
Hunh. Well, okay. Wouldn't want to be 'uncommon' or 'extraordinary' here. :) Thank you!

Certainly not - keep with the sheepies :D

Oh I think you may be extraordinary no matter what 😉 Not often we see anyone who makes comments longer than most posts.
Hope the wife is doing well. Watch out for the after effects of that anaesthesia. My hubs was downright nutty for at least a day.

Hey, @headchange.

If you put it that way... :)

There's actually a few of us around. And I seem to bring out the 'extraordinary' in people when they're answering me, so I find that both encouraging and humorous, especially when they're telling me in the reply that they can never think of anything to say. :)

I do appreciate the kind words.

My wife is doing pretty good, I think. She doesn't appear to have any bleeding anywhere and the pain she said is around a six, but mostly when she's moving around. She's got the 'old lady' gait going, which is kind of funny to watch.

She hasn't had any residuals from the general anaesthesia. She's slower than I'm used to seeing her move, and she gets tired quicker, but she's already tired of lying down so we've got her propped up in a chair in the upstairs bonus room watching Hallmark channel. :)

Well if you are going to be going around "bringing out the extraordinary in people" Maybe we should all just tag along with that plan.
Bless her heart! Well the worst should be over at least she is home safe.