Where do your up-votes come from? / Which 'class' of user votes on your content?

in #engagement7 years ago (edited)

On Monday and Tuesday, I produced 50+ custom (not custard) pie charts for visitors to a similar post - It's the other way around today as the query looks at which 'class' of user has upvoted you in 2018.


The first post was met with a really good response and it was the 2nd most commented on post of the day. Although, the 3+ hours I spent replies probably helped with that.

here, who also asked the following in their post:Some users took their pies home and produced a post showing their gift. Those people included @macoolette


I dare say it is possible :D

The classes are organised as follows:

ClassSteem Power
Redfish or Smaller< 500
Minnow> 499 & < 5000
Dolphin> 4999 & < 50000
Orca> 49999 & < 500000
Whale> 499999

Your pie chart will look something like this:


  • The data is taken from 1st January 2018 to present
  • The percentage represents the total votes received from each 'class'
  • If the account was a Minnow when the voted for you in January but is now a Dolphin, this vote will be grouped into the Dolphin 'class'
  • Vote weight is not taken into consideration
  • Only up-votes are included

Over 80% of my votes come from Minnows or smaller. I suspect that if I was more focused on myself and not the community, the % of dolphins supporting me would be larger as I looked to trade votes with them. On the other hand, the vast majority of accounts are 'Redfish or smaller', and so it makes sense to receive the majority of votes from this class.

As of about half an hour ago, this is the state of play with regards to account classes:

Redfish or smaller110700299.067%

(4 more Dolphins and 5 more minnows than Monday)

Who wants (another) a pie chart?




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Hello, I want also to know the numbers related to me, but tell me please what tool you are using to count that, and how to join @steemcommunity ? The discord link that I found was expired, I'm curating a community called @dcooperation and I need support for it.

Almost missed you due to the gentlebot vote - seems your luck is in :D

A fairly standard chart.

I'm glad about that, I like @gentlebot , it's a good idea to upvote good comments. I like the number of minnows upvoting me, because I'm a minnow as well and I'm happy that I could support them somehow, that's why they are supporting me in return. But fishies seems also to like my content because I try to be helpful to everybody. But I miss whales, I need to learn about what they exactly need to make them notice me as well. Thanks for this nice analysis, I hope to check this in a few months to see the change. ☺

I love these post of yours. It would like to see my chart.

Thanks for the support with this posts!

Huge Redfish support for you, I'm wondering if it's time to look up a bit more?


I am not surprised by that at all. I run allot of promos directed at helping Redfish accounts like myself. Thanks allot for the chart and the link to the post. I been trying to look up .. its hard to grow on here without investment but I think its important that its proved that it can be done as I believe its important to the over-all success of Steemit.

I think its important that its proved that it can be done as I believe its important to the over-all success of Steemit.

I agree. If it was shown to be a fruitless exercise then retention would be very very poor. Cheers!

Another great 'project'! Can I have mine? :)

First here!

I'll need to see more to make any kind of assessment, pop back later to compare your pie with others :)

Thank you! I've expected it's going to look like this :) I'm active on the platform for just little over 3 months and most of my contacts are red fish. Hopefully there will be a bigger minnow part soon :)

I would expect to see that as your account grows, the %'s move around slightly towards the bigger fish. Of course, you may need to lay some bait for this to happen though :)


I’ve seen delish’s work over at NRD. She has been curie’d 6-7 times in her short time here. I think she will be fine. It’s our Steemit rants and lists that receives small support. 😉

Very cool :)

I like my small support!

I'm sorry for a silly question @beeyou but what is NRD? :)

Oh yes, I'm so grateful for those curie upvotes! I'm not sure if there were 6 or 7 but there were quite a few and they always made my day :)

Edit: It clicked now! Newbieresteemday! :)

Hi sorry to butt in. Bee always makes replies but you may forget your question by then 😉
I believe she is referring to the newbie resteem day.
Which reminds me I owe them a visit.
Hope your arm is healing well.

Well that is also interesting.
So show me your magic Asher!

Will do Peter!

