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RE: Elon's Salute

in #elon-musk2 months ago

It's painful to witness that nobody knows history anymore.
What are they even teaching in these schools?

Nowadays lots of people don't know anymore not only history, but also basic geography, math and logic. Everyone acts as an expert, but if you ask where a place is... they have no idea... if you talk about some crucial historical events, that shaped 3/4 of the world... still no idea... the basic principles of... something? nope, nothing, zero. And the sad thing is that often the yonger generations are those lacking most of this basic knowledge. Surely school is to blame, but school has never been perfect. Social platforms and parents who don't act anymore as parents are the two major problems, imho.


The scary part for me isn't lack of education, but the confidence some of these people have.
I don't even think people were more educated in the past. They just had a better understanding of their limitations, it seems.

Yeah, that's right: the less they know, the more they are unaware of that fact. Humility is no more a value. 90% of people are only interested in trying to appear better than they actually are, but can't care less of becoming better human being. Everyone's already perfect and none can't say something different.