. I'll be up voting this and your previous post soon. Discord currently not updating properly for me, so haven't been able to sign in there today. I'll try to get that fixed. I'll be very busy at work this week and other than @newsagg headlines I likely won't have a ton of time to do steemit things. I may even miss some @newsagg posts as I need to get a few things done that require I be not near my computer.
I'll work with you on the #election2018 info here soon. I just need to take care of some work related things.
That's fine... If you need to get hold of me you have both of my email accounts!
Trump is really a failed president
Man made the Middle East very flaming
Syria has bombed it
Iraq bombed it
Am not surprised the state want to interfere in our homeschooling rights. We must resist the last escape routes for our children to be indoctrinated into the system. It is important parents find ways to consistently pass the message to their kids that they should be brave enough to think for themselves
i agree wth you that the election of Donald Trump in 2016 proved one thing, it was that the globalist/statist hegemony of power.
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