Looks like some reasonable Dolphin support coming in, will need to see more charts to spot a trend though. Cheers!

Let's see if I can get a nice predominately purple one again @abh1235.

Please. 😁

haha :) The colours seem to have a mind of their own but i'll try!

A big splash of yellow today sorry! 3 different charts so far, interesting!

Hmmm. Now if we could expand that purple into the cream slice I'd be well away. I did say I wanted purple. Maybe it's a sign. 😂 😂 😂

Thank you kind sir.

Just scaredly asked for the first pie with crema batida but now that I asked that first one could you please send this one too. Scared i was already so HIT ME UP 😬😬

:D Did I reply yet or was it in the last 10 mins? Let's see...

Everyone's charts are different so far, very cool!

This is the first pie you delivered,
I am loved by the reds and the smallows
Thanks for this one

I have a post out a few days ago, comment over there for the reverse pie :D

I did this morning

Sorry, yes you did. Having trouble keeping up and the charts on the other post have the wrong title today (same as this title :( )

No worries Thanks for the pies

I have a basic idea on what my numbers will be but it would be nice to see an accurate one.

Show me the numbers!!! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Will do!

The Red fishes love you :D

I think I have 97% violet !
Please, show mine as well
Good post and work

Let's have a look....

Still a bit early to assess based on the others, check back in later to compare :D

Thanks mate!

Bet mine matches the other pretty close. These should be fun to look at.
Please do lets have a look.

Alright let's see :)

Very much alike!

Thank you. I believe my thoughts from last time were right. Wouldn't hurt to keep an eye open for a few good dolphin and orca.

For sure. Got to look up as well as down :)


Thank you! The comments on that one were pretty good too. It is good to see my minnow friends discussing these things. I am very low on the food chain.
It is my hope that those one step up grow and prosper. We will see if the trickle down theory plays out here :)

Nice balance @headchange! Have you done a post showing the two different pies? I'm sure you can make it amusing..... We also start low on the food chain but you are slowly growing. Eat plenty plankton little fishie ;) And as Asher says "look up and down" and I think it was @lynncoyle1 or @simplymike who said "look sideways"!!

Thank you! Yes we are both coming along nicely for sure.
I actually did think about doing that post (how did you know that) I got another of those comedy nominations.
With all that looking around up and down and sidewards we are going to strain our necks. 😊

Wish it was me, but that sounds like @simplymike:) If she says no, than yes, it was totally me with that bit of wisdom haha

Nice pie @headchange!!

Hi Asher. Would be great to see the pie and have a fair idea I think.

One pie coming right up!

Not too dissimilar to your out-going votes, sounds reasonable to me :)

Thanks Asher. Almost identical.

That would make sense I think. My pleasure :)

I'm suspecting the majority of my votes comes from reddish and minnows?

Let's have a look if you are correct...

Spot on! Did you get the chart the other day on your out-going votes? Comment on that post if you wish, it could be interesting to compare :)

Yeah I did! Can I use these graphs for a post if I give credit to you?

Of course you can, thanks very much!

hey @abh12345 i have no idea, how can i get it?

Like that :)

You are quite new (welcome!) and so there isn't that many votes to assess - early support vastly in favor of the small fish, as one would predict I think.

can I get one please?


Interesting early support from Orca and Whale accounts - perhaps via pay for vote or a trail?

No, not at all. I haven't pay for any upvote or a trail--i don't even know what that is to be honest. I just comment a lot and most of them upvote my comments.

the thing is I followed some of thesd guys on my previous account (@nonz) which I lost access to. So all I did when I created this new account was to follow them again. and I kept doing what I have always done, engage.

Fair enough. Well whatever you are doing I would suggest to continue :)

thank you, I sure will

Me please! I imagine it is also mostly from minnows and smaller but an interesting thought is that the value of the vote is probably weighted towards dolphins and higher just because of how the rewards system works.

Yeah the weight (in $ terms) of the vote (not evaluated here but I plan to look at weight in %) will be coming from the larger accounts. Let's see...

