First stop: huobipro takes you into Elastos

in #elastos7 years ago

On the afternoon of March 21, huobi information started offline activities "block chain 100 lines", the first stop came to Elastos. Due to people with Elastos management face to face, this opportunity attracted enthusiastic fans from all over the country, industry across the traditional media, the media, also dating industry and even the oil industry, more loyal users from South Korea came to foreign community. The atmosphere was warm.
As host, Elastos technology director su yipeng briefed the guests on the team's history and design vision. Su yipeng said that the current Elastos positioning is not just a simple block chain project, but a new generation of smart world wide web and a new generation of Internet application platform combining block chain and Internet. Elastos wants to be more architecturally inclusive and incorporate more technology and code in the open source community to align with the vision goals of ElastosIMG_9277.PNG
On the afternoon of March 21, huobi information started offline activities "block chain 100 lines", the first stop came to Elastos. Due to people with Elastos management face to face, this opportunity attracted enthusiastic fans from all over the country, industry across the traditional media, the media, also dating industry and even the oil industry, more loyal users from South Korea came to foreign community. The atmosphere was warm.
As host, Elastos technology director su yipeng briefed the guests on the team's history and design vision. Su yipeng said that the current Elastos positioning is not just a simple block chain project, but a new generation of smart world wide web and a new generation of Internet application platform combining block chain and Internet. Elastos wants to be more architecturally inclusive and incorporate more technology and code in the open source community to align with the vision goals of Elastos.IMG_9278.PNG
Explains Elastos landing scenarios, Su Yipeng Elastos described as a network operating system, is any device can run a virtual environment, will not be constrained by the iOS and android phones, Elastos will support the application of the two, one is the H5 + JS web applications, another is the original application of mobile phone.
At the end of the event, the participants said that the meeting would be very happy and fruitful. Many guests who came to Beijing from the outside world said that the event was meaningful.
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