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RE: Teaching Children To Think: Parent's Rights vs The State

in #education7 years ago

It was inevitable that it was going to come to this. We made the mistake of sending our children off to the indoctrination camps even though my wife was a qualified teacher. We were in our 20's and still naive. Now our kids are in their 20's we spend time unschooling them to get them back on track. Homeschooling groups with a qualified teacher (many awaken and leave the profession) will become commonplace I expect.


Little by little over the past 75 years or more they have eroded the educational system as part of the Marxist/secular humanist "revolution." Their purpose is to bring down America.

Yep...and Europe. A global agenda...they strive for a luciferian, socialist, totalitarian, global dictatorship according to Jordan Maxwell and I see much to confirm that. We're at the point where the choice of anarchy or slavery is to be made. But it can only be made if people are aware of the choice. Otherwise....I'm sure we both know which way this will go. If enough people don't get to the 'know thyself' point's gonna be impossible to steer the ship.

That's why I keep writing all of this stuff!

A noble mission. I'll help spread the word.