Seems like a fairly even distribution of incoming votes in comparison to the numbers of each class we have.

That's an interesting information. I'd love to see mine if possible :)

Ok let's take a look...

Not sure how that compares to your out-going votes? Plenty of Redfish or smaller support for you :)

Thank you for this @abh12345! Now I have to look up these categories, since I'm not sure who's who. Ok, I know whales are "huge" :D but as you can see, I'm not an attractive dish :DD

They are in the post - but then you would need to go check wallets to find out who's who :)

I did scan through your content to find a photo of this dish but couldn't spot one :D

I'm a bit illiterate when it comes to these things because I judge users by their content and behavior, not by their wallet :)
No dish, no whales , right? :D

That makes sense. It could be worthwhile seeking a couple of larger fishes who do produce content you like though :)

Haha, maybe I should go fishing :)

Wow, that's great! Really now... where's my pie? 😃

Thanks for the idea!

One pie coming right up!

Similar to the other?

Yes, it is almost the same as the other chart. Thank you! 😊

High quality and well presented post. Red fish here, willing to give my vote to you sir.

Thank you kindly sir! Would you like some pie?

It's very tempting but I'm too new for a pie.

Ok then. I think your chart will not to so useful yet. Look out for more in the future :)

I want to know about my account.

Ok let's have a look...

This pattern is proving to be the most common.

Thank you dear! Whale don't upvote anyone except self voting or circle voting.

Who wants (another) a pie chart?

Me, please!!!! 😎

Alright then :)

A common pattern compared to others I think, makes sense!

I would love a slice of your frankly delicious pie.

Certainly sir :)

Not many here that can say 1% is coming from the Whales, good stuff!

It says a lot that i'm lucky to get 1% of my votes from whales and that is an exception to the general rule around here.

Hi Ash, can I take a look at my pie today please? I was a bit embarrassed to ask on Monday as I have a pretty good idea what it would have looked like.... Thanks a lot.

Btw, I think I was one of the 4 that jumped across since Monday ^_^

Hey :) So this one is votes coming in, Mondays was your votes out.

Quite a high % of votes coming from Dolphins, good for you :)

Thanks for sending my pie

the reverse side of yesterday's question:)
Looking at other people's charts I can conclude that "red fish and smaller" is the most active class in terms of voting. How about pie chart for me?

Yes, they vastly out-wiegh the other classes in numbers, so i would expect to see this class as the most common.

Enough Whale votes to reach 1%, lucky you!

There is no secret here - just a few contributions via Utopian and posting with eSteem (guaranteed upvotes from devs)

May I have mine please if you have the time? I bet our graphs would all look different if you accounted for voting weight. There are many individuals following a curation trail at a small percentage. I know my graph would probably show dolphin (you and Matt) as the big percentage if voting weight was taken into consideration.

Of course :) And the weight charts for both will be coming soon - when everyone has recovered from all this pie - including myself!

I think this pattern (and perhaps rightly so) is proving to be the most common.

Will be looking forward to the weighted charts too! My payouts are mostly me just relying on platform votes so I'm expecting it will be dominated mostly by Dolphins :)

Thank you @abh12345! I look forward to the weighted pie chart posts. Of course, when you have time. I know these queries take time. I hope you have a great day!

Ohhh, does this mean I can make a set of bookends? I feel like I almost need to see my chart....please?

Sure you can, with all this pie you might need a couple yourself :P

I think this pattern shows where you focus you time. I've been adding this link to those whose charts look like this.


With a caveat that as long as you are happy and progressing, you can completely ignore this advice :)

Thanks Asher. I think sometimes I tend to forget/not bother voting on bigger fish as my tiny votes get lost among the bigger players, whereas they possibly offer more positive reinforcement to smaller fish. Particularly when they can use @dustsweeper to make sure that the votes aren't going to waste.

Wonder if I can see mine?Hey these are great charts @abh12345

Thanks very much for saying so @mindtrap :D

This pattern seems the most common for sure. Cheers!

