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RE: elfspice credibility -1

in #elfspice8 years ago (edited)

ACV is apple cider vinegar.
It can be swallowed in pills, which at least prevents the damage to the teeth from drinking it even in a diluted solution.
Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which basically prevents absorption of calcium even if you have more than enough Vitamin D.
Do not eat spinach every day.
Dairy is good, and better eat it with leafy greens and carrots to partially neutralize Aflatoxins which are present in it, as well as in other foods, including in foods of vegetable source.
Never read or heard about this story with GABA, Glutamate, alcohol and BBB. Where did you learn about it?
Honey is a poison since it is almost pure fructose.
It is so bad that adding white sugar to it actually makes it a little less toxic, since it dilutes the concentration of fructose to extent.


I am not sure myself which kind of spinach I referred to.
Is there a significant difference? IDK.
And Oxalate is the conjugated salt.
The most damaging are Oxalic acid (not a salt) and Oxalates other than Calcium Oxalate, which is the most stable, and already saturated with Calcium.
Oxalic acid's highest affinity is to Calcium, so other oxalates may dissolve back to metal ions+oxalic acid and then the oxalic acid is free to react with Calcium and by this form stones or at least prevent absorption of Calcium.
I am certain about Honey despite going against Eric Berg, Josh Axe and Darren Schmidt.
Schmidt showed his mettle when I caught him talking about "metal energies" as in homeopathy.
And saying that honey has health benefits, is like saying chocolate has health benefits.
Both may be true, and in fact I believe that Chocolate's health benefits surpass honey's by far, but both remain toxic in their net effect, and honey more toxic due to it being almost pure fructose, so how can anyone doubt its toxicity without doubting fructose's toxicity.
Never read nor heard about the light thing.
I hate blue spectrum and ultraviolet lights, and love dim environments for years.
It remind me a near complete joke told to me 15 years ago by another youth (back then) when he said to me referring to me that sunlight makes one fat.
He made a simple statistical experiment based on me, which he knew I hated sun, and may be a few others whom were not like me, and deduced jokingly (but not entirely) that sunlight makes one fat.
I tend to have periods when I sleep most day and awake all night, and now is such a period.
Despite having a sunny climate, worse than where you are, I see very little sunlight.
I also love my screens at their dimmest, except from when I watch certain movies or certain pictures.
Maybe in my dumb phone my screen is not at its dimmest, but then its dimmest is pretty dark, and I look at it for very short periods of time.