Elon's Salute

in #elon-musk2 months ago (edited)

When I first heard that Elon "did the Nazi salute", I thought it was fake news by the German media again. Then I saw it.

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There are 2 explanations for this and both are bad.


He did not know what he was doing.
That would make him an idiot.
Someone who is dumb and doesn't even know it.


He knew what he was doing.
People say it was a "Roman salute"...
What do these people think the Hitler salute was?

Know your history

It's painful to witness that nobody knows history anymore.
What are they even teaching in these schools?

Hitler was immitating (trying to revive) the Roman Empire.
And that was official. But you could also look at the architecture, banners, etc.

Some weeks ago, Elon Musk met with Alice Weidel of the German AfD (right-wing political German party) on Twitter live. There, Weidel said Hitler was a socialist and everybody lost their shit about it.
Yet, he clearly was.

It's in the name.
NSDAP: Natinoally Socialistic Worker's Party (of Germany)

The party ran on slogans like: "Junkerland in Baurenhand" (Noble's properties for farmers)
Which is clearly Socialist.
The whole NSDAP was running as a worker movement.
Sure it was Socialism with a 'German flavour' and without the endgoal of global Communism, but still: clearly socialist.

Then, a German history Youtuber, who has really good takes usually, went on to say that Hitler had more in common with Stalin than with the Italian Faschists.
Bro... the Italian Faschists were Socialist, too. So either way, he was left.
The Italians invented Faschism* as a flavour of Socialism.

Where Socialists aimed to "collecitivize" the means of production, leaving economical decisions to the politicians, the Faschist's idea was to bring politics and the big industrialists together;
Both aiming at a planned, centralized economy.
Clearly Socialist as well.

If that wasn't enough, Hitler was hated by the right wing: Hindenburg refused to make him chancellor and only hesitantly did so months later to prevent a civil war.

*I am aware that 'Faschism' has a different meaning these days, but there lies the problem, exactly.


Nobody seems to know anymore, what the words mean.
The definitions change every year.

We have reached a point, where people seem confused about what a 'woman' is.

We may have reached peak retardation.

I just hope that some day people will look back at this shit and call our epoche the 'second dark age' or something, because this is just dark and sad.
The ignorance is hurting me.

Can we just go back to Locke and the ideas of the French revolution? (Good, simnple Liberalism)
I think that was good enough.

And no, not 'Capitalism'. THAT'S NOT EVEN A THING.
I wrote a post about that, too. But only few people read it and the ones who left comments were idiots, too.

Rant over. I am so done.
I need a drink.


My take: he was probably carried away and forgot he was on national TV, maybe. I'm not sure

I'd say that's category 1:

He's an idiot.
It's like the worst gesture he could have made in the western world.

I understand, but then it's probably still a mystery why he chose to do that

My take: he's autistic and got carried away. He doesn't have the full control over his emotions that career politicians have. I'm a bit autistic as well, I get carried away and get easily angry and all worked out.

What he did there hurt Trump, the American people and even the German AfD.
He should:

  • apologize
  • stay out of the public

That type/degree of autism is dangerous.

Some form of brain disorder is a good explanation for how he rejoices much like a child would, without any restrains. Maybe the same brain disorder (if that's the case) allows him to be so efficient and bold in his work, often at the borderline between science and fiction.

It's painful to witness that nobody knows history anymore.
What are they even teaching in these schools?

Nowadays lots of people don't know anymore not only history, but also basic geography, math and logic. Everyone acts as an expert, but if you ask where a place is... they have no idea... if you talk about some crucial historical events, that shaped 3/4 of the world... still no idea... the basic principles of... something? nope, nothing, zero. And the sad thing is that often the yonger generations are those lacking most of this basic knowledge. Surely school is to blame, but school has never been perfect. Social platforms and parents who don't act anymore as parents are the two major problems, imho.

The scary part for me isn't lack of education, but the confidence some of these people have.
I don't even think people were more educated in the past. They just had a better understanding of their limitations, it seems.

Yeah, that's right: the less they know, the more they are unaware of that fact. Humility is no more a value. 90% of people are only interested in trying to appear better than they actually are, but can't care less of becoming better human being. Everyone's already perfect and none can't say something different.

Musk must've known just what he's doing. he's no idiot.. that is clear. 😎👊