Damn...not even one whale vote :P
Just kidding. Thanks so much buddy

INTERESTING, as always. Do you mind if I get a pie also? And as always thanks for what you do. And, I think it speaks volumes with your level of reputation, that most of your support comes from us small guys. I truthfully, think that is something you should be proud of. Because as you say you are focused on the community and not just getting votes. 👍👍

Thanks John, that's very kind :) Forgive me the 'shitpost', the replies to this and the ones the other take many hours, but I'm happy to offer something of interest to the community :)

Huge amount of support coming from the little guys :)

I've been dropping this link into the replies of others where this has been the case.


Of course, you can completely ignore this as long as you are happy :D

oh go on then, show me mine

Find it yourself :P

This pattern, as you may expect, is turning out to be the most popular :)

I want mine with onions, mushrooms and chocolate.

Seems like a weird combo but as you wish buddy!

Seems not to be too out of the ordinary and what I'd expect for a community leader :)

Can I have some pie, please?

More pie for you sir!

Fairly standard stuff in relation to the rest, not a bad thing at all :)

Pies, pies everywhere! Just my kind of place... I would like a slice please if your fingers aren’t too numb yet sir. :D

If i didn't get so many Pie requests I could work on this video :P

ooo, check you out with the Whales dropping by!

Well stop offering people pie and they will stop asking for it :P

I mean, who turns down pie!? Get on the video...

Thanks for the visual, interesting to see... and I don’t know about those whales, must have been drunk curating or something...

not started yet :P

I think they were sober and loved your content! (I suspect a certain curie trail vote is key here)

My guess here is mine will have plenty of redfish and minnows, but what I'm wondering mostly about is the percentages of the higher SP. So, if you wouldn't mind working your magic for mine, I would greatly appreciate it. :)

No problem Glen..

The most common pattern I think.

Hunh. Well, okay. Wouldn't want to be 'uncommon' or 'extraordinary' here. :) Thank you!

Certainly not - keep with the sheepies :D

Oh I think you may be extraordinary no matter what 😉 Not often we see anyone who makes comments longer than most posts.
Hope the wife is doing well. Watch out for the after effects of that anaesthesia. My hubs was downright nutty for at least a day.

Hey, @headchange.

If you put it that way... :)

There's actually a few of us around. And I seem to bring out the 'extraordinary' in people when they're answering me, so I find that both encouraging and humorous, especially when they're telling me in the reply that they can never think of anything to say. :)

I do appreciate the kind words.

My wife is doing pretty good, I think. She doesn't appear to have any bleeding anywhere and the pain she said is around a six, but mostly when she's moving around. She's got the 'old lady' gait going, which is kind of funny to watch.

She hasn't had any residuals from the general anaesthesia. She's slower than I'm used to seeing her move, and she gets tired quicker, but she's already tired of lying down so we've got her propped up in a chair in the upstairs bonus room watching Hallmark channel. :)

Well if you are going to be going around "bringing out the extraordinary in people" Maybe we should all just tag along with that plan.
Bless her heart! Well the worst should be over at least she is home safe.

Lets check this interesting stuff too :D

Sure :)

Quite an even spread amonst the 3 main classes - good dolphin fishing :)

Can I see mine please Asher?
Thank you 🔆

Hey @barge, certainly!

A huge % coming from the Redfish or lower - possibly the largest of all charts produced so far.

I will again drop this link in, as I've done for others which a vast majority of support coming from this class.


Of course, you can completely ignore this as long as you are happy :)

Many thanks Asher, and I get what you are saying. Quote from you linked post: "but if you have not got your support network in place, this is going to impact the growth of your account."

This is something I've thought about, and might get round to posting about in greater detail. Basically, I will happily engage, but am not drawn to the hard-work of networking. I don't like to feel obliged to do something, would rather liberate action from the psychological obligation to scratch another's back once they had done mine, or in hope of having mine done :D. Crypto ends not justified by all means!

Your points about account growth are valid of course. Thing is, once crypto starts shooting (do we doubt that it will?), there will be so much floating around that I ask myself what does it matter if I have a 10 foot pile and all around are mile high piles, when a few millimeters takes care of all my needs. It reduces to the fundamental blockchain (and life?) question - 'why am I here?' - the old game of 'scarcity', or something else within an ecosystem of 'abundance'? I admit I've been in an echo chamber of sorts with regard to account SP growth, and, now that I've been able to purchase a few 100 steem, feel even more secure and blinkered LOL.

Please don't think from the above casual (?) approach to a/c growth that your delegation to me is wasted. Ever since receiving it, I have felt a (nice, warm, fuzzy :) sense of 'duty' to spread it around, and have been more active on Steemit in curating than before! It is yours to take back at any time of course, gratefully received and happily returned whenever the time comes.

I'm looking forward to seeing the other side of this (vegetarian/vegan I hope) pie :D

Understood, and I don't think that my delegation is going to waste at all. I appreciate your non-backscratching casual approach :)

Well done for collecting a bit more SP of your own, keep the faith - blinkers on!

Man if its not too late, then I would love to see the voting percentage distribution for my content.

Sure :)

This one is interesting!

Plenty of support coming from Dolphins. Perhaps ssg and your relatively short time here have helped with that?

Yeah that's true. Also that a lot of my upvotes come from the upvoted comments and I follow a lot of Dolphins :-)

Thanks man!

I must have fallen below 70% VP because steemauto didn't upvote you :( This time, "it" shit the bed lol (i'm gonna keep that one going for a while)

I read through alllllll of these comments, man there's a lot of them!, and a seeing a definite pattern, and I see that you're trying to get some other work done too, so, whenever you have time, absolutely no rush, I'd love to see mine. Wow...that was a long-winded sentence :)

Sorry if I sent more traffic to your other pie post too. Oopsie. In my own good-egg-way, I offered up your services. My bad. Looks like I shat the bed there lol

I did wonder this morning if it was you sending more pie requests that way, i'm still catching up!

This is the general theme, and probably what most accounts should expect, big or small. Seems you didn't shit the bed at all here :D

Yeah, sorry, it was me!

I like this pie too. Thank you so much Asher :)

It's a fun saying, right??haha

I like this pie... Yes it is :D

When you find time, I would love to see mine! Thank you so much for these great charts.

Let's see if you have some big 🐟 voting for you :)

Might happen if you work hard enough and can show some loyalty!

I'm trying!

You are the perfect whale vote candidate!!

Aww, thank you Melinda, you're too nice to me 😘🤗

It's my pleasure, it seems the demand for Pie is still high!

Quite similar to most, I think it's what we should expect :)

You are the best pie baker that I ever met! Thank you.

I would love it. I suspect my percentage of dolphin votes is going to be higher than what I give dolphins percentage wise, but it will be interesting to see.

Let's have a look...

Got plenty of pies still to go, so i'll leave you to do the comparison :)

I guess it is because of power downs, A few of the dolphins are minnows now that used to vote for me, still do when I leave a comment on their post, but those have been lacking lately, guess I know why now. Must be some perceived greener pastures somewhere else.

Get me this one too, @abh12345. Thanks for the good work.

Sure :)

Plenty of Redfish support - makes sense on the numbers and is similar to many pies before.

Almost a mirror of the previous pie, the out-going vote one. I have to say they have been very helpful. Thanks.

I hadn't realized that you put out a follow up one. I'd love to know where my votes are coming from! Pretty please! :)

I can't refuse more Pie, and it seems others are in the same boat :)

A different chart to most, Minnows leading your support and a fair slice from the Dolphins - good!

Thank you! I figured that a lot of my support was from the smaller accounts. It seems that was correct. The Dolphin votes help. I'm not sure where the Orca ones are coming from. I figure I would have remembered that. Ha ha.

Thanks for letting know who I am voting for. When you have a chance, I would appreciate knowing who is voting for me. Thanks!

My pleasure, let's take a look...

This seems to be the most common pattern :)

Pie Chart is really effective and really productive for the Data Analysis, this extra effort is really appreciable.@abh12345, For sure this

And yes, in my opinion in Steem Economy most of the engagement percentages will going to hold by the planktons and minnows because they want to develop more Audience.

Minnows and Planktons striving hard to attain next levels means MINNOWS - DOLPHINS and PLANKTONS - MINNOWS.

I just want to know how we can get the data of most characters entered into the Blockchain by particular individuals.

Keep up and wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Thanks very much for the kind comments @chireerocks, let's take a look at your incoming votes Pie:

Compared to most, a high % of Dolphin support - good for you!

Oh, thank you so much for this additional effort and this pie chart is really awesome. Stay blessed. 🙂

Please show me my data!

Will do :D

A reasonable amount of Dolphin support, good!

I wouldn't be surprised if you are the 22% all by yourself 😀

Pie chart, please :0)
Although I suspect it will look almost exactly as the previous one. Since I'm completely focused on helping red fish and minnows to grow their accounts, I barely have contact with dolphins and orcas , let alone whales. If I would, I'm sure my reputation score would go up a lot faster... ;0)

I like the hypothesis, let's have a look :)

Spot on with your assessment @simplymike. Potentially time to focus a little more on 'looking up', whilst not forgetting your bread and butter :)

Nothing I didn't know before...
It would be a lot better for my account if I looked up a little more often. The thing is that I'm easily intimidated, and I'm very often short for words communicating with the bigger guys.
Also, I lack lot of knowledge that would give me the ability to write about stuff that would be appreciated by the people with a bigger account - very often I don't even understand what some of them.are talking about, lol.

Not only am I teacher - trained to pass on the little knowledge I gather myself to teenagers , or people who don't have that knowledge yet - I also lack the self esteem to.put myself out there.

Hahah, still got a lot of work to do :0)

However I think that we can support you and your activity also showing our will and our great gratitude for your job asking a personal pie chart: so can you calcolare mine, please?
Thank you!Hello @abh12345. First of all I would like saying thank you for your great support for the community. I am really glad for you help, but at the same time I am Sorry that youdo not dedicate, maybe, enough time for your same account.

Thanks @moncia90 :)

Without the engagement in my replies my account would unlikely be where it is at, so while I don't have as much time as some to Post, I appreciate how busy my replies feed is.

1% Whale votes, this is uncommon in the charts so far :)

Thank you very much for my pie-chart. If you give me permission I would like to promote it in a my next post.
I have had support from utopian, that is the whale who votes me 1%.

Hey Asher, id love to see my chart please. It all looks very interesting. Any chance I could also get my other one, the way I vote?

Sure :) Did you comment on the other post? I still have a bunch to do over there but need to change the Pie chart title so would prefer to get all these done first.

This seems to be the most common pattern, not a bad thing at all :)

@abh12345 No I didn't comment on the other one, I will now so you don't forget :D It trips me out that the colours keep changing for the groups on the charts, as in on one redfish are red on the other redfish are green etc.

Give it to me baby! This will be interesting..

Will do!

The most common arrangement, makes sense with regards to the number of accounts in each class :)

Interesting...Don't really know how to interpret it in the overall scheme of things, but definitely worthy of digging up the individual stats!

I was already wondering whether this one would come as well. Is it based on the amount of votes or the value of the votes?
Would be great to see how this turns out for me.

I'm a predictable kinda guy :)

More support from Dolphins than Minnows, interesting one!

Thanks! I guess that has to do with services such as SBI and Stax.

Yes if you have community account votes coming in, that will certainly help boost this %.

I want one!

One Pie for Cork coming right up....

It's the most common pattern, perhaps would have expected a higher % coming from Dolphins.

I'm not surprised, you and I both know what the daily actives look like anyway. Thanks for this!

Please.. bring me my pie 😂 you're amazing, after the tables now the chart.

aww, thanks! Here you are:

The vast majority of your support is from the smallest account - this is probably what you expected and not uncommon.

Thanks again @abh12345.. you're right😉 this is what I expected.. support from my fellow planktons to build a community and grow together with them.

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